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The Demon's Horde [Lightsabers]

  • Many Handed- Has three forms to switch from, each with their own strengths as well as dual phase functionality.
  • Waterproof- Underwater combat-worthy
  • Heavy Handed- Selected power crystals designed for a combination of offense and power.
  • Phrik Constitution- Phrik build allows some tolerance vs blaster and lightsaber damage.
  • Switch Delay- There is a small delay between switching forms as the user must manipulate the saber manually to switch it.
  • Cortosis Vulnerability - Cortosis can short the blades out.
  • Lock and Key - Cannot be turned off unless unlocked.
  • Many Heads, Many Targets - Each form is specialized and as such has their own specific weaknesses.
(Source: Jedi Survivor In Game Screenshot): The Demon Horde, Dacian's personal lightsaber. It has the components of two lightsabers, allowing him to switch between multiple forms. It was named after the words of a Sith Lord that Dacian defeated in a duel. As a prodigy of lightsaber combat, Dacian needed a weapon that allowed him to express the full arsenal of his combat prowess. A single lightsaber would not be adequate as Dacian found the traditional saber types offered to be limiting, a flaw, he thought, that would hold back his greatness. Thus, he drew inspiration from sabers that switched between multiple forms for inspiration, creating a weapon that could do the same.

"It was an endless horde of demons set upon me. Unrelenting and suffocating, a never-ending tide of fury."
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