Darth Vazela
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Dark Master Will Be A Conqueror
[OOC: Everyone in the Primeval is welcome to join. For others, please PM myself or Anja Aj'Rou for permission to join the thread.]| [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] |
I am from a time where the galaxy shook at my feet, where I laid waste to countless civilizations and worlds. I learned the truth to the galaxy and the Force. I return, to a galaxy rebuilding itself from a Four Hundred Year Darkness. Where new civilizations seek to take from each other, in a mad fight to stay in the light. But the galaxy is dark. The embrace of space is cold. World will quake beneath my boots again. I foresee a campaign. I foresee myself a conqueror.
The Libertas emerged from hyperspace above the dead and barren wasteland that was Gulamendis. Stood on it's bridge was the hooded figure of Vilox Pazela, hands in either sleeve, eyes set on the world beneath him. His visions had brought him here. He had seen the Primeval in them. As he had foresaw the destruction of the Sith Empire, he foresaw the emergence of a fleet so powerful than civilizations would topple once more beneath his feet.
He was an unknown entity and yet known of to this galaxy. They knew his name, but not what he could do. Who he really was. How he had got here. Perhaps it would be revealed, in time. A campaign so glorious that it would return the dark side to supremacy over this galaxy and submerge it in darkness once more. This was his time. As people scrapped and fought to remain in the light, out here in the darkness of the void, the Dark Master had come to unite himself with his people.
The Primeval was his calling.
"Broadcast signal system wide that we surrender ourselves to their mercy and that I, Vilox Pazela, wish to meet with their leaders."
"Surrender?" spoke the helmsmen, a pilot provided by the Red Ravens, a criminal syndicate on the other side of the galaxy.
"Yes. Or we will be killed."
Everyone on the bridge looked up to Vilox. Where had he brought them? But his gaze did not turn to them. It was on Gulamendis, on what he saw on the future and what he would do.