Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Dominion of Lok

Barren, miserable, dreadful place. [[ Lok ]] is a barren volcanic world. Despite being generally hostile, it maintains a moderate population of hardy miners, prospectors, and other rather destitute individuals. But the true power in Lok is that taking control of the world will shunt the Selectivist Scum from Northward expansion.

Your objectives, should you choose to accept them, are as follows.

A: Wacky Swoop Races

Given the lawless nature of Lok, the planet has taken to a very tenuous form of government- whoever wins the [[ Lok Marathon ]] rules the planet. This marathon only takes place every three years, mind you, and the Techno Union is not going to wait another three years to take control of this planet. Get on your swoop bike, enter the race, and beat the current champion: the Dug casanova known only as "Johnny Rocketfingers" and his gang. You probably won't get to keep the planet if you win, but we'll see about making you Viceroy.

If you win.

B: And Just Where Do You Think You're Going?

Despite our efforts, Yuuzhan-Vong leaders managed to escape from Rodia and take refuge on Lok. Intelligence suggests a myriad of Vong elements have taken to hiding throughout Lok's mountain ranges. Find these leaders and wipe out the rest of them before they can regroup and attempt to reclaim their land on Rodia.

And try to be more thorough this time.

C: Kimmie One Reason to Stay Here

[[ Kimogila Town ]] has been abandoned for centuries. Well, not entirely abandoned. The place is overrun with vicious, man (and women)-eating [[ Kimoglia ]]. The only reason we have interest in this place is because our probe droids detected a large Xylen deposit underneath. Xylen is a highly sought after material integral for use with advanced droid brains. Get into the town, wipe out the damn lizards, and set up a mining operation. We're told that Kimoglia scales are highly valued for armor. We're willing to pay top dollar for the hide of the ones you kill.

It's for science. Probably.

D: Housekeeping? Housekeeping.

There's always more that can be done. Establish a garrison, find a local university for the Techno Union to sponsor, recruit local experts into the Committee of Planetary Development, schmooze with the locals, or do your own thing. But remember- we're not mass murdering Sith, nor are we goody-two-shoes Republic. If it's a murderous dick move or if it doesn't bring us any profit (or both), probably don't do it.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll take on Objective B, and maybe if things work out with Rilus, he can take on A. Bit of an Anakin Skywalker throwback, just with less angst, whining, and general Anakin Skywalkerness.

Oh also, if anyone wants to do a side commentary of building a glorious Obsidian Citadel on Lok, that'd be good too. I may mention it happening in passing. I just want it clearly stated in our dominions that my spires of "security for our people" are being constructed.

...I'm totally not planning to outfit them all with a network laser system that creates more cataclysmic chaos than the Halo Rings.
...It would be irresponsible to give the Techno Union a killswitch.

... ^.^

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