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Approved Tech The Eliadian Ring of Flames

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  • Enables the use of the Force Ability, Convection.
  • Enables the use of the Force Ability, Pyrokinesis.
  • Concentrates and strengthens the use of Convection.
  • Concentrates and strengthens the use of Pyrokinesis.
  • Due to the shank of the ring being made of Sarrassian Iron, is particularly geared towards those aligned with the Dark Side of the Force.
  • The Flame Gem acts as a sort of torch/lamp.
  • The ring enables the use of Force Abilities, Convection and Pyrokinesis.
  • The ring acting as a conduit of the Force, is able to concentrate and empower the wearer in the use of Convection and Pyrokinesis, resulting in the wearer requiring less focus in producing and controlling the flames, even raising the wearer's limits in the amount of fire produced.
  • Rendered useless in the presence of Force Dampening/Suppressive sources.
  • Naturally corruptive influence and aura due to the Sarrassian Iron, and permeated with the Dark Side.
Used for centuries by ancient warlords on Eliad, the Ring of Flames as it came to be known, was seen as a permeable symbol of power, especially for those with darkness in their hearts. For where fire held the light that kept the darkness at bay, it was also the force which expressed vivid hate and passion, burning with the heat of anger and emotion. Such it was that for those who sought to rule Eliad, the ring made for a worthy goal, and the histories abounded of those who would take the ring, and out of their hands, the very natural and primaeval force of destruction was laid bare for them.

Eventually, when Eliad would pass from these times of war, the ring would find itself held within the planetary museum.

One which Malum, in the Sith conquest of the world, would find, and claim for himself.

The ring was a natural attunement to his skills, whereas for others it may have simply allowed them to use the fire, for a rare few, those who already knew how to use the flames, it provided even more boons. The ability to make even more fire.

Where once he might have made a barricade of flames, now it was a wall. Where once it was a simple spear, it was now a torpedo.

Yet the ring holds its in itself weakness. Bound by the Force, and all its rules, if that connection were broken, so was the ring's ability to aid.

And the ring used for millennia in destruction, in annihilation, perhaps even crafted by those who were of the dark, was coated in darkness, its very presence a corruptive influence on any who wore it.
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