Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Dragon Lives!

Hello there Starwars Roleplay Chaos!!

How have you lot been these last few years. It seems like forever since I last logged on and I am terribly sorry for leaving my team hanging. I looked at it had been about 3 years yet feels longer somehow. Anyway I finally found this site again and while I cannot be too sure I will become an extremely active part of the RP, I would like to see where I may be able to enter.

The last thing I remember was doing some form of invasion thread or Mission. Anyway I think but am not possative that due to partisipating, Dar'rak gained the Rank of Knight. Not sure if this is still viable or not as it has been some time. Still... I'd love to know what has been going on since my departure.
Welcome back :)

One thing you might notice, depending on when you left, is that the Galactic Republic and One Sith are no longer major factions.

Another is that the Omega Protectorate is gone, the Levantine Sanctum as well, and the ACA/ASA/CIS/TU/etc, and Lords of the Fringe are gone as well.

We also had the Netherworld event, which was kind of like a rapture of sorts, in which Akala finally met her end.

And just a month ago we had The Omega War event that involved rogue sith parties banding together under the banner of a splinter cell from the One Sith to build a superweapon that was capable of destroying whole worlds (gasp).
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Thank you, it is good to be back. I think part of the thing that compelled me to find my old profile and in urn this site again was my watching of the new movie along with playing the Lego version of it on my 3DS. Yes, I still have that thing, though at my new place I do not have Wi-Fi yet so unable to connect to the internet with it just yet.

I noticed that The First Order somehow managed to make it's way here even though from what I remember we are thousands of years ahead of the Canon timeline. It will be interesting to see how they all fit. It seems like I have missed quite a lot to the point I don't remember much of when I left. Just the remark about the battle that took place involving a lot of Jedi and Sith with a lot of droids as well. Something tells me that what you mentioned was either before my time or after as very little seems to be ringing any bells for me. Sad to say.

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