Terra Ouron
Coruscant... The heart of the Repubilc. Full of tall buildings, flying ships and a wonderful night sky. This is where our story takes place. A old ship landed on the docks. It seemed like a outdated model yet a lot of work went into keep it flying. Atlest until now. "Aw no, no no come on baby! Don't give up on me now!" A young girl shouted from inside. Her anger was matched only by her sadness. The ship meant a lot to her and without the right tools looks like this was it's end. "Shoot.... Now what am I going to do...?" She said as she walked outside. The only cash she had with her was going to the parking fee and to food so she couldn't buy them. She was basicly stuck on the planet.
"What awful luck. I'm stuck here... Stuck on this stupid rock!" She kept shouted in a vain hope that somebody would help. But soon it seemed like nobody was going to help this girl at the moment. At lest not yet. After paying the parking fee she sat in front of the ship and started crying. There was nothing she really could do but vent her anger.
"What awful luck. I'm stuck here... Stuck on this stupid rock!" She kept shouted in a vain hope that somebody would help. But soon it seemed like nobody was going to help this girl at the moment. At lest not yet. After paying the parking fee she sat in front of the ship and started crying. There was nothing she really could do but vent her anger.