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Private The Duel of Endurance


Jedi Enclave | Obstacle Course
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria


Padawan Roman stood at the starting line of the newly constructed obstacle course, his eyes scanning over the various challenges laid out before him. The sheer scale of the course was impressive: ropes stretched high into the air, walls to climb, and trenches filled with sand that would surely sap every ounce of energy. He felt a buzz of excitement mixed with apprehension, this wasn't going to be an ordinary training session. He could practically feel the anticipation humming in the air around him.

With each passing minute, Roman's thoughts drifted between his own worries and the upcoming challenge. He'd grown accustomed to the demands of the Jedi Temple, enduring rigorous training in both lightsaber combat and the Force. However, this obstacle course required not only physical strength but also the endurance of his connection to the Force. He would need to rely on both his mental and physical fortitude to navigate the trials before him.

As he paced along the starting line, Roman glanced toward the shimmering sky above the Temple. The sun was at its peak, casting a warm glow over the training grounds, bathing everything in golden light. Roman took a deep breath, feeling his heartbeat steady as he contemplated the course. There was a hint of nervousness, but he welcomed it like an old friend. It reminded him that he was alive, that he was in the process of becoming a Jedi, and it pushed him to strive for more.

He rifled through his thoughts, recalling the training sessions he had endured since arriving at the Temple. There had been countless moments of struggle, times when he believed he wouldn't make it through. Yet each experience had forged him into the Padawan he was today. He sensed the thrill of competition looming ahead, he had always thrived in collaborative challenges, and today was no exception. His partner who he had yet to meet, Padawan Lily, had a reputation for being as fierce and driven as he was.

Roman checked the time on his comm, noting that Lily was already late. He hoped she wouldn't back out, it was no surprise that some Padawans dreaded the thought of tackling the obstacle course, especially with the added pressure of a surprise competition. Rumor had it that the grand prize for the best time on this course. For Roman, that was more than enough motivation to give it everything he had.

Location: Jedi Enclave
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

How did she allow herself to be so late?

Lily usually prided herself on being either early or exactly on time, she hated the idea of being late. However, it seemed as though the Force was conspiring against her since she was unfortunately terribly late for something she was pretty stoked about. An obstacle course, fitness and demonstrations of her feats in strength, endurance and physical attributes was always a plus for Lily. She was a fighter and she had honed her body to be the fittest and strongest it could be. She was also proud of her speed and agility, being quick on her feet in a manner that was graceful and dancer like thanks to her years of dance training.

Learning to use the Force while it was harder for the Padawan, she was getting better and she was getting stronger. It was mostly in skills that assisted her in combat but Lily was determined as anyone to demonstrate that she was going to make a fine Jedi Knight and hopefully one day even earn the title of Blade Master. That would be her ultimate dream, but for now she was focusing on completing the course and seeing how far her hard training and studying had come along.

Stretching her muscles, she walked over to where she was expected to be and looked around, seeing who else was around and potentially get a good look at what the potential challenges they would be facing. Her muscular figure stretched and relaxed as she didn't even feel that nervous about the course, there was only doing her best and taking what she could to learn and become better. There was nothing wrong with becoming last place during this and nothing massively gained if she was first place, at least nothing that inspired a competitive edge to her. Even if it had, she would be more anxious to get the ball rolling and perhaps be a bit too eager and aggressive during the course.

So it was probably for the best that she was taking a far calmer and relaxed approach to the obstacle course.

Waving over to Roman, "hi! Roman, right? So sorry about being late, lost track of time and it seems that the universe is against me today. I hate being late personally." Lily mentioned as she smiled warmly to the stranger and extended a hand in greeting.

Padawan Roman turned as he heard the familiar voice, feeling a surge of relief wash over him upon finally meeting his partner. When he saw Lily approaching, a spark of admiration flickered within him. She stood tall and poised, her athletic build evident in her confident stride. Roman couldn't help but be impressed, the dedication to her training was clear. Her presence radiated strength, and there was an ease to her movements that hinted at her agility.

"Hey, no worries, Lily! I'm just glad you made it." Roman replied, extending a hand to shake hers. "You ready for this?" He chuckled lightly, the buzzing anticipation of the upcoming course igniting a competitive thrill within him.

As he released her hand, Roman began to scan the course once more, allowing his gaze to shift between the rope climbs and the walls. "I have a feeling this is going to be one intense day. I've heard you have quite the reputation as a fighter. I guess we'll see who can scale these walls faster." He flashed her a grin that conveyed both encouragement and challenge.

"And hey, just so you know, I didn't sign up for last place." His heart began to race with excitement, eagerness starting to bubble beneath the surface as he envisioned them darting through the obstacles, pushing each other to excel. At that moment, Roman felt the thrill of competition rising in him, a desire to prove himself and perhaps impress Lily with what he could do.

"Ready to show this course what we're made of?" Roman asked, excitement radiating in his voice as he took a step back, readying himself for their impending adventure. The sun shimmered down upon them, a perfect backdrop for the determination that sparked in his eyes.

Roman continued to stretch out as he eyed the course. The pair would know the natural surroundings, but not the details of the course. All they could see at the start of the course would be a large wall the size of a large tree, with indents throughout its face so the Padawans can scale it. Beyond the wall, the would be running in blind.

Location: Jedi Enclave
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

She smiled politely, glad to hear that her tardiness had not caused any upset with the other Padawan. "Oh, for sure, I train daily pushing myself physically with my improvised obstacle courses, and I have been studying as hard as I can at the Jakku Enclave." Lily nodded her head with a grin, ready to take on the challenges ahead.

Hearing that she was gathering a reputation for being a good fighter only caused Lily to grin wider, if there was anything she wanted to be praised about it was her fighting capabilities. That was her defining attribute and best thing, at least in her mind, "awesome! Glad to hear that word is getting around. Would dread the idea that I was poorly representing the Echani culture and letting my people down." She giggled slightly and looked over to the rope and the wall that they were going to first need to overcome. "Oh, this is going to be easy!" Lily stated with an excited tone to get the ball rolling with the course.

"Well, if you beat me then you'll certainly have a lot to brag about I suppose. Loser could also pay for drinks afters, if you wanted to make it interesting." Lily stated, never against a friendly, unserious bit of gambling that was surrounding physical challenges. Bouncing a little on the spot, her eagerness to jump into the course and give it her all was coming to the surface. While she wasn't feeling competitive in a desire to destroy the competition or make it boring for anyone else, she was eager to show off her training and skills.

It wasn't a bad thing to demonstrate how much further you have progressed. "Definitely pumped to go." Lily stated with a grin. "Think you can keep up?" She asked, curious to see what Roman would be like since she had not trained with him before and getting to see people in action always spoke more than a conversation. At least for Lily it did.

But that was her Echani nature.

Padawan Roman nodded, feeling the energy thrumming between them as they prepared to tackle the obstacle course. Lily's enthusiasm was contagious, it sparked a fire of determination within him. He admired her unwavering confidence, her words echoing in his mind -- this is going to be easy. Roman appreciated her straightforward perspective, it matched his own desire to rise to the challenge and give their absolute best.

As the two of them approached the towering wall, a rush coursed through him. He glanced over at Lily, her form poised and ready. Roman could sense her eagerness, it complemented his own competitive spirit. He chuckled to himself, thinking about the stakes they had just set, drinks on the line added a perfect layer of camaraderie to the competition.

"Alright, Lily." Roman said, a competitive gleam sparkling in his eyes. "I hope you're ready to be impressed." With a final stretch, he steadied his posture at the base of the wall. The rough surface loomed high above them, indents and crevices inviting their determination.

"Three... two... one!" With a powerful kick-off, he launched himself toward the wall, fingers grasping at the nearest foothold. The grit of the surface pressed against his palms, but he grit his teeth and focused, climbing with a steady rhythm. The initial surge of adrenaline fueled his movements, pushing him to scale the wall as swiftly as he could.

Roman's breathing quickened, and he felt the burn in his muscles. But there was something invigorating about the physical struggle -- the way it felt to challenge himself, to fight his way upward. He could hear the occasional rustle from the ground behind him, a reminder that Lily was right there, each of them vying for the lead.

Above him, the sun shone brightly, highlighting the determination etched on his face. "Don't fall behind!" he called back playfully, wanting to keep the spirit light while encouraging her progress. He could feel the palpable excitement of competition tingling in the air, each second unfolding with potential.

He took a deep breath, quickly scanning the area beyond the wall. The course opened up into a twisting path of obstacles that mirrored nature's formidable beauty -- all sharp turns, rocky terrains, and dense thickets -- and every second brought new challenges. Roman bounded down the other side, landing nimbly on the ground below. Without wasting a moment, he charged forward into the next leg of the course, dodging beneath a series of low-hanging branches while maintaining a quick pace.

Suddenly, the ground beneath him shifted, prompting him to slow. The terrain divided into two paths. One seemed to wind up a steep hill littered with boulders, while the other led down toward a shallow creek, likely slippery with mud. Roman could feel the presence of the Force guiding his instincts, urging him to trust himself.

"Let's take the creek!" he thought to himself, his voice full of vigor.


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