Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Devourer


NAME: The Devourer
SPECIES: Siqsa (Smoke Demon)
AGE: Unknown
HEIGHT: Amorphous
EYES: Yellow


  • Speaks though psychic communication

  • Can envelop and entrap a being's soul, vaporizing the being's physical form

  • Made of a dark smoky substance that travels like smoke through the air

  • Physical strength of a wookiee

  • Can shape-shift into the worst fears into the worst fears of whomever confronts it (provided not Forced-dead or mentally-resilient)


  • Can be unsummoned using Sith sorcery

  • Can be harmed by lightsabers

  • Can be dispelled by Force light

Dark amorphous smoky form with piercing yellow lights for eyes

The Devourer, a foul darkside entity, was originally summoned by a Sith sorcerer named Darth Metus using the ancient Sith ritual known as Dwomutsiqsa with the intention of hunting down renegade members of the Dread Guard on the planet Dredd. Once its staunch elimination of the Dread Guard was complete, a process that took several long years, with much bloodshed, the demon roamed aimlessly around the Dark Zone of the Southern pole, preying on the souls of those foolish enough to wander into the Dark Zone, awaiting Darth Metus' return to reclaim it.

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