Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
For a while now I've had an idea that I have been toying with, and the current climate has allowed for such an idea to be feasible.
The idea revolves around the death of the Duchess, and how her children would react.
However this is not a permanent death for the Duchess.
Rather, I am looking for an Assassin that has some class. This means that I am not looking for some run of the mill common assassin. Likewise this also bars those members from the Anti-Force Society League that recently popped up, as those whom knew of the Duchess being Force Sensitive were her own children, and a handful of close confidants and friends.
If there is someone whom finds this to be interesting, I am loathe to put to much of the details in public, however said assassin must have access to a means that would put the Duchess into a death like state (as she will then be placed into carbonite to preserve the body / put her into prolonged stasis).
The main point though is to offer a catalyst for the Duchess' children to become the main focus, and how they will react.
So, whom wants to semi-kill a Duchess?