As they reached the top of the steps, the Forge came into sight. It was truly an ancient machine and as they approached, the intricate carvings on the stone glowed blue, no doubt Force-sensitive.
Nubica had read and re-read the manual on what to do and was broadly confident of success. For to plan to fail was not a Jedi trait.
So she stood in front of the machine and removed the bag from her pocket that contained all of the elements she required to construct her saber. She listed them in her head and checked them off from the components laid out in front of her. Her beam crystal – the present from her Master, a blade-emitter matrix, various dials, a blade length adjuster, a lens assembly, a hand grip, an activation stud, a power conduit, a belt ring, a safety switch, a recharge socket, casing, a sensor array, a recognition chip, a blade lock, a beckon call.
But first she had to imbue the crystal with the Force – and it was one she knew had already been part of another saber, so she went slowly…carefully. She closed her eyes, held the crystal in her open hands and recited the code:
“The crystal is the heart of the blade
The heart is the crystal of the Jedi
The Jedi is the crystal of the Force
The Force is the blade of the heart
All are intertwined
The crystal, the blade, the Jedi
We are one”
She repeated this over and over. On occasions she was so at one with the Force that she lost track of time.
Opening her eyes once more she knew the crystal was ready.
Slowly, carefully and methodically she began to assemble the sabre. She closed her eyes and meditated. She used her Telekinetic powers to lift all of the components into the air. She detached one half of the hilt and attached the power conduit. Then she connected the recharge socket to the power conduit. Aware she was no longer breathing, she practiced Breath Control for a few moments before entering into a Moving Meditative state – allowing the Force to flow through her.
Once calmed and at one with the Force, she connected the emitter matrix to the power conduit and then attach an activation stud to the emitter matrix and slotted it under the casing. Next she added a blade length adjuster to the emitter matrix.
The schematics then called for her to place the lens assembly with the crystal between the emitter matrix and power conduit before adding the safety switch and blade dial. Finally she added the sensor array, recognition chip (already set for her own DNA and midi-chlorian count) and the remaining parts. She then sealed the lightsaber and attached the belt ring.
Once more she spoke the code:
“The crystal is the heart of the blade
The heart is the crystal of the Jedi
The Jedi is the crystal of the Force
The Force is the blade of the heart
All are intertwined
The crystal, the blade, the Jedi
We are one.”
[member="Varus Shatterstar"]