Active Member
For the first time in his life, Assadar had been summoned to meet with a Sith Lord, and he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it.
On one hand, this could be his golden opportunity. For the first time, a powerful Sith had taken a direct interest in him, and decided that he was significant enough to warrant a private, face-to-face meeting. That could mean that a world of exciting possibilities was about to open up to Assadar; here was his chance to take his place as this man's apprentice, learn the secrets of the dark side of the force, and finally become a full member of the Sith Order, worthy of respect and fear.
It was also just as likely that the Sith, whose went by the name of Darth Pikiran, was going to kill Assadar for sport.
Either way, there was no refusing such a summons. Assadar could not have known what Pikiran wanted with him, but either way he had no choice but to ascend the long, winding steps to the private chambers where the Sith was staying and meet his fate. Approaching the heavy metal doors to the Sith's chambers, he activated the intercom system and, with an equal measure of excitement and caution, addressed the Sith for the first time.
"Darth Pikiran, I have come as you requested. May I enter?"
[member=Darth Pikiran]