Two-Bit Con Artist
If Irajah had realized that [member="Xena Amonali"] was on Maena this entire time, she would have gone to the girl sooner. But it was only when [member="Matsu Xiangu"] had given her a list of prisoners she could pick from for the next phase of her Gideon research that she discovered it. In truth, if she had realized it too much sooner, the coming events might have gone very differently.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] had transferred the girl here after she had been taken on Panatha, intent to study her at his leisure. Events had gotten messy, however, and Xena had been forgotten about in the ensuing tension.
The repulsor lift brought her down into the bowels of the facility. Dark hair curled around her face, thick bangs covering her forehead and the scar carved there by the Butcher King. On the surface, she looked little changed from the last time they had met. But the scars of carved sith runes across her torso and extensive cybernetics were only the surface of the changes that had been alchemizing within Doctor Irajah Ven since that night.
Slipping her keycard from the pocket of her crisp, white lab coat, she flashed it at the guard before walking with a quiet tak tak tak of heels down the hallway.
Her experiments on the terminal patients from the lower city had yielded little in the way of functional data. It frustrated her, that it had taken so much of herself to work up to that point, to make those sacrifices (both in morals and lives), to come up empty handed from those subjects. Indeed, if she had known that Xena was here before she had taken that step, then she would be going down into the holding cells to lead her back into the galaxy- to freedom.
But the failure there, the continued gnawing of the Gideon Virus inside of her- the continued pressure of the Dark Side that had been building first on Panatha and now here on Maena.....
No. She was here now to make Xena a deal.
If Irajah had realized that [member="Xena Amonali"] was on Maena this entire time, she would have gone to the girl sooner. But it was only when [member="Matsu Xiangu"] had given her a list of prisoners she could pick from for the next phase of her Gideon research that she discovered it. In truth, if she had realized it too much sooner, the coming events might have gone very differently.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] had transferred the girl here after she had been taken on Panatha, intent to study her at his leisure. Events had gotten messy, however, and Xena had been forgotten about in the ensuing tension.
The repulsor lift brought her down into the bowels of the facility. Dark hair curled around her face, thick bangs covering her forehead and the scar carved there by the Butcher King. On the surface, she looked little changed from the last time they had met. But the scars of carved sith runes across her torso and extensive cybernetics were only the surface of the changes that had been alchemizing within Doctor Irajah Ven since that night.
Slipping her keycard from the pocket of her crisp, white lab coat, she flashed it at the guard before walking with a quiet tak tak tak of heels down the hallway.
Her experiments on the terminal patients from the lower city had yielded little in the way of functional data. It frustrated her, that it had taken so much of herself to work up to that point, to make those sacrifices (both in morals and lives), to come up empty handed from those subjects. Indeed, if she had known that Xena was here before she had taken that step, then she would be going down into the holding cells to lead her back into the galaxy- to freedom.
But the failure there, the continued gnawing of the Gideon Virus inside of her- the continued pressure of the Dark Side that had been building first on Panatha and now here on Maena.....
No. She was here now to make Xena a deal.