Candez Stoon
Candez Stoon had settled in the Nar Shaddaa system. No doubt he was being hunted. The credits he had stolen had come in handy with upgrading his gear. Getting some blasters for his crew, some stuff to make new gear. He had huddled down in a residential area, with his ship the Salty Mynok nearby. With him was his crew member Yam Yaw. Getting some new stuff with the credits he still had left.
"So, Yam Yam, see anything you like?" he asked as he showed around some clothing and other apparel that perhaps the Kel Dor would like. He received a grunt in return. "Oh come on, you gotta like something. You have credits to spend, I have credits to spend. Gotta be something for you, right?" The Kel Dor shrugged, grumbling quietly. It held the strap of it's blaster over it's shoulder. Candez rolled his red eyes, then started moving off on his own. He had been careful here and there, but some of these clothes had gained his attention pretty well. He quite liked some of this stuff, including a blue shirt with some markings. "This looks nice...very nice."
[member="Stardust Bloodstone"]
"So, Yam Yam, see anything you like?" he asked as he showed around some clothing and other apparel that perhaps the Kel Dor would like. He received a grunt in return. "Oh come on, you gotta like something. You have credits to spend, I have credits to spend. Gotta be something for you, right?" The Kel Dor shrugged, grumbling quietly. It held the strap of it's blaster over it's shoulder. Candez rolled his red eyes, then started moving off on his own. He had been careful here and there, but some of these clothes had gained his attention pretty well. He quite liked some of this stuff, including a blue shirt with some markings. "This looks nice...very nice."
[member="Stardust Bloodstone"]