Eternal Father
Remnicore, Wild Space
Darkness swept across the arid plains, the harsh sun above eclipsed as a dark object passed over its face. It hung there, ever-present, following the trajectory of the sun as it rode across the ashen sky. Below, towering spires of basalt and obsidian lorded over a lifeless land. Seams of platinum ore spun out from the castle's base like silver rivers, collapsing in on themselves before spreading out in infinite directions. Hills of glossy black earth were like islands in an endless sea of desolation, the skeletons of ancient trees standing rigid upon their banks.
A dark shape swept low over the land, a great winged monstrosity brayed into the windless sky. Its wings flapped vigorously as it soared over an outcropping of weathered rock, gliding down over the flat expanse beneath the castle's shadow. From the highest balcony, the Dark Lord looked down upon His withered domain. At His back was a frugally furbished chamber, a smattering of stone benches surrounding a central firepit. Black banners hung from the ceiling, various runic writing stitched into the fabric alongside esoteric shapes.
Darth Carnifex turned away from the balcony, retreating into the shadowy alcove before taking a seat near the pit. With a wave of His hand, lightning danced out and struck the dried wood. Sparks flew, and a great whoosh of flame erupted forth from the pyre. He idly tended the flame with an iron rod, if only to pass the time. For He was not here for His own amusement, He was waiting for another to arrive. Long had they schemed and plotted together, His closest ally outside of His family. She'd remained faithful, as faithful as Sith could be, and the time had come to convene and discuss their next actions.
Especially now that the gauntlet had been thrown, and the Order was on a precipice. Darth Empyrean's proclamation at Jutrand accelerated much of Carnifex's long-laid plans and cancelled others, though they were not as valuable as those He continued to invest in. The chief among them was on the forefront of His mind, one that He was eager to discuss with the Lady of Secrets when she arrived.
Their Great Plan.