"Gunner, HEAT, PC!"

Aurabesh text on the wrapper reads: [WRITE THE CONTENT OF THE TEXT HERE]

- Intent: To create a nerve soothing, and combat capability enhancing stimulant for the vehicle crews of the Imperial Army’s ground branch, disguised as a dark chocolate bar.
- Image Source: Black Ops Coffee
- Image Edit Credit: All credit goes to
Vargr for editing the original image!
- Canon Link: Stimulant
- Permissions: [TBD]
- Primary Source: Methamphetamine.
- Name: The Crewman’s Delight
- Manufacturer: [TBD]
- Affiliation: The Empire
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Modularity: No. It’s a dark chocolate bar, for God’s sake.
- Production: Minor
- Material: 70% Cocoa solids, cocoa butter and sugar, various food additives and preservatives, combat capability enhancing stimulant
- Classification: Dark Chocolate Bar. (Combat Drug/Stimulant)
- Method of Consumption: Oral.
- Average Life: 72 Hours upon consumption (3 Days).
- Shelf Life: 2 Years (If unopened, and stored properly).
- Nutritional Value: 604 calories. 7.87 g of protein. 43.06 g of fat.
- Allergies/Side Effects: [TBD]
- Purpose: To provide a combat capability enhancing stimulant for the vehicle crews of the Imperial Army’s ground branch.
- [TBD]
- Increased Situational Awareness: During testing, test subjects under the effects of the consumable -most glaringly displayed in subjects assigned to an armored vehicle as a Vehicle Commander, Vehicle Driver and Vehicle Gunner- have been observed to display an enhanced situational awareness during battlefield scenarios, granting the aforementioned crews in their assigned roles to not only perfectly act in unison as if they shared the same body and mind, but also granting them the ability to detect a target and acquire sight on said target far more quicker than their accustomed, unenhanced combat capabilities.
- Faster Movement: During testing, test subjects under the effects of the consumable -most glaringly displayed in subjects assigned to an armored vehicle as a Vehicle Loader- have been observed to display not only an increase in vigor and a general lack of fatigue, but also have been observed to show an impactful increase of agility, allowing subjects under the influence of the consumable to perform actions faster.
- Sharper Mind: During testing, test subjects under the effects of the consumable -most glaringly displayed in subjects assigned to an armored vehicle as a Vehicle Commander- have been observed to not only display an exceedingly sharp tactical acumen during battlefield scenarios, but also have been observed to execute even the most improvised battle plan near flawlessly.
- Calming: Albeit certain subjects under the effects of the potent drug have been observed to not fully benefit from its mind soothing nature, many test subjects have reported a certain calmness settling in. The consumable has been observed to replace the feelings of dread, depression and fear with serenity; coupled with the mind sharpening effect of the consumable, vehicle crews have been observed to take action far more swiftly and efficiently.
- Highly Addictive: During testing, it has been discovered that consuming merely a single bar of the dark chocolate is enough to get someone hooked onto it, due to the highly addictive nature of the substances utilized in the making of the consumable, particularly the ingredients used to enhance combat effectiveness.
- Excessive Fatigue: During testing, the consumable has been observed to cause excessive exhaustion lasting up to twenty-four (24) to thirty-six (36) hours on the crews affected by the consumable, once the effects of the consumable subsides. During this period, if the crews that once were under the stimulating effects of the consumable were to remain unattended or untreated by field medics to counteract the negative side effects of the consumable, a significant reduction in combat effectiveness of the crews would become glaringly obvious.
- Mildly Hallucinogenic: During testing, although uncommon for the most part, certain test subjects have been observed to report contacts of varying nature (Mostly classified as either “Enemy” or “Unknown”) even though the aforementioned contacts were never a part of the simulated combat drills.
- Schizophrenia: During testing, albeit in rare cases, the consumable has been observed to cause mild to severe cases of schizophrenia upon regular consumption. It is currently theorized that this rather rare happenstance stems from the consumable's mildly hallucinogenic properties; for health and safety reasons, it is advised to keep consumption of the consumable to a minimum.
- Difficult to Acquire: With health and safety concerns for the crews in mind, it is an uncommon sight for these consumables to be distributed by quartermasters; it is even a rarer sight to see them in the possession of Imperial Army personnel that are not of the vehicle crews of the Army’s ground branch.

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