Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The day it blew up (The twins)

Lothal 1000 hours

It was a beautiful day The twins would be playing the Sun shining the day was just perfect. That was until about an hour after they arrived at the park. Natalia would be playing in the sandbox when these girls would show up. Nat didn't know this but they were the type of girls who would do anything to make themselves feel better even if it meant hurting other people. They would come over and tell her "Move stupid." As they said this the leader would kick sand from the sand castle Natalia was building right into her eye and Nat would curl over and start to cry

Anasztazia Kess

The (slightly) Older Kess Twin
Anasztazia had chosen to go off on her own while her sister played in the sand box. She went off to go to the swing set on the other side and sat down on it. She loved going to the park with Natty. It was a welcome relief from the humdrum home life and their parents lessons. She enjoyed listening to dad going on about the Tusken life and mom's moral lessons of the Jedi code but every once in a while a girl needed to get away from that.

Her happiness gently swinging up and down (gently so the wind doesn't blow up her skirt) was quickly brought to a gradual low as she felt something weighing her down back to where Natalia was playing. She felt sad and knew, some how, she wanted to go over back to her. She got off of the swing and walked back to the sandbox where Natalia was. She saw Natalia on the ground crying next to the desolate mounds of her sand castle and several girls standing over her. Ana walked up to the three with a fire in her chest and wanted them to leave Natalia alone. She was outnumbered by the other girls but still she didn't back down. "Get away from her!", Ana said as she moved between them.
Natalia would continue to spill her tears in the sand as her sister approached. There was sand in her eye which made her tear up originally but it were the girls themselves that actually made her break down and she somewhat knew that her sister would know based on their ability to sense the others sadness or when they were hurt but it didn't help

[member="Anastazia Kress"]

Anasztazia Kess

The (slightly) Older Kess Twin
She appeared to have gotten the other kids to leave. She was angry that they decided to pick on Natalia and not herself. She could stand up to them. She could take it. But they always go for the ones who can't I guess.

"Ha, what a little crybaby!" the older girl said in the distance. Ana just shook her head in disgust. "Don't listen to those idiots Natty", she said as she sat down next to her and started hugging her. "They're a bunch of bullies."

[member="Natalia Kess"]
Nat would be grateful for the hug but tears would continue to stream from her eyes and into the sand. Why did she have to be the weaker twin the one who was always picked on because she appeared weak and distressed

[member="Anasztazia Kess"]

Anasztazia Kess

The (slightly) Older Kess Twin
Ana thought up something to get Natalia's mind off of the bullies or whatever was troubling her. "Natty? Want to build a sand castle with me? Or maybe we can go home and play with our toys in our room? How about that?"

[member="Natalia Kess"]

Anasztazia Kess

The (slightly) Older Kess Twin
"Come on", she said with a smile, "Let's clean you up a bit, okay?"

Ana gently wrapped her arm around Natalia and lifted her up guiding her to the bathroom to try and help her clean up the sand on her face and clothes. She walked Natalia across the way to the open air stone building that served as the restroom for the park and walked in. Walking her to the sink she chose the one that was lower for children's usage. "Here. Wash your face and get the stupid sand out of your eyes."
Natalia would go with her easily knowing nothing else would harm her. As they got into the bathroom Natalia would go over to the sink and begin to try to get the sand out of her eyes and she would cry a bit more but finally get it all off her face her clothes were a different story.

[member="Anasztazia Kess"]

Anasztazia Kess

The (slightly) Older Kess Twin
She would have to find those kids and beat them up. She looked at the arm and how it was covered with shoe marks and bruised slightly. "Can you heal it on your own Natty? Or do you want my help?"

Mom had silently encouraged Ana to try and help her sister to try and overcome her problems using the force and she wanted her to make small tasks to help her work up.

[member="Natalia Kess"]

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