Fortress Toborro...
An ancient fortification named after Supreme Mogul Toborro, Conqueror and Madman of Makeb. Made use during the Old Republic Period when Dread Master Styrak ruled the world and built several miles away from the Capital City of Oasis City. The Hutt Cartel had long since used it for the small army stationed on the world to defend their interests until the Bryn'adul Empire came and forced the cartel to leave whole swathes of territory to the savage invaders in order to protect their throneworlds within the Boonta Hutta Region from suffering damage.
The Gorensla Clan had recently moved into the Ancient Fortification transforming it into a profitable black market for the criminal underworld. From illegal weaponry to starship upgrades everything was sold within the Bazaar. Which began to flood the galaxy south with weaponry from the Galactic Alliance right up to the Enclave's Borders making it quite a headache for the Galactic Powers to deal with. Ozzmo Gorensla Sozza sent an encrypted invite to the galaxy's worst to attend the bazaar for an auction.
Although soon information leaked about the event to the Law Enforcement which would arrive to shut down the major arms trade. Although it would seem that stopping the event would prove tricky due to the security teams covering the grounds.
Ozzmo the Hutt was already inside the Fortress Walls preparing for the arrival of guests.