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Approved Tech The Dawnblade - Blade of Konrad Varro

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NOTE: Despite the listed capabilities of this weapon, the damage inflicted is - as always - up to the opponent.


  • Classification: Force-Imbued Sword.
  • Size: Average Vibrosword Dimensions.
  • Weight: Average Vibrosword Mass.
  • Force-Imbued Weapon (Molecularly Strengthened Material.)
  • Integrated Songsteel Mono-molecular Edge.
  • Lava Crystals, and Wild Force Shards.
  • Ultrasonic Vibration Generator.
  • Integrated Energy Cell - Lightning-sheathed Weapon.
  • Highly Resistant to Lightsabres.
  • Unnaturally, and Persistently Superheated; Rune-inscribed Sheathe Required.
  • Aetherflame Blade - Devastatingly Potent against Sithspawn, Golems, Force Spirits, and Darkside Corrupted Individuals.
  • Can Deflect Plasmatic Projectiles, or Energy Weapons (Cannot Redirect or Reflect.)
  • Potent Vibroweapon when Deprived of the Force.
  • Dampened connection to the Force, and by extension the Bearer of a Sunforged Weapon, when in the presence of Voidstone; Significantly diminished Heat and Purifying abilities - Proximity dependent.
  • Suppressed connection to the Force, and by extension the Bearer of a Sunforged Weapon, when in the presence of Ysalamiri; Negates Heat and Purifying Abilities.
  • Unmistakable Presence; Negates Force Cloak, Art of the Small, and Etc.
  • Force Rune-Inscribed Scabbed/Housing Required; Negates the Innate Heat of the Blade.
  • Cannot Redirect or Reflect Plasmatic Projectiles, or Energy Weapons.
  • Dripping Magma, or Liquid Sunfire can land on the Wielder, Burning them instead of their Foes.
  • Extremely susceptible to Directed Cold Weaponry.
  • Not a Lightsabre; Unable to cut through thick armour plating - instead forced to subject them to high-intensity heat to achieve less than similar results.

In the days following the violent raid on Kholma, where the Lightsworn battled and ultimately defeated the remnants of the Bando Gora Death Cult, Lucius Varad emerged from the conflict a changed man. No longer was he the weakling that fought beneath the banner of the Galactic Alliance, who relied solely on the prowess of his comrades to succeed. Nor was he the mewling wretch that was once enslaved to the Sorcerers of Rhand or what paltry forces remained of the One Sith years later. He was more significant than the sum of his parts now and needed a new name to reflect the personal triumph. With the change of epithet, the newly christened Konrad Varro needed a weapon befitting his station as Emissary of the Supreme Sun Guardian, and a Master within the Lightsworn. Thus, the conceptual foundations of the Dawnblade were born.

Konrad knew that his new weapon would be one of the first blades that found themselves forged in service to the Lightsworn. It needed to be unique in its capabilities and match his newfound desire for revenge. He’d make the Sith pay for what they did to him - and by extension - every foul creature they’ve birthed. The balance of the Force would be restored in some fashion or another, no matter the cost. Therefore, the Solar Smiths of the Thyrsian Hierarchy were commissioned to forge the heart of the blade utilizing a secret and sacred technique that was passed down throughout the generations. Konrad would watch on as the smiths wove the molecular lattice into a nigh-unbreakable weapon, and reinforced the twinned edges with layers of songsteel.

They would forge the core of his sword - but the man himself would be forced to make it his own.

Through secrets known only to a chosen few, the enchanted blade retained the heat of it’s forging throughout the entirety of its smithing. It would remain inflamed until the stars themselves grew cold. Such was the power of Sunforged Steel. To handle such a weapon without fear of searing his flesh, Konrad was given a scabbard - which he was forced to enchant and inscribe himself. After carving runic text into the scabbard’s exterior with a ritual dagger, the would-be Master of the Lightsworn was ready to imbue the reforged metal with his very essence and bond it to his incandescent soul.

His first step was to forge the handle - as the blade itself was far too hot to handle, even within the relative comfort of his powered armour. While utilizing Japor Ivory Wood would’ve given the man some measure of comfort, due to the familiarity the material provided with the organization’s standard weapon - it fared poorly when compared to the molten metal of the freshly forged blade. Such a conundrum led Konrad towards using Duravelx as an insulating material, especially if it was layered over one another to protect the man’s hands from the blistering heat. Thus, the hilt was forged from many thin layers of Duravelx wrapped around the molten blade - before being wrapped in Japor Ivory Wood, and Thyrsian silk thereafter.

To complete the bladed portion of the weapon, Konrad married a Wild Force Shard to the pommel in the hopes of infusing the sword with a piece of his essence. It would inherit his unbridled hatred for the Darkness and the infinite legions of Sithspawn and would garner the ability to ignite the flesh once the weapon bit deeply. Once within the tissue of someone, or something wholly corrupted by the Darkside of the Force - the blade would pour it’s incandescent hatred into the wound - searing the insides of the wounded beast and forcing the rest of its body to ignite as scorching heat flowed freely through its veins. These Sithspawn, and creatures of Darkness would be purified by the purest of sapient emotions - Hate - and forced back into the Netherworld from whence they were birthed.

The blade sought to do the impossible. It strived to instill the meaning of fear within the various creatures birthed by the foul alchemy of the Sith. With one, killing blow, these creatures would experience immense pain and torment before finally being granted a true death by the aether’s flame.

In addition to the powerful capabilities of the weapon, the Dawnblade was impregnated with delicate plasmatic circuitry. That integrated layer of wires allowed the sword to still be of some use to the person wielding the weapon - despite the diminished, or otherwise negated connection to the Force. Fashioned in a similar manner to the Xiphos-pattern plasmatic vibroswords - the Dawnblade was capable of activating a magnetically contained sheathe of coruscating lightning, which made the blade just as dangerous to mortal foes, as it was to creatures belched forth from the darkness.

This plasmatic sheath gave the Dawnblade the ability to deflect the lethality of an energy weapon away from the wielder - providing they intercepted the projected path in time - but lacked the inherent capabilities of a Lightsabre… which was able to return the discharged lethality from whence it came.

Therefore, the Dawnblade was a weapon that inspired fear in the hearts of mortals and sithspawn alike. For woe betide those who seek to stop the coming of the dawn.

Such was the fate of those that stood before the Dawnblade and bore the curse of Darkness.
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