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Approved Location The Doonium Mines of Lothal

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The Doonium Mines of Lothal





The Pryce Mine
: Colloquially known to the wide demographic of natives who live on Lothal as the Pryce Mine (formally known as the Pryce family mine) is the most infamous out of all of the Doonium mines located on Lothal due to it's age of discovery. One of the first mines to have been found on Lothal several centuries ago this location is still regularly excavated and worked on by the native workforce hired by the Drey company in the search of Doonium. Despite the fact that it's first vein was discovered almost a millennia ago this particular mine continues to produce deposits of Doonium for excavation, refinement and subsequent distribution.

Jalath Mine: Jalath, a city on the planet Lothal, was discovered to have possess a vein of Doonium located mere kilometres away from the city itself. Upon the annexation of Lothal by the Empire of the Lost this vein was surveyed by the Empire. Later, when Drey was formed, the mine was acquired by the company and excavation of the vein begun in earnest.

Jhothal Mine: Far away from the Capital City, on Lothal (near the small outpost and village of Jhothal) is the Jhotal Mine. Named after the same village that is located nearby this mine possesses a vein of Doonium that was discovered by the Empire following their annexation of Lothal. After the discovery it was surveyed and then sold to Drey which acquired mining rights to begin excavating the Doonium found here.



The mines have little to no security. In the event of emergency a call for assistance is usually made to the nearby city or village that it is located near. For example, if the Jalath Mine were attacked then security forces belonging to the Empire at Jalath would be called in for help. Obviously, the populace of miners and others coming or going from the mine have their wits about them for attack. Trespassers will eventually be found or outright stopped by those living here. But if the mine were assaulted by a well armed force then it would likely fall depending on the competency of the attackers. Fences surround each of the three mines which are designed to keep local wildlife predators, or trespassers from entering the mine itself.

It's more form of 'defense' is that it is located on a planet belonging to the Empire of the Lost which dissuades criminals from attacking. After all the Imperials have never been known to treat their prisoners nicely.


Lothal, a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories, in the Slice, has been a well established and known exporter of several goods along the Perlemian Trade Route, and Corellian Run for several centuries. Among it's exports to prospective markets is the well established and widely used heavy metal known as Doonium. Pryce Mining, a Mining company located on Lothal, was the first excavator and surveyor of Doonium after it's discovery by the first Galactic Empire in 5 BBY. Centuries later, by the turn of the ninth century, a successor to the Galactic Empire in the form of the Empire of the Lost annexed Lothal after a lengthy battle with local militia and rogue Jedi. Consequentially the heavy metal known as Doonium became a resource of theirs for export or use in their vast Empire.

During the battle, as the markets panicked at the prospect of Imperial rule, Alicia Drey Alicia Drey used her considerable wealth (created through a combination of sales, and liquidation of assets) to acquire land and rights on Lothal. Among these purchases were the Mining rights to begin excavating deposits of Doonium at the old Pryce Mine and two new discovered veins made at Jalath and Jhothal. After founding Drey Incorporated on Lianna, and receiving investment from Velran Kilran Velran Kilran , Alicia expanded operations of her company to include the excavation and sale of Doonium to add to her portfolio of products available for sale and export.

Acquisition of the heavy metal Doonium via Drey Incorporated was apart of the work pursued by the Order of the Sith Lords in order to gain wealth, and influence. Using Drey as a front to obfuscate and confuse it's activities in the Galaxy the addition of this resource as a means of distribution and export granted members of the Order access to prospective powerful and wealthy clientele unaware of their affiliation or following of the Rule of Two and their ulterior motives to destroy their rival Sith and Jedi.

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