The way the figure casually leaped from one building to another demanded a certain level of esteem from its fellow nocturnals. Even during the night, there was no peace, no harmony. Just the eternal honking of horns and whispers of prattle. Sliding down a broken and slanted gutter the figure darted across the sky its star-like eyes gazing at the bustling street below as the light from nearby billboards opposed the dark silhouette.
Landing on a small three-story building the figure overlooked a dark alley torn by shattered glass bottles and what was (most likely) a drunkard. At the end of the small crevice was a large metal door, pristine and out of place.
Navigating through a field of refuse the cloaked figure approached the door a small green hand reaching for the door before a pair of eyes gazed through a small slit built into the door. "Card." Silently the figure reached into their cloak and retrieved an onyx business card with shining red text. A small table slid out from the door on which the figure placed the card only for it to be swallowed by the abyss inside. From what they could tell the lights were off save for a dim one most likely in the center of the room. With a loud creak, the door opened beckoning the small figure to step inside the dank-smelling chamber.
Under a small lightbulb was a well-dressed man bloodied and battered as he laid limp, bound in his wooden seat. Flanking the man were two men in large fur coats and gas masks carrying high powered rifles of sorts. From the shadows emerged a tall man in silver armor shrouded by a black cloak with orange highlights. The most jarring thing about him was the long plague mask covering his face and distorting his voice as he stepped forward. "You're the scout my men hired yes? I have faith that you have what I've asked for?" As the figure stood mere inches away the smell of dried blood became evident as it forced its way up one's nostrils. "Hatred can be found in a great many things. One of them being disappointment." The man stretched his hand out his fingers curling expectantly.
"So don't be the spark to ignite the tinder. Less you be turned to ashes." Brushing off the man's odd comment the emerald-skinned woman placed a small data chip in her employer's hand an unbearable hollow feeling washing over her immediately after. It was cold and tiring, like having your very soul ripped away from you. Inserting the chip into a small projector blue light filled the small empty room. There was an image of a crimson moon above a cliffside overlooking a lake. The moon was just to the side of the cliff almost at its fullest as it headed towards its apogee.
"Now I understand..." The man clutched a small artifact in his hands its golden appendages almost in the form of an insect as he clamped it to his neck. "Prepare for a voyage! We head for Odryn at dawn!" Turning on his heel Ravenous dissolved into the shadows once more leaving his green-skinned benefactor to her untimely demise.
Tonight I rest. Tomorrow I awaken what has longed slumbered...