Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The dance of life and death

Blood, sweat, the roaring of the beasts and of the crowd – it was the music to which they danced. And the dance was sinister and beautiful at the same time.
A glistening oiled small and fast body, scarecly clad in light armor parts at arms and legs and a black furred lean and tall feline one, both dancing to the rhythm of the chanting rabble at the ranks above the fighting pit.
Both fighters were wielding humming vibro blades to fend off the attacking sibian hounds.

„Dogs against cats! The age old struggle!“ The voice of the arena master boomed overhead. „Who will win? The hungry sibian pack or the beastly Horansi catcreature and her beautiful but mad nearhuman partner Rabid Tooka?“

The roar of the crowd became deafening. The fight was getting worse. Soon hounds lay scatttered around, still bleeding from precise cuts to vital organs.


Panting and back to back – as back to back a two meter tall cat and a 0.5 meters shorter figure could stand - the two gladiators were victoriuos. They have survived another day in the fighting pits of the hutts.


The protocol droid translated the bubbling speech of the groteque slimy sluglike creature, lurking in the dark with glittering reptilian eyes and a wet giant tongue licking greedily over his huge lips: „His majesty Brodda the Hutt gives to you the honour to spend the night dancing for him as reward for your victory today!“
Monka who her slave owners only called „Mad Tooka“ screamed...

… and wakes screaming, finding herself shaking and covered in sweat on her own bed, in her own quarters, breathing heavily with tears streaming over her cheeks.

Catlike eyes opened in the dark of the bedroom.

„The dreaming again, Nkosi?“, purred the soft wispering voice of her Horansi friend. A padded hand reached out and lifted the disoriented dreamer into a comforting hug.
„Ghosts of the past and foes of the future. I will protect you from them as your Mbwana, soulmate – always!“

A sobbing nod was all the small vunerable figure could do, as she returned the embrace.

The red lights of the alarm suddenly sprang up and the monotone signal echoed through the lavish quarters. The voice of the bridge commander repeated a message:
„Emergancy return to realspace! Ship´s under attack! Enganging enemy in under 30 minutes! All combat personal to their stations! This is not a drill!“

Both so different sleepers jumped out of the bed and done their armor in a blink of an eye.

Soon the door opened with a hiss and the two imperial soldiers guarding it saluted, as the blackclad Lord Tooka, the hand of the princess, and her towering bodyguard in modified stormtrooper armor stormed out of their quarters. heading for the battle.

The dance of life and death began anew.

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