The golden haired stranger didn't seem impressed
or thankful for the trouble that Gabriel and Lara had been through to help him from the men that had been chasing him. They were still alive; Gabriel had made sure of that when they hit the deck. But Lara was sure they'd wake up with a terrible headache, and most likely blame booze at first until they remembered what actually had happened. His lip curled upwards like a wild animal snarling, when he addressed her. "
I don't need your damn help, kid," His cold golden eyes analysed and inspected her only briefly. Like she was nothing more than a spec of dust on his boots. He shifted his gaze from her onto Gabriel next, and added sourly. "
Same goes for you, pal."
Her soft features twisted into a frown. She turned away in the dark filthy alleyway they currently resided within, and left Gabriel to drill home the point how they had risked their asses to help him. She was missing something, until she saw it amongst the dirty rubbish on the ground. She had been taken advantage of before hand when the attackers arrived, and they slapped the weapon out of her hand like a baby throwing it's toy out of its pram. Lara wasn't happy that she was that easy to disarm, but for now that wasn't her only worry. She knew when Gabriel was on edge, and that was enough of a reason for her to be as well. She picked up her blaster, and made sure it was on safety before tucking it in a pocket on the inside of her coat. Gabriel
always taught her to check the safety first. Until she had promised to do that, he had refused to teach her.
Her emerald eyes studied behind her at the market district as she turned her head. She couldn't hear any more shouting just yet..but she knew it wouldn't be long until more arrived. Criminal's
never gave up that easy. She turned her head back around to look between Gabriel and their new 'friend.' Both were to proud to give the other a hint of kindness. They stood their ground, and if they had the time to spare, Lara would have guessed they'd be here all night. The stranger carried a vibroblade and it was already painted and stained in blood. Lara looked closer, and she could tell it was
fresh blood. She wondered who he had hurt, or possibly killed before she and Gabriel helped him? Part of Lara wanted to directly ask him, but she assumed he'd shoot her down as quickly as he had previously.
Her ears twitched like a cat's with what she heard next. Their footsteps echoed against the alleyway's brick and metallic walls, before their shouts followed. The criminals were moving even quicker than the others had - and they weren't wasting anytime in trying to find them. "
Over here! Valan said he was goin' this-a way!" The almost endless staring war between Gabriel and Golden-boy had come to an end, and their attention was drawn back to reality.
"Fething robot..." Golden boy growled with almost a drop of fear washing over him with the realisation of his pursuers. Lara realised whatever he had done, must've been bad enough to get this type of attention.
He quickly raised the blade Lara had been earlier analysing to a damaged door with dents complimenting most areas of it. Old blood splattered on the door as well, as if it was paintwork to cover the damage. She guessed that wherever this door led, it wouldn't be very pretty or hold a nice crowd. But it was the only exit out of here, and right now they didn't have the leisurely time for making choices. "
In there, Go!" he ordered at once, making Lara quickly run with Gabriel through the door once it was opened for them.
Club Ufora
The horrible mixture of smoke and drugs hit Lara's nose first, and almost made her threaten to cough and splutter with disgust. The lights were dark inside the bar, and the music blared away with a few aliens bopping their heads, or dancing (practically grinding) away together. Club Ufora was the first thing that Lara saw in a rather unflattering neon sign above the bar. She had heard rumours of this place in the Red Light Sector, and a lot of aliens travelled out here to do shady work away from the authority's knowledge here. Or what little authority there actually was on Nar Shaddaa already. It was a seedy environment, with just as seedy individuals lingering within every nook and cranny of the establishment. Many smoked. Many were high. Many were drunk. And many were just getting it on in the corner of the room, groping places that should be saved behind a closed door. However every customer had something in common, and that was a weapon of some type on their person. Blasters, knives, swords, and kriff knows what else hidden in different compartments of their clothing.
Lara had never been inside such an environment, and for a moment she was stunned. She felt overwhelmed and she was sure sweat was threatening to form on the top of her brow.
Is everyone looking at me, at us? She didn't know where to look. Sometimes even looking at someone wrongly could create trouble. She saw Gabriel's looming shadow on the ground before she heard his voice. He had crouched only slightly, clearly he didn't want to draw attention to the group by taking her hand. He whispered in her ear, and the sound of his voice was soothing enough for Lara to learn how to breathe again in the moment she had forgotten. "
The door is just across the room. Relax, Lara. Keep moving, and try to blend in." She nodded seamlessly at nothing. She didn't know exactly how to blend in, but she'd try if it meant they got out of here alive. So Lara did not look at Gabriel. She did not look at Golden boy. She simply walked, and prayed that they wouldn't be seen amongst the crowds.
The slamming of the door they had entered through made Lara freeze in the middle of the dance floor, the route the group had chosen to take was smart enough. It would be the hardest place to see a bleeding human, a giant Cathar, and a little girl so easily. A yell in some unknown alien language could be heard above the music, before it was cut. The lights were turned on, and she blinked continuously for a moment to readjust with the sudden change. Aliens of all species turned their heads, muttering and swearing some beneath their breathe and some out loud at the sudden change of atmosphere. It was then that Lara crouched to look through a female nautolan's legs, to see who was making the commotion.
The Black Sun she recognised the symbol adorned on their clothing. One male Rodian, one male Twi'lek, and one female human had their blasters in hand - and their narrowed eyes were scanning every single person in the sleazy bar. Lara scurried back slightly from where she was crouched on the ground, desperate to try and find somewhere she would not be seen. She knew the Black Sun were a vast criminal syndicate, not only known on Nar Shaddaa, but on every planet from the core worlds to the Outer rim. Over the years they've been a thorn in a lot of police's side, but also the only way for people to get their fixes or a stable income. The resources available at their disposal was almost frighteningly large, to large for Lara to even try and get her head around to work out.
The crowd's shouting was cut short once the male Twi'lek shot his blaster three times into the ceiling above, leaving pieces of it to fall down onto the ground damaged. His voice was deep as he addressed every single person, with a pissed off tone. It was clear he had better things to be doing than chasing three people. "
ALRIGHT LISTEN UP. We're looking for three people!" He held up three fingers to the crowd, as if they were to stupid to understand basic mathematics. Lara felt a shiver run down her spine, as she desperately began to crawl through the crowd towards the door. Gabriel had told her to not stop moving, to get to the exit as quickly as possible. The Twi'leks voice spoke up again, silencing the murmurs that had fell on the surrounding watchers. "
A stoopa with blonde curls that my mother would be proud to have! A large cat that deserves to be skinned, and a little blonde haired brat with green eyes who deserves to be shipped to the Hutt's!" He paused, before continuing with his little speech. "
If you've seen 'em..tell us now. If you're hiding them somewhere..then let's just say now you'll have more problems later if you mess with the Black Sun's business." Lara could feel people looking left and right, desperately trying to see if those described were in here. She felt fear overwhelming and flooding her very body. As if she had been thrown into the ocean, unable to swim. But she forced herself to continue crawling against the disgusting floor.
She could see the door now, she wasn't far away. But then a shout could be heard, and a snap. She turned her head and pushed a few of her stray blonde locks aside to see what was happening. A bar fight was breaking out amongst the aliens and black sun members. It seemed the owner of the bar didn't take lightly to threats, and now it was a pure free for all with a mixture of smashing furniture, fisticuffs, or blaster shots being fired. Lara ducked her head and scurried behind an overturned seat. A second to late she would've been glassed in the face by an angry Wookiee. Her heart was beating louder and louder, she had lost Gabriel in the current madness, and she had lost the stranger she helped previously too.
Kriff, Kriff, Kriff. She was beginning to panic. Crowds of people brawling blocked the entrance she was aiming to dart towards, and the one they had come through. It felt like there was no escape for her. She heard a crunch of the glass that was thrown behind her, her long blonde whipped around as she looked up immediately to see who it was. For a moment she feared she had been caught, but instead she saw Lok Jorunn with a disgruntled expression on his face.
Was he going to help her? Or was he simply going to leave her and Gabriel alone and save his own skin?
[member=Lok Jorunn] [member=Gabriel Vestex]