Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Dragon Grow`s My lord

After reason mission Darth Banshee had decide, it was time to upgrade her ship. She need the original plans for it though. It meant making contact with an old friend, from south system bazaar, a certain woman called [member="Domino"]. She typed up the message on her computer

Dear [member="Domino"]

Thank you again for building my ship, it has proved most useful over the time I have had it. Though the time has come to replace it. However I like to keep a lot of the original design features. So could you please forward the original plans to me. Also I like to bulk buy some more matrix armour for a new ship.

If this deal pleasing to you, I can also put in a standing order for that material. As my company Krayt Industries, is on the verge of expansion.

Yours truly Darth Banshee
((Sorry for the wait RL kinda took over for a bit))

The One Sith had been rather aggressive on the galactic scale of late, being outed as a military supplier of theirs could have devastating effects not just for Koensayr, but for the Black Suns as well. Neither the Republic nor the Mandos that supplied her with Buckministerfullerene would likely appreciate Domino sharing high-grade armoring with them, even in a limited capacity. However that wasn't to mean a deal couldn't be reached. Just one on a continued personal level. The Twi'lek Vigo had no problem with the Darth herself after all.

To Darth Banshee, CEO of Krayt Ind.

Unfortunately our own projects continue to require the majority of the Matrix armor we're capable of producing so a standing order is implausible at this time. However a personal amount would be available if we knew what specifications to shape it to. I will of course resend you a copy of your Corvette's original blueprints and I wish you luck with your new ship and your future enterprises.

With regards,
Domino, First of the Vigos,
CEO Koensayr Manufacturing

[member="Darth Banshee"]
She read the e-mail, and she realized she would have to come up with another way, to increase production of her matrix veneer. Oh well, means the black suns where not ready to declare for ether side. She thought to herself, but at least she was still willing to sell to her, which meant they where not against them ether. She down load the plans to the central database, so she could have her ship dismantled correctly. She intended to make it into a frigate, and as a test ship for new technologies.

As ship was being dismantled, the first thing she wanted to improve was the reactor, she wanted away of improving it`s output. As well as make a easier to make antimatter reactor. She also wanted to make, the anti matter into a tangible weapon. To this ended she got in her science council, and charged them all with one of tasks.

They where told to report back to her with any problems, and what they think would be required to over come them.

[member="Domino"] just tagging you to show you what My ic character thought
Next day she got some initial reports in, from the three groups. They mostly inventory they required, to under take the task at hand.

The group making the weapon, decide they need a proton torpedo launcher. As well as stasis fields, and a plasma jet, plus a emp charge. They had couple ideas, one was a type of mine used to gain entry. The other was to have anti matter torpedo launcher, though it required some work, on the torpedo it self.

The group making the mass production reactor, came back and said apart from a few thing`s it could be done. It need investment into a specialized factory, other than that it was straight forward. Though they would have to come up few models depending on size of he ship. They also listed extra safety feature that should come as standard. These included a water based core ejection system, and an internal ray shield. She sent a query back about the ejector system and why water.

The group making, the over drive reactor, came back with they hit a brick wall. The four attempts so far have ended in ether an explosion, or it was drained to quickly. They need stronger materials, and possibly ship design restrictions. Though they looked like they where stalling for time, and think their working to dead line some thing she need to address later.
The Meeting

Darth Banshee was chairing a meeting, with her three groups of scientist. She wanted to assistant, where they where up to, and what they needed to continue. She was more interested in the over drive engine, as they seem to hit a brick wall. Some thing she was not happy about, and wanted to find more about. The others where straight forward, and just need materials ordering. So she wanted know what they where for, and how many they needed.

First off was the explosive group, Well we need a emp charge, and the plasma jet. So we could retry, the failed entry explosive idea. We think this could help us build that, this time. Also we think if we modified a proton torpedo launcher, we could turn it in to anti matter version of it.

So I get you these how long till receive results, and a test model. As I would like to refit my ship as soon as possible, with the anti matter torpedo launcher. She replied, to his question.

Well not long I think, after we worked out their firing system, and loading system. We then do one using stasis fields, as they are both quite volatile materials. As for the other weapon, we have head start from previous attempts. So we just continuing the process, and with any luck we should come with a solution using these items. The man replied.

Know it was time for feed back, from the man in charge of a mass production anti matter reactor. ​We are on schedule, and we not hit any bumps. To be honest, I think we could have ready and tested by the end of the month.

Thank you she replied, to scientist and his team of engineers.

Know it was time, for the project that keeps running into problems. The over drive anti matter reactor, she wanted a faster engine for her new ship. She did not want it to be slower, even though it is going to be bigger.

Well he said with his brow beginning to sweat, he was nervous he was about deliver bad news. We tried it with all conventional materials, none them are strong enough for what you want. They simply blow up every time we design one, we need some thing even stronger than dura steel. He paused, and then he came out with it. It can not be done with conventional materials, it needs light saber resistant ones, like beskar or phrik. Other wise this project is doomed to failure.

She lent back her seat and ponder a moment, their was company setting up a mine on alderaan. It was noble upstart, house thul or some thing like that. She may be able to get some to make from her. I will get you phrik, but I do I expect results. Meeting adjourned. She then got up and left the room, as she rose so did all the other people in the room. She was of to get materials, that they wanted to continue their designs.
Day after the meeting Darth Banshee arranged, for proton torpedoes and launchers to come station from the works. She also got some Emp charges, brought up from the republic armoury. That was the easy part, she also had to get some phrik from alderaan up, so she sent a message to Elaine of house Thul. After which she decide she did like the girl, and she probably only here as she had no where else to go.

She also had to get hand`s on a plasma jet for this, she would have to travel into republic space. Which in itself was no mean feat, so she got captain markus to arrange passage on old light freighter. So she could buy some, and bring them back to see if they would work. This would take time, and be could possibly be a perilous journey. So she got all her credentials together, and head off to buy the plasma jets.
After getting back from her excursion, to get the plasma jets. She deiced to check on progress, on the items she had commissioned for her new ship. The phrik metal was being turned into reactor components, so the anti matter reactor would not blow up due to over heating. Though final test on this where little way off. The anti-matter torpedo launchers however was almost ready for test, though the first torpedoes where still being designed.

She read the updates, the only problem she could see was, the torpedo launcher took up more space than a standard torpedo launcher due to safety precautions required. Though it was small price to pay for a such destructive device.
After few weeks, the new reactor was ready to test. So where the new weapons as well. She took a seat in a fury to watch the test unfolded. The reactor was scaled version of the one they where building for her personal ship. The torpedo launchers where not though, they where full ready versions of it.

The reactor was first, it coped well with excess anti matter flowing through it. The phrik metal did not over heat, and then exploded. This was a result, as it could be done though it was an extremely expensive reactor. It had also had other thins in place like a modified high impact shock absorbers, to stop the reactor tearing it self of it`s own fixing`s. It was very powerful reactor, though it had to be tempered other wise, it tear the very ship it was running apart. Which in the test it did, so controls would have to be put in place to stop that from happening.

The anti matter torpedo, was also ready. It used a system of three stasis fields to keep from blowing up, inside the ship it self. The outer one was removed on launch, then the was two others . They where divided into a full one, and one that was just protected the rear of the torpedo. This would help send anti matter directly at the target. It used a emp grenade as a detonator. Which would deactivate the full stasis field first. Though the half one would collapse within millionth of second after. It was beautiful to watch it exploded on some obsolete frigates.

Their was one last test to do however, the anti matter entry explosive. It worked very similar to the torpedo but had an plasma jet included, so it did not destroy the ship what was carrying it. Test she done previously on this, where failures, she had tired it with termite. That was not strong enough, to brake into ships hull. Her last test with anti matter, destroyed the ship carrying it as well. She hoped the plasma jet`s would give it enough direction, so not to be turn the drop ship in to scrap. She watched with anticipation, as it landed on to the remains of the frigate. Then the was a short blast of light, the drop ship had survived. She smiled with delight, finally she had made weapons out anti matter. Know all she had to do was confirm the test result, and make sure they where practicable.

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