Keepin Corellia Weird
Time had been passing slowly, but pleasantly for Declan after coming back to Denon with [member="Asherah"]. She was adept at learning, at the least. And showed a very strong interest and potential. Their approaches, due in part to what he suspected were just differences in their talents, were radically different. But they were both beginning to learn from one another and influence the process of each too. Which was necessary and good for a medical partnership or team.
Today, however, she was mostly sitting in with him during surgical consults and follow-ups. Not exciting, but it kept the lights on in the office. His clientele for these were not ones just squeaking by, even if not super-rich, so they paid and paid well and on time. The next patient was new to him, having cybernetic issues, so he compiled a 'cybernetics 101 dossier' and walked into the office Asherah had been given and plopped a data-slate on her desk after knocking and coming in.
No white coat, just a nice white tunic, and pants with the name and office network embroidered on the left breast. Blue piping ran the length of the outfit, a navy coloring. No instrumentation really, all of that was left in the exam room. A smile crossed his face as he noted his new student and partner-assistant. Though she was polite, she had also been fierce about getting him healthier as well. Apparently, mass liquor consumption, and stim-sticks or death-sticks, were bad for him. And it showed in the clearness of his eyes and complexion. Sleep suited him.
"That's the file and some lead work for the next patient... Think you can handle taking point? I figure later this evening, i'll let the 'sticks wear off and we'll talk about Force training, eh?"
[member="Asherah"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]