OOC Account

The Drea's Revenge
Location: The Perlemian Trade Route
The heavily costumed XS Light Freighter with the infamous skull shaped bridge sat patiently on the Perlemian Trade route waiting on unsuspecting victims to fall into their web. The would be victims would have to be easy marks, a milk run for a smash and grab. Captain Serg Leone hadn't lived this long pecking at the impossible. He had himself a light sized ship, built for speed and to take a hit but dishing it out with caps were not in her operation mandate. She was built to prey upon the weak, like most independent Pirates fed upon.
Serg rested comfortably with his feet up upon the left hand side of the pilot's command console. His captain's chair was slightly reclined back with his weapon's belt hung off a head rest with both his blasters and sword holstered and sheathed to it. The Morellian's green greatcoat hung wide open exposing his godly chiseled abs framed in a skin tight undershirt. He sat there watching the various data screens for contacts, a task he had been at for the past hour. He didn't really need to sit there and hawk the bridge, the AI system would alert him and the crew of any incoming ships that hit their sensor range. He just loved sitting on the bridge, his ass placed upon the captain chair. There wasn't much in the galaxy Serg would hold dear to his heart but the ship was his one true love and the crew that came with it...... even the tiny fur ball Tiktok he had oddly grown fawn of.
Another reason to be straddled to the command consoles of the bridge was that it was the furthest section away from the galley where the Cook was brewing some dathomirian which craft that ranked out the entirety of the Drea. Even with the blast doors shot the damn stink seeped through.
But here he was, leading a misfit crew that consisted of a large lizard, a walking carpet, a sociopathic gerbil, a drunken nympho armed and armored to occupy a planet, a warrior like fish and a ex Pirate Queen escaping the boredom of her husband's mundane lifestyle.
Life couldn't get any better then this.......................
Oh wait it can. Serg gripped his bantha horn ale mug filled with Corellian Spiced ale and tipped it to his lips, sipping his favorite spirit with much delight. Yes, this certainly a day in a life of a pirate. Nothing but open space and plunder for the picking.