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Character The Dread Pirate Sedog

Grindo Sedog



RankIndependant Captain
FactionOuter Rim Syndicate
Force SensitiveNo
Hair ColorBald
Eye ColorBlack
Skin ColorGrey-Blue
Image sourceArtStation

Positive Traits
Neutral Traits
Negative Traits

Robotic Hand

Power, plunder, and freedom. Those are Captain Grindo Sedog’s ideals, and he holds them close.

A spaceborn Karkarodon hailing from the outer rim, Grindo grew up on the path of the frantic and dangerous merchant caravans his father worked for as a bodyguard, scraping the barrel to provide for Grindo after his mother died in childbirth. Grindo’s father urged him to learn the merchant's trade so he would not end up in the same place, but Grindo’s true Karkarodon spirit led him into the army.

His brief service for the Galactic Alliance in their war with the First Order. The war had brought out the worst in him, but also the truth of his nature. Bold battlefield spirit turned to recklessness and insubordination, and Grindo grew less inclined to believe the Alliance was making a difference.

The day came when Grindo snapped, assaulting his commanding officer in a fit of passionate rage. He was dishonourably discharged, and fled further into the outer rim. The Galactic Alliance fell, and he didn’t look back.

He returned to his father, taking up mercenary work with him, but it was a difficult few years. The ships they worked aboard became prey for pirates, a problem that eventually grew too large to handle. At the myriad stations where they docked he would hear young crewmen talk romanticize the pirate’s life, not beholden to any government, free from the wars plaguing the galaxy, and becoming rich beyond their wildest dreams.

When disease took his father, he saw that mercenary life had nothing left for him.

He joined with a pirate crew on the as of then unknown Hydian Jewel, a recovered Hammerhead Cruiser. The crew struggled early on, not having enough manpower to effectively use their ship. Yet for once there seemed to be some certainty in Grindo's life. He was certain he wanted to see the crew succeed.

As the Alliance collapsed, followed a few years later by the Outer Rim Coalition, many sailors flocked to the ranks of the pirates: some for fame and fortune, others in order to keep governments like the Confederacy out of the outer rim. As the Jewel amassed a proper crew, it lived up to its name, raiding up and down the Hydian Way, even daring to strike at rich border worlds of the CIS

In time, both through his physical strength and the strength of his will, climbed the ladder of the crew. In 857 the young Grindo had already become the ship's Master Gunner, and he had his eyes set on the Captain's chair. The Captain whom he'd served since the beginning, the one who'd made the Jewel a big name, was a grizzled Nikto who'd been a pirate for the Hutts most of his life. They called him the Dread Pirate Zork, and he knew how to treat a crew fairly and equally, but his Quartermaster was the polar opposite. Unfortunately for Grindo. the Quartermaster was the Captain's nephew.

The fateful and bloody day where Grindo became the new Captain came the same year. Taking advantage of the turmoil in the Core Worlds, the crew of the Hydian Jewel attempted a daring raid on the wealthy world of Dremulae. As they tried to intercept a luxury cruiser leaving the world, a mercenary fleet hired by the planet caught them off guard, and threatened to completely destroy them. When the Dread Pirate was killed in the ensuing battle, Grindo made his move. He couldn't sit by as his rival assumed the Captaincy and got them all killed.

Though Grindo's mutiny force was small, the chaos provided him with the advantage he needed to murder the new Captain, and take the title himself. They escaped Dremulae with their ship, though the crew had suffered great losses. It was up to Grindo, who took the Dread Pirate name for himself, to rebuild the crew upon the principles of equality and respect.

In the time since, not only has the Jewel returned to its full fighting strength, but Grindo now seeks to grow his crew into a fleet, and perhaps one day... an armada.

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