Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eight-Eight Fleet

For much of New Class Modernization Program's troubled existence, progress was perhaps a little slower than expected, or otherwise different from expectations, until Cathul arrived. Also the choice of bringing in Cathul was also criticized at first, especially since she was unproven, but her sorties on Hakassi, Inysh and Lujo proved that she wasn't a complete fool as a naval commander, even though she might be a little rough along the edges, and perhaps a little too quick to act. In Admiral Reu's absence, Cathul, addressed as admiral in a by virtue of holding a flag rank, if only in an acting capacity (she might have been an acting vice admiral, but her actual status among the admiralty as of now is still up in the air), arranged for this teleconference. Yet other parties, including the communications officer of the Hero of Coruscant, which saw a lot more service than the To Cathul the Eight-Eight Fleet, much like its 240 ABY incarnation, would be capable to cover the entire Alliance territory with battlecruiser-sized capital ships (excluding any ship larger than battlecruisers), and be used as eight "fleets-in-being" with one heavy battlecruiser and one supercarrier each.

"Open a channel to our list of guests. Today's items on the agenda are NCMP-related"

"Contacting [member="Vilin"] and [member="Desmond C'artyom"]"

"This is Therapy Command. It appears that Admiral Reu, the nominal head of the New Class Modernization Program, is busy dealing with border patrols alongside our southwest border. As the standoff over Barkesh proved us, the First Order is a formidable naval threat, and the largest immediate threat to the Federation. Although at the time I wasn't part of the Alliance's naval personnel, the Alliance defeated the One Sith in space because that enemy had three significant weaknesses: heavy reliance on long-range power, weakness in their attack craft and weakness in their command. By now you know that their commanders are a lot better than anything the One Sith could have thrown our way. NCMP's original intent was to have appropriate counters for several class of ships but many among the Navy thought that it would require too many new classes. Also, the Mateus-class will cause headaches for the First Order, and that they will make attempts to counter it. But it appears that there are two things for which there are no clear counters in our inventory that are operational: the Imperator-X and the Darr Itah. You will say, my battlecruiser could be brought to operational status, but I do not feel it is up to the Darr Itah standard, at least not yet"
It all added up to bigger, badder ships. Something that was a little above Desmond's paygrade. He didn't quiet understand the dynamics of the situation other then that the Alliance needed badder ships to combat the FO. Well he had an idea or two on the matter and apparently they had been good enough to rank attention of the higher ups. He was working on a cannon that would completely ignore enemy shielding utilizing a large set of magnetic coils to propel a massive slug. The theory was that solid objects completely ignore light shielding and by building a giant chemical based explosive weapon, such as a rail gun. You'd have a ship sized gun that completely ignored enemy shielding.

"Well Ma'am with a few of these bad boys I think we might be able to close the gap pretty quick," Desmond said over his two way transceiver, toothpick in mouth. He and a few other mechanics were in the hangar bay hammering away on the new weapon. He wiped a grease stained hand on his dunagree's as he contemplated the weapons power. Over fifty turbo lasers that was for damn sure.

"R-6 hand me that turbo spanner will y'a," The little droid quipped at him noisly. Something about how the droid wasn't his servant.

Those astromech sure do have a pentient for developing quiet the personality... Des thought. It just so happened he got the one unit that had a little gumption about it was all. The droid handed him the turbo spanner and des began welding the pipe into place with his plasma torch.

[member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Vilin"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]

Vilin turned up his nose at the smell of the new bridge. He didn’t like new ships. He liked a ship that had seen a good few tours. A ship that felt well worn, comfortable. On the other hand he had to appreciate the view. The bridge of the trimaran ran from edge to edge of the prow blade, affording an exceptional view. Yet the entire thing would pull back thirty metres or so and be sealed off as soon as an engagement started. After all the ship was designed to close and obliterate enemy destroyers at short range. Not a good place to be with just glass – not matter how strong – between you and the void of space.

“Message for you sir?”

“Patch it through,” Vilin replied. “And what is it you’re asking of me Thuku?”
"Tell me, [member="Desmond C'artyom"], how is that new 50-turbolaser contraption going to be different from a long-range hypervelocity cannon, like the 380mm ones I already use onboard the battlecruiser? Can it be mounted on something smaller than a heavy cruiser?"

The 380mm hypervelocity cannon Cathul was referring to propelled what amounts to a massive slug with explosive ammunition. Oh, for sure, Jessica, that lady that designed the 380mm hypervelocity cannon, was a rather sneaky woman when it came to regulatory requirements: she claimed that the muzzle velocity of these monsters was about 2 km/s, but 6 km/s was closer to the actual muzzle velocity of a hypervelocity cannon. Both ships, that is, the battlecruiser and the ANS Trimaran, commanded by [member="Vilin"], were going to undertake some space trials. Preliminary scans show that the ship has mostly forward weaponry; the Mateus is the Alliance's counter to the Kandosii with all of 10 squadrons, more than it would actually counter the Imperator-X. Hopefully the various people in the Corps of Engineers would realize that Therapy Command seems to rely on attack craft more than any squadron with a Trimaran at its head.

"The appropriations period for the Alliance Navy is soon approaching. Since the Alliance naval doctrine calls for a limited number of battlecruisers, as well as supercarriers, capable of reigning terror across the galaxy, but that would, operationally, only be deployed against other enemies using battlecruisers, namely the First Order, the Alliance High Command will not authorize more than about a dozen battlecruisers to be built across any classes, so the onus is on any Star Defenders which, on an operational basis, will be often called upon to act as squadron flagships. A Procurator-X is estimated to cost as many as 5 times as much as a Mateus or as a Trimaran. May the initial space trials of the ANS Trimaran begin! First step is going to be a test of speed, acceleration and maneuverability"
Desmond smiled at the Twi'lek's words. This "contraption" as she put it wasn't just another big gun. It was a ship. A ship capable of firing massive shield breaching rounds right into the heart of the enemy. If Desmond saw it his way, this thing would replace bombers all together.

"Well miss Thuku, you can fly this gun," Des said into his holocomm a small smirk playing on his face.

Oh yes it would be the size of a Corellian YT-1300 freighter. It would only be able to seat one and probably have no hyperdrive to speak of, but the damage this bad boy would be able to do was substantial. Its potential was massive. With a fighter escort like Rogue Squadron these bombers would be able to take out whole frigates. Desmond smiled at the idea.

He replaced the goggles on his head and began welding again. "Almost done with this piece R-6,"

[member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Vilin"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

"Acknowledged. But please be careful with your language. Reign of terror?" He replied with a shake of his head. "The First Order have been busy sabre rattling on our borders again and it's time for a little show of military strength with the prototypes.

"I will also add that this thing has a truly sublime caf machine on the bridge. One click for freshly ground caf any way you want. Also the command chair has a really good way of automatically adjusting to the biology of the occupant. So comfortable. Anyway were about fifteen minutes from your location. I've organised for the sim team to set something up. They're still integrating out systems with the standard Alliance sim program, but once it's done we'll get some enemy signals on the battlespace management system and run some drills."
"Prepare to deploy the attack craft! This is a test of the command-and-control systems"

The simulation protocols were installed, and potentially tested even, with the command-and-control systems. She foresees the main advantage the Excubitor would have over the Trimaran would be that the Excubitor would be able to project firepower forward, broadside and aft (unlike the Darr Itah, which is a little weak on the aft but [member="Vilin"] mustn't go out thinking that a Procurator-X is the same as a Darr Itah even though the Procurator-X is designed to counter it). Understandably, a picket corvette-sized ship that would be able to mount a HVC would pretty much have nothing else for armament, and be crewed by 1 pilot. And even a not-fully-operational Procurator-X could still smash a few escorts in an escort screen. And even then a YT-1300-shaped attack craft capable of carrying a hypervelocity cannon with one pilot onboard would take up the space devoted to an entire squadron and still leave 5 squadrons of attack craft onboard the battlecruiser, 3 squadrons of X-Wings and 2 squadrons of BB-2s. With that said, may [member="Desmond C'artyom"] fly that YT-1300-shaped picket corvette, knowing that the work on the auxiliary hangars right next to the main one is not yet complete.

"May the simulation begin when you arrive in range"
The thing was massive Desmond admitted, but such a ship was more designed for larger aircraft carriers. He had the ship painted black. He liked black. A small series of rungs led to the top of the craft. He climbed up the ladder and R-6 jettisoned into its respective astromech manifold. Desmond kicked open the flight craft cockpit window and hopped in. Thrusters were looking good. Shielding power was at a minimal, but it would have to do until he could take a look at it. He worked the cannon and it moved to his touch. He was good to go. He hit the ignition and the Ion engine roared to life. The ship hovered a bit then he took off. Into the void of space Desmond was able to acknowledge the lack of defensive turrets. He'd have to figure something out after the simulation. "Boy, I wish the rogues were here right now," he said to himself. A small fighter escort of two X-wings flew forward to provide cover for his craft. "Ready to begin when you are," he said into his comms

[member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Vilin"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

The great blade at the front of the Trimiran was like the prow of an ancient seafaring vessel, cutting through space towards their intended target. They slowed to take up position in the centre right of the formation of Alliance vessels. Several hammer-head class corvettes and Thranta frigates were providing escort. X-wings had already been launched and were taking up positions ahead of the main lines to scan for targets and intercept any surprise missile launches.

"Sensor sweep?"

"They haven't turned the simulation on...."

Vilin gave a roll of one hand as if asking them to hurry things along. "As soon as the damn this is..."

"Enemy contacts bearing..." someone called out, reading the positions of the fictitious vessels.

Vilin watched the holographic displays as the bridge was pulled back behind several layers of blast doors and armour. The enemy signals were simple Impstars. They hadn't significantly engaged the First Order navy in more than a handful of skirmishes so they were using relatively vanilla simulated enemies for the sim.
"All units, activate simulation!"

Imperator-IIs for enemy contacts. Three of them to be precise. As soon as the auxiliary hangars would come online, the simulation will add a squadron of X-Wings inside the (that she will use as a fighter screen around the Excubitor). Also, the parameters of this simulation were such that the simulated enemies would be matched meter-for-meter compared to any allied force. So both the full makeup of Therapy Command (ThpyCmd) and the ships brought over by [member="Vilin"]'s segment of the simulation would come to bear, meaning that a squadron of Dreadnoughts, plus another one of Victories and of Lancers. And, here, the carrier will clearly outmatch any one of the Imperators one-on-one. Now that there are two varieties of hypervelocity cannons onboard, she has to distinguish between the 88mm ones (a.k.a. the light ones) and the 380mm ones (the heavy ones). She was rather concerned with the attack craft deployment.

"Here's the plan: we'll deploy the attack craft with 60 X-Wings forming the fleet's fighter screen. Everyone else concentrate on the enemy shield generators"

"But what about their own attack craft?"

"The enemy TIE fighters, Interceptors even, can at best deal light damage to our capital ships. It is estimated that they will need to lose 2-4 for every one we lose. As for our own weaponry: we shall pepper the enemy Star Destroyers' undersides with one each of these new cloaking missiles: they will be hit with seven heavy proton torpedoes apiece. Concentrate all the heavy hypervelocity cannon fire on the closest Star Destroyer, everyone else, fire at the enemy escort screen"

Which meant that the dorsal batteries on both the Excubitor and the Hero of Coruscant were aimed at the Victories, and the trench guns on both ships fired on an assortment of escorts, believing the escort screen to be more or less the same as non-SDs. More or less like Charzon did back at Omega, notwithstanding the first volley, she thought. She expected at least two, if not all three, of the Star Destroyers to direct its fire on the Excubitor in this simulation. The enemy may have more attack craft (at least 24 squadrons; they deployed at least that many as the fighter screen) but they are copiously outgunned. But Desmond's one-man picket corvette would hopefully sneak past the enemy fighter screen and destroy the enemy shield generators with well-placed HVC shots.

Therapy Command:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser): 3000m
ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier): 2000m
ANS Yag'dhul (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Vandelhelm (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Moenia (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Otoh Sancture (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Spinnaker (Nebulon B7): 300m

Attack craft:
168 T-70 X-Wings
72 BB-2 bombers
1 picket corvette prototype (piloted by [member="Desmond C'artyom"])

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Vilin"]
Desmond C'artyom sat in the cramped cockpit staring out into the void of space. The enemy fleet materialized and they began scrambling fighters. His scanner whirred to life as it began picking up dozens of enemy frequencies. "Alright boys, it's show time!" Des and his fighter escort raced forward with the rest of the assault craft. Laser fire raced past them towards the enemy vessels. Then they met the enemies own fighter screen. Desmond ignored them, but they were vastly out numbered.

Desmond picked up a hole squadron of enemy fighters and couldn't give them the slip. His craft began taking heavy fire and R-6 beeped in protest. "I know, I know buddy! Im trying!" He preformed a tight s manuver and manged to get behind a couple of enemy fighters, but then remembered. No guns! He cursed and they preformed a upwards loop that put them right behind him. The shields were raked again and this time his alarms began blaring in his ship. He was going to have to sacrifice his own escort if he wanted to make it.

"Red 1, Red 2. I need you guys to deal with these buggers!" His X-wing escort raced forward and engaged the enemy squadron. They were quickly overwhelmed, but they had succeded in distracting the enemy. Desmond began closing the gap to the enemy victories.

[member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Vilin"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]

"Bring us around to face that Impstar head on," Vilin called. One of the imperial ships had oriented herself towards his own and launched fighters. TIE bombers lingered close to their home ship, remaining a constant threat.

"Alright, two points to acceleration and start to close. Keep those corvettes in flanking positions. I want our interceptors on high alert in case those bombers come around. Load long range disruptor torpedoes."

"Ay sir."

"Torpedoes loaded," came the call a few moments later.

"Full spread."

He heard the launch reverberate through the ship, then watched the torpedoes lance across the sky towards their target at high speed.
The enemy Victories were being pounded from all sides: the two heavy units, the attack craft, but what [member="Desmond C'artyom"] did was to close in on one of the enemy shield generators on a Victory. The first volley of heavy firepower dealt some damage to each of the Star Destroyers, but nothing that would cause them to be destroyed. Meanwhile, the clash of capital ships began with roughly 12 km worth of ships on the enemy side. Three Imperators, five Victories, and the rest being Nebulons in two separate squadrons of five and four units respectively. By focusing on the Nebulons first, Cathul would hopefully make the task easier for the attack craft; Victories and Imperators are somewhat short on point-defense. As expected, two enemy Star Destroyers fired a concerted salvo on the Excubitor, while the last one opened fire on the Trimaran, meaning that the simulated Imperial fleet didn't think the Excubitor or the Hero of Coruscant to be overly dangerous on their own. But it appears that three Victories open fire on the carrier simultaneously.

"We're taking heavy fire, admiral: forward shields at 40%"

"Keep the escorts in flanking positions. Missile units, fire on heavily damaged ships: everyone else fire on the more fresh units. Also, divert shields from the aft to the forward position"

"The auxiliary hangar should ready by now: should we launch the fighters from it?"

"The simulation will freeze if we do that, commander"

The simulation would start with a certain amount of weaponry and a certain amount of attack craft: accounting for an auxiliary hangar that couldn't possibly be stocked in the middle of a battle caused it to freeze. Also, said crewmembers were working on more auxiliary hangars. With that said, two Nebulons and one Victory ate the dust. Of course, her own escort screen has also taken some damage in this wargame, and then a proton torpedo aimed at one of the other Victories' shield generators caused one generator to explode, on the very same Victory that Desmond was closing in on. [member="Vilin"], on the other hand, was also closing in on an enemy Star Destroyer while the furious dogfights were to happen outside.

Therapy Command:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser): 3000m
ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier): 2000m
ANS Yag'dhul (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Vandelhelm (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Moenia (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Otoh Sancture (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Spinnaker (Nebulon B7): 300m

Attack craft:
145 T-70 X-Wings
63 BB-2 bombers
1 picket corvette prototype (piloted by [member="Desmond C'artyom"])
Desmond's ship closed the gap to the Victory relatively quickly. His ship dived low towards the aft of the enemy frigate. He practically hugged the enemy vessel as turbolaser fire flew towards his ship. He flew into a crevice and stayed within the narrow canyon attempting to avoid further laser fire. He ducked under pipelines, flew over life support towers and knifed upwards as the canyon came to an end. His ship leveled out just above the canyon and he raced at top speeds to the bridge. He climbed up the command decks all the way to the top. He flew over the shield generator domes a bit then came swooping back down like a hawk. He blasted the dome with a round from his HVC and his ship rocked back slightly from the force. The dome exploded as the mass round hit the dome and Desmond flew through the flames. He did a c curve and attacked the other dome accordingly. The dome exploded and the enemy shields went down.

[member="Vilin"], [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Vilin watched his display light up as the disruptor torpedoes struck home. It lit up the enemy vessels like beacons, gave them a clearer picture of what they were facing.

"They've suffered minor damage to shields, they're compensating."

"Bring us ten degrees starboard, three down. Load high yield long range warheads."

"They're charging weapons. We'll be withing long range turbo laser range shortly."

"Have the escorts follow evasive pattern kresh. Hold fire for the moment and accelerate one point," Vilin called back. Time to test their defensive capabilities. Though it was only a sim. Live fire would be required to really test their mettle.
"Venator 5, Venator 10, cover me" Venator Leader told its wingmen.

"Roger, Venator Leader" Venator 5 told its commanding officer.

"Everyone else, hit the target hard, give everything you got!"

The Victory whose shield generators were destroyed by [member="Desmond C'artyom"] lost its shields. Which, in turn, rendered it vulnerable to bombing runs aimed at that ship's main reactor. Venator Squadron, a X-Wing squadron, had to pull out fast once the reactor has been hit, and then its target exploded in a glorious blaze that took out some of the attack craft, both allied and enemy. With the enemy escorts peperring fire, several of the Alliance escorts have lost their shields, too. And the two Star Destroyers that fired at the Excubitor have lost their shields under a few volleys of hypervelocity cannon fire as well as a few volleys of proton torpedo fire. Oh, sure, the ships themselves are still standing, just that attack craft willing to aim proton torpedoes at the bridge tower can do so without having to worry about the shields. And, of course, the carrier is taking damage to its forward shields, but at the cost of leaving its aft shields exposed. They've taken down another of the Nebulons in the process.

"Admiral, the second auxiliary hangar is ready"

"How many times must we tell you guys in engineering that, if we fill the auxiliary hangars while the simulation is active, the simulation will freeze?"

"On another note, Venator Squadron destroyed one of the Victories. But the Otoh Sancture is ramming a Star Destroyer"

"She's lost..."

Therapy Command:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser): 3000m
ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier): 2000m
ANS Yag'dhul (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Vandelhelm (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Moenia (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Otoh Sancture (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Spinnaker (Nebulon B7): 300m

Attack craft:
133 T-70 X-Wings
54 BB-2 bombers
1 picket corvette prototype (piloted by [member="Desmond C'artyom"])

The sleek vessel escapes the explosion only seconds before it fries. His ship has a head start, but it is no match for the speed of the X-Wings. Flames chase it all the way to its next target. They lick at his hull and Des's shields finally go out. "R-6! See what you can do about those shields!" The droid beeps rapidly in response and jettisons itself out onto the aft of the ship. Its magnetic wheels hold it to the ship as laser fire rockets by and the ship takes direct hits. Scorch marks and dents begin to pepper the vessel and R-6 finally finds the shield ray's interface. He dips his sodering probe into the manifold and begins rewiring the metals within. The Shields start back up with a kick, but at the further sacrifice of speed. R-6 races back inside the vessel as his job is done.

Desmond begins to close on the nearest Destroyer and begins firing rounds at random.

[member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Vilin"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]

The wedge of the Impstar started to become visible on the screen at the front of the bridge. There was something deeply ominous about seeing that dagger turn to face them, especially when you realised the scale of the beast.

"Forward shields are holding."

"Hold course, charge ICEs and Ion cannons for a full volley and load assault concussion missiles," Vilin replied.

"Our interceptors and escorts are struggling sir, they're trying to divert us from closing on the Impstar."

"Call for more..."

"Fighter wings are at capacity with orders sir."

That was relatively standard, at least the request for aid had gone in. It would be an odd thing to watch from a distance. Ships moving in the darkness, manoeuvring around invisible enemies and firing dud torpedoes and light beams.

"Hold steady, prepare to fire."

Vilin's eyes held upon the range rings and stayed there. Closer. They needed to be closer.
By now the FC-115 dealt some damage to the destroyer's dorsal batteries, punching some holes alongside the dorsal spine of that ship, knowing that the shields being down under concentrated fire actually helped. Also, the enemy Nebulons ganged up on the Alliance escorts, hoping to pierce the escort screen as the two enemy destroyers attempted to flank the battlecruiser. Meanwhile Therapy Command "lost" another frigate, with its cruisers hunting down the remaining Nebulons, even as damaged as they were from other Victories firing at them. On the right of the Excubitor, the two Victories were closing in on the carrier, even though they ceased firing at it for a while. Cathul never wants to commit all her attack craft of one type to a particular move, so she decided to order only the bomber squadrons assigned to the Hero of Coruscant for this particular maneuver.

"Bomber squadrons Magrody, Tarlanc, Wisibarr, form up and aim at the Victories threatening the carrier! After that, return to ship!"

"Copy that" the wing leader in charge of the aforementionned squadrons answered.

"Sir, the ANS Trimaran is hailing us" the communications officer reported to Cathul about [member="Vilin"]'s call for aid.

"Patch it through"

Vilin called for aid against enemy attack craft. His own interceptors were overwhelmed. In fleeting, one had to take risks sometimes. Therapy Command's fighter screen, comprising some five squadrons, was rather unchallenged since the remaining units, nine squadrons, were busy with the enemy attack craft, which were unshielded. The enemy lost a whopping 18 squadrons to the Alliance's 7 (or at least as far as losses are computed in fleeting simulations), completely destroying the fighter screen on the enemy's center and right. But the enemy's left advanced towards Vilin's position, and the many squadrons still left would be attacked on their flank and rear by the other squadrons that could be spared. She could afford the fighter screen to be reduced to four squadrons, meaning that a total of four squadrons could be sent to aid Vilin's group: Khagan, Lanista and Mordor Squadrons from the squadrons already engaged to fight the enemy attack craft, and taking Vorzyd Squadron out of the screen.

"Khagan, Lanista, Mordor, Vorzyd Squadrons, move to the enemy's left and engage the attack craft on their left!"

"Roger" Vorzyd Squadron's leader acknowledged.

"Our own forward shields are down to 20%, topside-forward at 40%, we're under heavy fire"

"But the enemy Star Destroyers are also taking heavy fire. Dorsal batteries, missile batteries, fire on the Star Destroyers!"

Therapy Command:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser): 3000m
ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier): 2000m
ANS Yag'dhul (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Vandelhelm (Dreadnought Mk3): 700m
ANS Moenia (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Otoh Sancture (Nebulon B7): 300m
ANS Spinnaker (Nebulon B7): 300m

Attack craft:
120 T-70 X-Wings
47 BB-2 bombers
1 FC-115 (piloted by [member="Desmond C'artyom"])
The Center mass of the enemy frigates seemed to be loosing support at a rapid pace. Without having to worry about enemy fighters harrying his ship Des was able to get in close on the unshielded enemy frigate. He flew in low until he reached the bow. He kept to the deck as he glided along the underbelly of the ship. Only the occasional turbo laser fired at him as most were positioned top side. He flew out the other end and made a c turn that put him on a direct course towards the hangar. The blast doors began to close and he fired a slug which disabled one of the doors locks. He turned his ship sideways and managed to make it into the thin hole left. Des flew through the hangar and blasted his way into a large corridor. He blasted a wall and found himself placed right in front of the reactor core and by god he blasted that too! The ships klaxons began to roar as systems all over began to malfunction. He flew out the way he came and manged a Lando just in time. He flew away as the ship exploded and flames chased his vessel out. "Cathul, this tub is outta ammo! Requesting position to dock,"

[member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Vilin"]

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