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The Day the Sky Fell (Open)

Leos Palle

"Meteor Shower" by Fieldweeble​

The Grand Caravan had arrived at the world of Tasariq nearly a month ago. Their ship was docked at one of the city ports, and the majority of them were off gallivanting around and doing their own thing. Which was precisely what Aerca was up to as she found no enjoyment of sitting around an empty ship when there was a great big planet out there for her to explore. When there was exploring to be done, she could be counted on to be out doing it. New bits and baubles to add to her hoard wouldn't find themselves into her possession, after all.

The white skinned dragon lady found this world enjoyable. Of course one had to live down within the craters to breath, but that didn't bother her. The craters themselves were rather large and housed decent sized cities. Cities meant lots of places to explore. They also meant lots of garbage and discarded bits and baubles that she could get her hands on. And discarded garbage which she could chow down on. The nice thing about having a stomach like her people did was that she could eat just about anything without any trouble at all. No metal, but most anything else was fair game. It made it so she didn't really need to pay for food.

Picking through the garbage and piles of junk that lined back alleyways disgusted some people, but Aerca just kept smiling and doing what she did. It didn't matter to her if the locals thought poorly of her just because she ate their garbage and picked through their rubbish. In fact she found a nice little broach that someone had tossed away and sat in the alley cooing over it for a bit before using it to pin her cloak together around herself. At least it was a bright sunny day that particular day. It made it nice and warm for her.

Unbeknownst to her, and relatively unnoticed by all, several of the asteroids that made up the Deadbelt had been knocked out of alignment and were on a collision course with the planet, just as had happened many years past. The sky would soon fall again.

Iron Knight Loarko

Loarko was not happy about this place.

​"Why do we have to be here? This place looks like a dump!"

​The shard was not accustomed to having to move around in search of a home. However, something didn't seem right about this planet, but he couldn't think of what. He'd long lost everything else that meant anything so maybe this wasn't so bad to him.

[member="Aerca Rauvayne"]

Leos Palle

"One beings trash is another beings headdress!"

Aerca bounded past the Iron Knight and practically dove into a pile of rubbage. It was like taking a kid to a candy store. One minute they were looking at the Warheads, the next they had a handful of Goobers. Each bit of trash was scoured over before being tossed aside or pocketed. All of this stuff was considered junk by someone. To her, though, it was a pile of magnificent treasure. Basically she'd won the lottery and all she'd had to do was land on the planet and be let out of the ship. She didn't even know where the others of her Caravan were. They could all be dead for all she knew! It was possible. Someone usually died when they stopped somewhere. It was sort of routine.

Incidentally, whenever she'd pick up something organic she'd pop it into her mouth regardless of how old, or moldy it was. She could eat just about anything, aside from metal, and she really did eat just about everything. A piece of flimsi? Gulp. A moldy sandwich? Delicious. One reason people tended to tolerate her and those like her was because they kind of got rid of some of the trash problem when they were on a world. Their stomachs could take anything. Aerca could recall eating a dead corpse on one world she'd been to. She had no idea who it was or ever what species it was, but it had been there taking up space and she'd been hungry. Nobody had come for it, so it became her dinner. Such was the circle of life.

"What are you doing here, metal one? Looking for trinkets?"

She held up a handful of bits and baubles for him to see, as if asking if he wanted any of them. They were mostly all bits of trash: a couple of broken gears, a wire, one earring, a broken toy. Little things with no real purpose except to her.

[member="Iron Knight Loarko"]

Rebekka Brek Madak

Paradoxical Bucket Full of Crazy!
Bekka had been on Tasariq for about 3 days, having been left behind by a completely botched bounty raid. It was supposed to be a fairly simple sneak and grab job - It went wrong. Somehow, he was one of four guys, sent to capture a bothan who managed to make very powerful enemies, and yet two of the guys ended up dead, and the third guy escaped in the ship all 4 of them came in.... Which then got taken out by a missile. It was frelling pathetic. Only s/he was Operator (or lucky) enough to not get killed, via being ended up left behind.

He was thusfar wearing a black armored vest, banded leather gauntlets, a dual pistol belt holding 2 sporting blasters and afew ammo pouches, and last but not least, a pair of vision goggled up on his head, which was worn as a big cyberpunk-ish hair band, making him abit more femme-looking. In short, he looked like a slim and tall merc girl you wouldn't wanna piss off unless you had Heavy Fire Support covering your 6.

Stalking around in alleys and nooks in sheer boredom, Brek rounded a corner, and saw a horned person and a droid.... in the trash piles. Weird people. Bekka decided to throw convention out the window, and embrace his/her long ago past tendencies of scavenging in desperation.... No food though, only items and objects. Approaching the two, he waved at them while also watching his footing placement, making sure not to step in something too gross or dangerous.

[member="Aerca Rauvayne"] [member="Iron Knight Loarko"]

The horned one held out a hand to the droid, as if offering bits of trash to it. " I'm, curious.... why are you picking through the trash for.... Not useful items ?" s/he asked the pair of strange scroungers.

Iron Knight Loarko

They must have thought he was a scavenger.

"Oh no, I'm not scavenging. i'm here to find a place to live. Isn't that why we came here, to survive?"

Loarko had long spent tireless days and nights wandering for a place to live. A place to live away from those who chased him. The Iron Knight had fought against two very powerful Sith Lords, and he beat them. He found this ship and hoped it would take him somewhere he could live a more peaceful life, but the moment he got here he sensed that his and everyone else's lives were going to come to an end. He stood up and spoke once more.

"Why did we come here? This place doesn't seem right at all to me. I sense danger."

[member="R. Brek Madak"] [member="Aerca Rauvayne"]
Three Days Ago,

Silver Jedi now found themselves under pressure by several adversaries, but that didn't change their basic mission to the better the galaxy where they could. This time around it would be the planet
Tasariq, an Inner Rim world having been long ravaged by waves of meteor showers over the course its existence. The locals had eventually learned to cope with the showers, but now they were looking for a permanent solution to the issue ahead of another projected shower.

Arisa had assembled a task force for the humanitarian mission, medical and factory ships under the escort of a flotilla. Traveling so far from Silver Space, she would ensure that the volunteers under her charge would be adequately protected, though she didn't expect much trouble with Tasariq
situated between the Galactic Alliance and the Commonwealth.

She organized everything from Klatooine as the staging point, inviting her peers from all across Silver Space to join her on the mission. She looked to include some initiate on the expedition as well, so they could all get a better idea of the full scope of their responsibilities as aspiring Jedi through example. She would give them all about a day or so to gather before setting out.

[member="Aerca Rauvayne"] [member="R. Brek Madak"] [member="Iron Knight Loarko"] [member="Kiriko"] [member="Rowena Aesir"] [member="Ororo Zeshrul"] [member="Adal Armina"] @Kayda Vrieska [member="Raknarion Amerok"] [member="Sorel Crieff"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Thoja Arlos"] [member="Satyana Rameshai"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Tyyni Oluja"] [member="Eric Clayton"]

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] (Just tagging you both to let you know what I'm doing down south.)


Well-Known Member
[member="Arisa Yune"]

It had been if anything a sort shaky start for Ronin as since returning back . For between the idea of returning back to the dead, being away for so long and try his earnest to reacquaint or adjust back to what been his former life. Had its ups and down that he could as well been a new initiate rather that the apprentice he'd once been. Seeing as without an official Master as of late and basically, just hang around the place. Made him all but an outsider but with the small progress in his recovery in healing, he seems slowly appear to be on the mend.

So he figured in a way of show his appreciation he'd somehow volunteered himself to a mission of sort he happen to come across. Thinking perhaps maybe getting involved more in the going on within or with the Silvers. Could help him get back to what he'd once been.....although his force skill and saber ability were still somewhat a work in progress. His flying and mechanical skill weren't having worked his way and made a decent living enough to survive doing so in his time away. Could be something he could help and offer to the mission at hand. So with a bit of luck and work he'd been able to acquire permission this time. To fly one of the transports of supplies needed and be use for the mission. Flying it towards Klantooine......with few other passengers on board.
[member="Arisa Yune"]

The Silver jedi had a number of things but well Sakura only knew where to send ships when they were told..... and across the galaxy was difficult for her to work with but as the silver cross was quiet and barely operating beyond the few medical ships it had sitting there. She was sitting and preparing to work with the medical AI that was directing the massive Triage class to go and help them. Its ability to carry people as well as the berths it held additional ships in would provide evacuation, medical and transport for all of them there. She was entrusting Arisa with her own plans to help the people. There was everything that they would be able to set up and around all of them. Cathbodua was working with some of the others as she had the medical teams there for any dangers.


The planet of Klatooine wasn't a hospitable one for most. It was dirty, dusty, slimy, covered in desert and savannah. The settlements were quaint, and while the towns were better managed under the influence of the Silver Jedi, Hutts would always be Hutts, and crime seemed to run in their genes.

Well, most of them.

Tyyni smiled as a pair of Klatooinians loaded a Jedi supply ship with rations. While not solving the meteor shower problems on Tasariq, the Hutt Padawan knew he could be of use in other ways. Even if he wasn't innovative enough to help technologically, he knew there was surely places where they needed food and supplies. On that assumption, he had taken it upon himself to bring much-needed relief to Tasariq.

"Good, good, just three more crates, then we'll go." Tyyni spoke calmly, congratulating his laborers. Apparently, they weren't used to a Hutt's approval, as they grunted their affirmations.

Tyyni turned his body slowly, glancing up at the port they were in. A few other ships were being filled here as well, bringing tech and rations. The little Huttlet took pleasure in knowing he was doing something for the betterment of the people of the galaxy. Despite the recent flak the Silvers were getting, Tyyni still had hope.

- [member="Cathbodua"] - [member="Ronin Wendigo"] - [member="Arisa Yune"] -
Kayda stood behind Arisa with a calm expression on his face. his hands hanging by his waste. The boy was armed with a small blaster, although he was not a good shot. His Master influenced him to defend himself with said blaster until he achieved a Saber.

"We're configuring some anti-meteor arsenal..?"

The boy would ask this with a curious expression on his face, Kayda leaned forward looking at Arisa as he asked another question on top of his pervious one before she could reply.

"Where exactly are we doing this..?"


Well-Known Member
[member="Tyyni Oluja"] | [member="Cathbodua"] | [member="Arisa Yune"]​
It was then once the ship landed and the cargo bay door open that things began to move fast. With some the cargo they had being redistributed to other ship along with some the passengers. For seeing what it's worth as much he could gather was that word on the ground was. This mission seems to be heading into some not so steady territory..... of a planet well off in the inner rim. Which for one had been plagued by meteor showers? Which was a sorting change from the usual wars or what not the silver seem been to engaged in more frequently of late?

But then again from what little time he'd been able to have into catching up on the current going on since returning. Had been pressure the order had been thrust into from all side.

At any rate with the brief time he'd had before he figured the mission would take off. Ronin decided to take the moment to wander a bit and check out those who were going be involved in this mission. To which wandering a bit he sort came across a somewhat familiar yet strange individual. A Hutt it seems in Jedi robes which for him had been somewhat of an odd sight. For although he knew of was mostly of a different kind out in the outer rim territory. But still seem out of curiosity he walk over mmet the stranger and least get know one of them before they depart for the mission.....
Were they here all ready?

Pushing himself up from off the deck of the shuttle, until he was standing on all fours, the young Beorni cub stretched. First, he leaned forward with his head arched upward. Then, he stretched back into the familiar yoga pose downward facing dog. Then he just walked forward, padding on all fours toward the loading ramp.

The ride from Silver Jedi space to here had been good for a nap. Of course, Beorni were excellent nap-takers. Masters of the art of sleeping anywhere, and so the cub would have found a way to have been comfortable anywhere.

Coming down the slope of the loading ramp, the cub's stride become more of a gallop, as he soon caught up with the others in debarking the ship.

"What is this realm called?" the Midvinter native asked curiously. There were still much of this space-faring across the sea of stars that was elusive to him.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"] | @Kayda Vrieska | [member="Tyyni Oluja"] | [member="Cathbodua"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Aerca Rauvayne"]​
Raknarion let's out a satisfied grunt as he'd place the last crate with medical supplies within a Jedi Supply ship, clapping his hands together as a final act. The Chagrian was eager to depart, having felt that he'd been at the Voss Academy for too long. Though he had his doubts on this mission to aid the people of Tarique with their meteor problem as the situation seemed like a monumental task to be done, but he had no issues with dealing out medical supplies to it's inhabitants. They would surely need it should one of the giant stones land in one of the cities.

He continues to stretch his back, a "crack" erupts from the procedure. While stretching after a hefty crate-carry session, his outfit would be revealed properly. Hosting a newly purchased Sasori Attire, with his lightsaber dangling from his belt alongside other standard issued Padawan items.

The Chagrian offers the surrounding area a glance, eyeing other familiars at the site, offering those close a friendly nod.

[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Kiriko"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] @Kayda Vrieska [member="Tyyni Oluja"] [member="Cathbodua"]
Tyyni was speaking to a group of gruff Klatooinian laborers as [member="Ronin Wendigo"] walked up on him. The Hutt didn't realize he had acquired company until he felt a twinge in the Force.

"...with the Customs official. He cannot simply request this food because it's... Oh, good day!" The Huttlet twirled around to face the Jedi quickly, bowing his head. "I am Padawan Tyyni Oluja. I was just about to finish filling up my last shuttle." Tyyni looked over his shoulder at his workers, who were looking between themselves awkwardly. "Go ahead, load up the last of the crates. I will speak with the official shortly." Grunting their affirmations in Klatooinian, the short-snouted beings continued with their heavy-lifting.

Tyyni was again surprised by a small animal, [member="Kiriko"], walking up and speaking to him. He had never seen the Beorni before, but didn't comment on the strange Jedi. Was he not also a strange Jedi? "We are on Klatooine at the moment, but will be traveling to Tarique shortly. Once we finish loading these ships with supplies, of course."

Finally, Tyyni saw a Chagrian, [member="Raknarion Amerok"], give him a nod, which he promptly returned. It was nice to have so many Jedi helping. What had happened on Korriban was terrible, but they needed to show that not all Jedi were bad. In fact, Tyyni believe that the vast majority of, if not all, the Jedi were good, charitable people. He held on to this hope, even if others didn't.

- [member="Cathbodua"] - [member="Arisa Yune"] -


Well-Known Member
[member="Kiriko"] | [member="Raknarion Amerok"] | [member="Tyyni Oluja"] | @Kayda Vrieska | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Cathbodua"]​
It was then that halfway thru approaching the Jedi Hutt that he sense something come in a hurry on his flank. Which in the past would have garner a much different reaction but thankfully with the current help he was able to stay his hand. For even it seem despite having done his best to reacquaint himself with his current life as it were. Part of his past seem to slightly still slip any rate pushing these thought aside just as the hutt before him spoke turn face him with slight bow.

"I am Padawan Tyyni Oluja. I was just about to finish filling up my last shuttle."

To which he at best tried to mimic to the best his ability his greeting gesture as he reply back.

" Umm, greeting....Olija...names Wendigo. Am co-piloting that ship as well over there. Wait on the captain get debrief on where we're heading..."

Bu then glance around he then came notice the slightly fluffy white being on one side which he couldn't help eye with curiosity. For in his time away he couldn't help admit that he'd never seen quite a being thought he had admit. Even without them saying that he could sense the tingle sensation of force in them. Something which he'd only recently come to become accustom to. As on the sideline another strange being appeared....saying nothing other than the slight nod of recognition. He in turn return back as he stood on the sideline. Note the thin sliver of metal that was as best he could tell was a saber dangling on the new strangers waist. Something which he sort of recognize he probably had once in the past. But for now kept hidden in the secret fold of his flight suit he wore that time which at best seem a bit odd or out of place. In the company of these new acquaintance but then again it seem his transition back was not without it share of setback. Which include him get bump back down to an initiate much of his own choosing if any.

For even thought he'd been taken in and apprenticed under a few Master since his return. That which included Master Syn for now he couldn't help but feel unsure of his future with them. For the ghost of the past still linger and there was doubt in him he still felt needed be sorted out.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Arisa had called and Sorel had come. She was a fellow Jedi and a friend. And the cause was entirely worthy. She knew little of the planet of Tasariq – but that did not really matter. She didn’t need to be an expert on the place, just be on hand to help it out.

And if history was to repeat itself, the locals needed every available hand to help with humanitarian activities. So she made her way to join the medical and factory ships that formed the flotilla that was due to leave Klatooine.

This time she was in her old but every reliable X-wing as opposed to her freighter. Today she would start by offering protection to the convoy before it landed and then she could help out in a more practical way. She expected she was one of the last to arrive but she figured this endeavour was not a sprint – it would be more of a marathon.

That sounded like a sea crustacean to him. King Klatooine claws, with a drawn butter sauce...

...and now he was hungry. Again, that is.

"I see," the cub remarked in reply, this time giving the large alien that had supplied the answer a good look. Very large, with a tail. "And, if its not terribly rude, may I ask... what are you?"

There was all manner of strange, fur-less aliens about. Including a blue one with horns. And humans. Plenty of humans. Normal looking, respectable chaps, like Beorni, were obviously few and far between in this mad, mad galaxy they occupied.

[member="Tyyni Oluja"] | [member="Sorel Crieff"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Raknarion Amerok"] | [member="Arisa Yune"]​

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