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Podrace The Dantooine Open [OOC Dice and Coordination]

This thread is pertaining to OOC coordination and official dice rolls for the Dantooine Open, Laps One through Three.

If you are looking for lap 1 of the Dantooine Open podrace, CLICK HERE

Or for
non-racing RP thread, CLICK HERE.

Racers! You may now roll for Lap Number One!
[You have until Tuesday February 4, 2025 Feb 10 to finish your dice roll(s).]
[You have until Feb 11, 2025 to post in the RP thread & apply any "crew corrections".]


POSITIONRACERCurrently Counted Roll
[1] Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano Start position
[2] Valery Noble Valery Noble Start position
[3] Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Start position
[4] Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Start position
[5] Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg Start position
[6] Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Start position
[7] Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Start position
[8] Mr. Usher Mr. Usher Start position
[9] Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar
Start position
[10] Eupheira Besserit Eupheira Besserit Start position


POSITIONRACERCurrently Counted Roll
[1] Azurine Varek Azurine Varek 17
[2] Valery Noble Valery Noble 15
[3] Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris 13
[4] Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik 4
[5] Mr. Usher Mr. Usher 3 (-1 Azurine Track Sabotage) (-1 Racer Sabotage) = 1
[6]Not yet rolled.
[7]Not yet rolled.
[8]Not yet rolled.
Not yet rolled.
[10]Not yet rolled.

Needs to roll:
Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar
Eupheira Besserit Eupheira Besserit
Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg
Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano


Racer NamePit Crew / HelperType of Swoop BikePosition on Lap 1Semi-Final Position Lap 2Finals Position
Lap 3
Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano NoneDFS-1001 [Forward][Race on Feb 17][Race on 3/1/2025]
Valery Noble Valery Noble Vera NobleDFS-1002 [Forward]???
15 RacePoints
(*5 rolls left)
Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Saul WhesaiCourser Racing Motorcycle3 [Forward]
Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Diarch ReignDFS-10041 Racepoints
(*1 roll remaining)
Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg aka "The Crimson Baron"NoneDFS-1005 [Forward]
Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris NoneZ-956 [Forward]
Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Aadihr LidosGuardian Crotchrocket7
Mr. Usher Mr. Usher [Self - NPC Crew]DFS-1008
Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar NoneDFS-1009
Eupheira Besserit Eupheira Besserit NoneDFS-10010

Media, Spectators, and VIPs

Diarch ReignLeader, The Diarchy Faction(*Has a Big Announcement.)
Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Co-Leader, The Diarchy Faction; favored by the Diarchy to win the race.
Valery Noble Valery Noble Grandmaster of the Jedi Temple; favored by Galactic Alliance to win the race.
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss Race Sponsor and Owner of Dantooine Space Station (*Has a Big Announcement.)
Marlon SularenHigh Admiral of the Dark Empire - Formerly, New Imperial Order - Veteran fleet commander
Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg aka "Crimson Baron"Veteran of multiple New Imperial Order military campaigns; favored by the Trade Federation to win the race; Trade Federation may have hacked Crimson Baron into a forward position.
XaraXuniaKing of the Kobok Insectoid Race and "Conqueror of Koboth"; came to place bets
Serena HarthPress Box - Interviews with the Racers - Came to get the big scoop.
Kinley PryseVendor - Deathsticks and other goods


All racers will post each "leg" of a lap. They get to determine what happens to their character and swoop racer in relation to other racers and the track environment. All racers get to decide how they crash, take damage, or sabotage - please write your post allowing the defending racer to react. After a lap, the racers' performances will be evaluated and if they have passed the finish line, under most circumstances, they move on to the next lap. There are 3 threads or "laps" in total, culminating in the Dantooine Open Championship which will take place at the start of March 2025.
2. All racers have until the stipulated day to roll in the OOC Dice Roll Thread (this thread). FOR LAP ONE, you have until Monday Feb 3, 2025 to roll. You do not need to post until the day after that, which is Tuesday Feb 4, 2025. When you post, you are posting for that section of the track. For example, "section 1" is the swoop boosts.

3. After racers roll in this thread, the racers then makes any adjustments to their roll (e.g. crew saves, sabotages, track obstacles). There are track obstacles on sections 1, 4, and 6.

The racer must roll a higher number than other racers to push ahead. If a racer rolls one (1), they crash. If a racer rolls a twenty (20)they can save themselves from a crash on the next roll. The order of the competitors is determined by the total number that they have achieved in their dice rolls across ALL LEGS of the lap. If a racer rolls "a lucky seven" (7), then they can sabotage one opponent of their choice, who then loses one race point.

5. The racers will also face special track obstacles on Dantooine.
ON LEG ONE, there are boost pads. If you roll 17 or higher on leg one, the next person to roll takes -1. Yes, this can cause a racer to drop to critical 1 and to crash.
ON LEG FOUR, there are light-side VIPs heckling some racers. Even rolls are good and get +1, while odd rolls are bad and take -1.
ON LEG SIX, there are pirates heckling dark-side racers. Odd rolls are good and get +1, while even rolls are bad and take -1.

Race example - Two competitors.
Throughout the OOC thread, Gary rolls: [5, 6, 17, 12, 11, 4]. Gary has 58 race points total. Gary did not hit the boosts in section 1 because he rolled 5 and not 17+. Gary rolled even for section 4, and gets +1. He has 59. Gary also rolls odd on section six. He gets +1. He has 60 total. NIkki then rolls: [4, 7, 7, 17, 20, 20]. Nikki did not get the boost because she rolled 4 and not 17+. Nikki rolls two sevens, and she chooses for Gary to take the penalty, so now Gary has only 58 race points. Nikki was also very lucky and rolled two twenties at the end of the race, meaning she could not crash during the final laps. But she gets -1 for rolling even on leg six, and -1 for rolling odd on leg four. Nikki has 73 points total to Gary's 58. Nikki has more points. Nikki has won the race.



SECTION 1: LONG STRAIGHTAWAY - The track has a long straightaway with boost to hype up the audience at the start of the run.
SECTION 2: LEFT DIP INTO TUNNEL - A slight left dip; considered the easiest part of the track apart from the straightaway. Tons of boost pads here.
SECTION 3: HARD RIGHTTUNNEL TURN - This leg tests the swoop bike's maneuverability, and that of its pilot!
SECTION 4: HARD LEFT ONTO STRAIGHTAWAY - The pilot needs to switch the swoop from a left turn to a right one, avoiding a collision on this narrow track leg.
SECTION 5: DRIFT LEFT INTO HILL - The pilot must maintain control of their swoop while drifting towards the hill section. This leg passes precariously close to a reinforced window, creating a unique distraction for the pilot.
SECTION 6: HILL SECTION - There are artificial hills going up and down, then the racers turn left into the straightaway as they reach the stands.

Leg 1:
Boost Pads - If you roll 17 or higher, the next poster takes -1.
Leg 2: None
Leg 3: None
Leg 4: Heckling VIP Section - Even numbers take +1 to roll, but odd numbers take -1 to roll
Leg 5: Degenerate Drunken Pirate Antics - Odd numbers take +1 to roll, but even numbers take -1 to roll
Leg 6: None

All racers who place in the rankings on lap 1 will move on to the Semi-Finals
1st Place - 80,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Semi-Final Race.
2nd Place - 40,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Semi-Final Race.
3rd Place - 10,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Semi-Final Race.

4th Place - 8,000 credits and moves to Semi-Finals.
5th Place - 4,000 credits and moves to Semi-Finals.
6th Place - 2,000 credits and moves to Semi-Finals.
Racers who finish the race, but place lower than 6th place, receive their 1200CR entry fee back.
Racers who place lower than 12th Place are knocked out of the runnings, but they may still observe or pit-crew for other racers.
Racers who crash or who "nat 1" with no saving throw will be eliminated.
There will be an unlimited number of racers during Lap 1.

1st Place - 160,000 credits and guarantees a forward position in the Final Race.
2nd Place - 80,000 credits, but no forward position.
3rd Place - 20,000 credits, but no forward position.

Racers who place between 4th-6th place qualify for the final lap, but they only receive 1200CR.
Racer who finish lower than 6th place are knocked out of the runnings for the last race, but they may still observe or pit-crew for other racers.
Racers who crash or who "nat 1" with no saving throw will be eliminated.
There will be up to eight (8) racers in lap 2. Additional racers are at the discretion of the racing authorities.

The winner of the Final Race will receive 100,000 credits and the Dantooine Open Cup. The rest will receive an invitation to personally meet with the Diarchs and race sponsors.
The final race can incorporate up to six racers.
Additional racers may be permitted at the discretion of the racing authorities.
Racers who crash or who "nat 1" with no saving throw will be eliminated.
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Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold

I didn't know for certain how you wanted to go about it, so I just rolled the six times back to back on the site you linked before so that they would all be in the same place so people aren't fishing for multiple different posts.

If this isn't how you want it done, then I can absolutely edit to remove this and redo, no problem! :D
I didn't know for certain how you wanted to go about it, so I just rolled the six times back to back on the site you linked before so that they would all be in the same place so people aren't fishing for multiple different posts.

If this isn't how you want it done, then I can absolutely edit to remove this and redo, no problem! :D

I think that is perfect! So long as the time and date are present in your rolls, they are a-ok.

Looks like Azurine is getting heckled by both sides on legs 4 and 6! But you pulled ahead quickly.

For this event, I'm totally fine with the DND dice roller because it auto-captures time and date. I know it hasn't been used on the site in the past, but let's give it a try for section 1, and if it isn't working we will revert to site rolls only.

There are also some people who want to roll their physical D20, and I'm cool with that too, just put a little slip of paper in the pic with time & date.
Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold
Looks like Azurine is getting heckled by both sides on legs 4 and 6! But you pulled ahead quickly.
I saw the 11, then the 4, then the 17 on the last three legs back to back and was thinking "oh that's so cool narratively speaking" because getting negatively heckled by the VIP section causing some major issues in leg 5, but getting hyped up by pirates and being able to make a comeback at the end, excite!

Can't wait to see what everyone else has!
To clarify the rules - the racers get to choose which numbers to use for which segments of the track. So this has become less of a dice rolling game, and more of a card game situation. The race points thing does still stand, though, so that we have a general idea of who is ahead and who is behind.

Track obstacles, sabotage efforts, crew rescues and so forth will also take place at the discretion of the racers. Per the rules, describe the situation but allow the defender to describe its effects. In other words, "don't call your own shots" when it involves another racer. PVE is fine.

If anyone needs any last-minute rules clarifications, please PM me and we can work it out.


Another piece of news...

Naami will need his rolls performed for him due to a weather-related emergency.

Naami will still be making posts and playing the podrace, but the posts may be delayed a few days.

I am rolling a total of 6d20 here in the thread with this post.

To clarify the rules - the racers get to choose which numbers to use for which segments of the track. So this has become less of a dice rolling game, and more of a card game situation. The race points thing does still stand, though, so that we have a general idea of who is ahead and who is behind.

With that information I will be rolling the remaining four D20's for the Lap! <3
My first roll being a 4!

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