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Private The Crystal Thief

Location: Exegol|Outfit|Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

A battered Tribune-class light freighter barreled toward the stormy surface of Exegol, until it became a black dot lost in a swirling sea of gray.

A person only found planets like Exegol through the cold teachings of a Sith Master, or - if you worked hard enough - a certain Hutt on hiding out on Lothal who couldn’t resist a strong brandy.

The Twi’lek at the helm of this ship had taken the second approach, and now her eyes were softened by a smile. Even if she found the crystals that grew from this planet, there was a good chance they would not yield to her magick. But at least she would have the opportunity to browse them.

The Akbar dropped through the twisting maze of sand and settled onto the dusty earth of the planet. Allora spent some time pulling a red bandanna over her mouth and nose to protect them from Exegol’s perpetual sandstorms, her lekku swinging with the movements, and strapped a backpack across her top, which was filled with glow-rods.

She lowered her head and moved into the sandstorm as the ramp unfolded, the sounds of her boots drowned out by the howl of the winds.

She raised one arm to shield herself and used the other to light a rod, which burned with an eerie blue light in the shadows that danced over Exegol’s plains. If the Hutt had not lied - and she had taken certain measures to ensure he did not lie - she was a mere hundred meters from a network of crystal caves the Sith had once used thousands upon thousands of years ago.

Allora grunted quietly and closed her eyes to move forward. She would allow the Force to lead her the rest of the way. It was, after all, the only way a witch of her standing would be able to convince a crystal meant for Sith Lords to join her side.

The lightwhip dangled at her belt, still devoid of the kyber that would make it a lethal weapon - but not for much longer…

Allora reached the cave in a handful of minutes, feeling its presence like a cold rainfall among the sand. It stood out sharply, a black mountain among gray mist.

Then, suddenly, her glow-rod burned out.

She glanced down and saw a stone face, a crumpled arm, a torso half-buried in sand - a long-lost monument to a Sith she did not know. She gave it a wide berth, suddenly feeling uneasy, and removed the blaster pistol from her belt.

She lit another rod by smacking it against the cave entrance and proceeded further, her boots grounding the crust beneath her feet into fine bits. Soon her steps became hushed, and the howl of the wind ceased. Then there was only the sound of her breath, tight within her chest.

Several meters in a wet glisten caught her eye. With a grunt she hurled the rod through the air until it dropped down a small hill and tumbled away, stopping its roll when it became trapped among a sea of glass.

The blue light from the rod illuminated the cave -revealing to her a trove of clear crystals - easily more than a hundred.

Allora rested against the wall and smiled, her chest rising and falling as she took a pronounced breath and let it out through her lips. She closed her eyes and nodded once - thanking the Great Mothers - and then began the process of extending her mind outward, to reach out for just one crystal that might be agreeable.
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