Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Darker The Sky The Brighter The Signs. (Open)

Atticus Maroo

Nar Shaddaa was filled with deadbeat junkies, criminals and all out scun trying to live their lives, Atticus didn't really belong. He wandered the filthy streets watching many crowds of people. The people looked sad, Atticus was just out of place on the planet, he wore his two piece suit, not mny people did. Ths neon signs on a bar was bright, so bright that he was actually able to use his sunglasses. He decided it was best togo inside, the air was getting to him. He walked into the bar, it had fewer people then he expected. He walked to the bartender, ordered a Corellian Whiskey, then found a empty booth. He looked into his drink then closed his eyes. A few minutes later he opened them.

"What the hell are you doing on a planet like this Atticus?" He asked himself out loud, he didn't know why but he hated it, he would rather be locked inspace then on Nar Shaddaa.


The Box in your Nightmares
Something sinister was brewing inside the bar, and it wasn't the crazy cocktails the bartender was cooking up. Oh no, it was something fuzzy, a faint buzzing that seemed to play hide and seek with your ears. An organic with supernatural hearing may be able to pick up on it clearly, and then and only then would the buzzing be discernible as the whirring of circuitry.

This sinister noise, the one that made hairs stand on end and people look over their shoulders, was the noise of GNK-699's robobrain plotting their imminent demise.

Silently, oh so silently, it whispered to itself...

"... Gonk."

And then,

In the blink of an eye,

Unnaturally quickly,

Nothing happened.

If GNK-699 could narrow its photoreceptor, it would. Its plan had been thwarted by a slight oversight. A glitch had saved countless lives. GNK-699's post-mission diagnostic revealed that the nuclear fusion bomb it'd stolen hours earlier wasn't responding to its activation signal... To be fair, you can't really test these sorts of things beforehand.

Dismayed but undeterred, the droid walked over to the nearest organic and rammed its body into their leg with bone-breaking force.

"Gonk!" It cried furiously, a fearsome war cry indeed. If GNK couldn't evaporate this district of Nar Shaddaa, he'd crush them all under his cubic chasis and bathe in their blood.

Atticus Maroo

commotion outside, yes the commotion had driven Atticus to get out of his trance. He stood up and walked out of the bar and into the streets. He had seen a robot, and a possibly dead man/or women (I don't discriminate) on the ground. Atticus chuckled, he walked a bit further out and began to speak to the droid.

"Hello, I am Atticus, and if you want to stay activated I suggest you stop what you are doing. He looked back into the bar and closed his eyes. He took his sunglasses off and opened his eyes, they glittered in the light.

He grabbed his blaster pistol that was tucked away in his belt and p Pu lled it out. He was ready, hopefully he wouldn't have to use it.


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