Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Dark Arts

[member="Alden Akaran"] | [member="Shakti Sweet"] | [member="Xobos Yakieer"] | [member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"]
He was most reminded of home when he visited the Icy world of Nelvaan. It was a planet that was covered in ice and snow, even in the warmest months it was still a frigid climate. He stood upon the mountaintop, gazing down at the barren world. Barren, that was the best word for the world ever since the exodus of the Eternal Empire.

They had left the world in such a way that it was almost as if they had never been. Many of their former structures were purposely made to be easily disassembled or converted into spacecraft. Tacitus was nothing if not prepared. They had traveled from system to system for years as a nomadic nation of war, even with years in The Confederacy, nothing had changed.

His black cloak flowed down over the icy ground beneath him. Gently washing over the snow while he kept a silent vigil. The snow danced upon his shoulders, giving his figure a shimmering white appearance. His raven hair had flecks of white, but still it stuck out like a fleck of darkness in the light.

Adron's eyes had been closed for what felt like hours. He'd been dipping himself into the deepest reaches of the Dark Side. He was searching for something. Something that could not be found with eyes or a chart. It was something that was imprinted into the fibers of the Force and echoed out with hushed screams, hoping to be found. The Sith Lord's eyes slowly crept open, the amethyst jewels revealing themselves after so much time hidden from the cold winds. Those winds that howled and tore over him as if they demanded his fall. He smirked softly, before turning away from the cliffside. He glanced back at the scene of the icy world, not allowing it to readily fade from his mind. It would be in his consideration for some time.

"Your Highness, we've secured the perimeter." He was met by a man who had rust-like hair and a scarred visage. His body was covered in steel armor with an amethyst sash that fell down to his waist. His shoulder held the likeness of a wolf, snarling with eyes that spoke of hunger and ferocity. For years, Zax Krieson had served under Adron. First as a member of his Imperial Guard and now he had elevated himself as the Master at Arms for House Malvern.

Adron turned to Zax and nodded at the man before turning to the rest who were gathered before him. A number of Confederate gunships flew overhead, causing the Exarch to smirk as he realized his cargo was here.

"I've brought you all here so that we can perfect the skills that are deeply rooted in the Dark Side of the Force. Each of you will learn of this skill, then I will demonstrate it, and then you will practice it."

Location: Nelvaan – Apprentice meeting location
Equipment: Lightsaber, Faceless Armor
Mental State: Annoyed
Tags: [member="Alden Akaran"] | [member="Shakti Sweet"] | [member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Adron Malvern"]
Post: #1


If Xobos hadn’t gone to Ilum with one of these other apprentices all those months ago, standing here in the cold might be a much more annoying and dangerous task. Having gone there made sure she learned the tapas skill, and that it was ingrained deep in her mind. Using it meant that she was generally pretty warm, regardless of the extreme conditions. Which took out the danger part, but certainly still left the annoyance part. Having to expend extra energy and concentration to keep herself warm was not an easy task, leaving the apprentice more than a little frustrated. Ambrus egging her on in her mind didn’t help anything either.

“I told you that you should have spent more time perfecting the skill, little master. You wouldn’t be struggling if you had done so.” Xobos managed to roll her eyes and grumble out a response, though it wouldn’t be audible to the others in the group. Her annoyance at her own voices didn’t need to be shared with everyone else, when some of them could be going through the same thing that she was. At least with the cold. She doubted any of them had voices like hers. No, that was a special karking curse put on her own life.

Seeing Zax caused her to smile lightly, giving him a nod when he looked her way. The pair had been training together quite a few times over the past month with Xobos desperate to get better at her blade work. If he was here though, this would either be a huge training session, which made sense considering the harsh conditions and the amount of apprentices gathered here. But could also be a military operation of some sort, knowing where Zax stood with Adron. Or it could be both. And knowing her master, it probably was some combination of both.

It seemed as though she would be learning very soon, turning to see Adron speaking to the group. A skill rooted deeply in the dark side seemed like it could be quite fun to learn, yet incredibly dangerous. Knowing her master quite well by this point, it was probably something that would kill them if they did it wrong. Or the conditions would kill them. Or Zax would do the deed. Death was expected at this point during training for Xobos. At this point, however, she didn’t care too much. Just wanted to get it over to get out of cold, as manageable as it was with Tapas.

Location: Nelvaan
Attire: Casual Apparel
Post: 1
Objective: Survive
Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Shakti Sweet"] | [member='Dianah Vi'Dreya'] | [member="Xobos Yakieer"]
Adron certainly seemed to possess an affinity for cold and inhospitable worlds. Planets where the only thing that graced the surface outside of cracked stone was ice and snow. Where shearing winds seemed shift the mounds of powder white snow like the ever swaying dunes of Tattooine’s Dune Sea blown aloof. For some reason inhospitality and frigidness rang clairvoyant through the Exarch’s mind. Or perhaps if was simply extremes that the man favored. Stroke inducing heat or hypothermia bound cold seemed as if they were the only options ever available in any of the sessions that had been had to this point.

If it hadn’t been for the time he’d spent alongside [member="Xobos Yakieer"] on Ilum when the two discovered crystals that resonated with each of them and promptly attuned themselves with them, Alden might not have been able to hold his constitution through this. But alas, having been thrusts so mercilessly into the icy depths of that world, Alden had come to find a great ally in the Force and certain benefits and abilities it had come to afford to him.

His eyes were closed tightly as his mind drifted toward what had allowed him to connect as he had those many months ago. The good and the love he felt; adding in thoughts toward the one that held the sway of his heart in this galaxy. It took him a moment, as even though he’d come a long way with this ability in the time his first discovered it, he’d still yet to master it and he finally found that comfort that tapas would yield to the one that chose to tap into it. Still an ethereal cadence to him, Alden had yet to truly understand what it was the Force could truly offer him. Yet to come to the realization and acceptance that this was indeed him tapping into it. That its ebbs and flows were at his command if only he would truly embrace it.

Yet that is exactly what he was. An adept of the Force. A student of its will and the Exarch, [member="Adron Malvern"], his guide to its instruction.

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