Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG The Dark within the Light

Greetings and happy holidays to all. I created this spooky lady here to explore a story idea I got after listening to the Recluse Saga again. For those who have not delved into the series, magic in the fantasy world falls into two categories that are mutually exclusive for most of the series, Order and Chaos. You cannot be both an Order Mage and a Chaos Wizard, until, for some reason, you suddenly can. While I still debate that topic, it did give me a thought.

Elemris here was a Jedi that became corrupted by the Dark Side. Her body and soul were twisted, and she was on the brink of being destroyed when she was able to shackle the dark side within her using her training and discipline as a Jedi. In effect, she used the Light Side of the Force to contain the Dark Side. Over the centuries of her self imposed exile, she experimented with this new paradigm of hers, and came to learn that she could use the dark side of the force as a source of power, drawing on the emotions and sheer brutal strength of the dark side, while using the light side of the force and its discipline and control to tame and direct the dark sides power. The embodiment of this can be expressed in this image edited and by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


She now wishes to see if she can teach this idea to others, to see if it is possible for others to use both sides of the force. She wishes to train and educate a new group of force sensitives, and through some hopefully fun stories, craft a new little organization around the idea of using the dark side and the light side, without allowing either to take precedence. If anything is confusing, please let me know and I will try to explain better.
A bit similar to the Jensaarai in a way, yet still different. Quite intriguing. Any thoughts on creating a minor faction based on this? This character is kinda tied up mainly in Rimward Trade League and Mandalorian Enclave as far as Force Traditions go (RTL has Circle of the Light Hand, which is a collection of Jedi, Jensaarai, Wardens, and other Adepts, and ME has the Mandokarla shamans), but Corbin would be interested in learning any aspect of the Force if it can be used for good. Force isn't a clear Light and Dark for him anyway. I do have another character that I haven't started yet that might also work for it, but I have no idea when I'll get around to setting him up.

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