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Approved Location The Decaying Tooth Blackmarket.

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Name: The Decaying Tooth Black-market.

Intent: To develop my character as a security guard.

Classification: Black-market, located in the Coruscant sewers.

Location: If one follows large, winding, and confusing tunnels properly in the sewers of Coruscant, they shall encover a large Durosteel vault-like door.

Affiliation: Wi'ru technically owns the market.

Description: If one makes it through all the confusing paths and tunnels of the sewer system, they shall uncover a large vault-like door in the walls. If one would knock or shout something, an armed guard would unlock and open this door and force the visitor to surrender all weapons and agree to a search. If they pass this process, they will then proceed into the market itself. Inside the cave-like market, tables and tables of unique items cover the area. From booze, to weapons, to anything illegal is laying on these tables. Lanterns are also hung up around the ceilings, illuminating the dark area. If one wishes to set up a vendor themselves, they must contact a guard or Wi'ru himself and pay exactly three-hundred credits. From there, they would be assigned a table and permitted to place out items and sell them. A Bith band is usually playing on a filthy, makeshift stage and a large bell would hang up in the area known as 'The Check-out line' However, the title of this area is the exact opposite of what the name claims. A large bell hangs up in this dark area along with a mallet next to it. Once the market is about to shut down for the night, an employee would bash the mallet off of the bell and alert everyone to exit. The market itself is generally filthy and extremely damp.
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