Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Replica Darksaber

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  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • The hilt of this Darksaber is made entirely of Beskar, making it very durable and near unbreakable.
  • Like all lightsabers, this Darksaber cannot cut through beskar but, it can super heat the metal to the point of turning red through continuous contact.
  • This Darksaber is capable of parrying a blow from a lightsaber, with the blades being drawn to each other in an almost magnetic pull.
  • This Darksaber draws upon its user when being wielded. If the wielder's emotions overwhelm them or they lose/lack focus, the blade becomes incredibly heavy and hinders them.
  • Due to the nature of the weapon and its status among warriors, the wielder of this weapon is challenged for the right to carry it on a near-daily basis.
A black-bladed lightsaber created sometime within the last thousand years in attempts to replicate an original relic. It has a unique blade that was shorter than that of most lightsabers, and shaped like a traditional sword. Its overall profile was distinctly Mandalorian with an angular pommel, hand guard, and slit-shaped blade emitter, all of which was made out of beskar. The sound emitted by its blade was also higher pitched than other lightsabers when ignited or swung, sounding more like a screech than a hum.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Mugiwara no Luffy Mugiwara no Luffy

  • In the Chaos's rules, you cannot hold the original one, I mean, yes you can own unique artefacts, but others can have these Canon/Legends objects too. So you cannot say it is only yours. So we are consider all of the canon/legends artefacts as copies.
    • So please modify the Manufacturer in the light of this. For example, possible Tarre Vizsla, or you can simply write "Mandalorians".
  • You have to add a Character, Company or Faction to the Affiliation, so please edit it.
  • And please add the Kyber crystal to the Materials.
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