The World Eater
Kyrel had been making more and more frequent trips to Coruscant testing with how much he could get away with. He had spent more and more time at the Galactic Museum, filling his need for knowledge as he spent night in day through every holobook, and every ancient text always wanting to learn more. But he was always watchful of his surroundings and wondered if the enemy would know who he was, or figure out he was here. Nonetheless, he was lucky that he had made it this far, and if anyone stood against him, they would indeed regret his wrath.
After a long day at the museum he had wandered into one of the more shadier cantinas ignoring the foul odor, and the shady looking patrons he just asked the bartender for a Corellian Whiskey and took a seat far away from the eyes of others, unknown of what would happen on this day, he just silently sat there drinking and surrounded himself in the dark.
After a long day at the museum he had wandered into one of the more shadier cantinas ignoring the foul odor, and the shady looking patrons he just asked the bartender for a Corellian Whiskey and took a seat far away from the eyes of others, unknown of what would happen on this day, he just silently sat there drinking and surrounded himself in the dark.