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Approved NPC The Ember Knights

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The Burning Star



  • Intent: To create a small internal group of Fytar that Vivi Irius is the leader of.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Novatar

  • Unit Name: Ember Knights
  • Affiliation: Vivi Irius | Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
  • Classification: Pyrokinetic Infantry of Knights
  • Description: Those of the Ember Knights are typically of the Novatar race Fytars. A Unit of Pyrokinetic force users and energy based beings wielding unconventional armor and weapons.

  • Unit Size: Small | Approximately 10 Knights for the full unit.
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Elite.
  • Equipment: Ember Armor, The Lumen Petras(All Ember Knights), Ignis Impulsa (Vivi Irius)
  • Combat Function: Ember Knights are long, short range specialists that are dispatched in small centralized locations in a fast drop ship coordinated fashion. They’re primarily a “hit fast and hit hard” unit capable of creating destruction in vast capacity due to their Pyrokinetic abilities.
  • Force Abilities:
  • Pyrokinetic Abilities:
    • Heat Shield: Melt physical attacks by increasing a fire shield around the Ember knight with their Pyrokinetic ability.
    • Fireballs: Long and Short range ability to manifest fireballs and with precision launch them at enemies.
    • Natural Fire Whips: All Fytar are taught a basic skill to manifest flames out of whip for a method to keep attackers at bay.
    • Fire Absorption: Fytar are capable of exuding flames across worlds with time. Coming into direct contact with flames or intense heat allow them to restore forms of energy during battle.
    • Fire Constructs: Fytars have taken akin to the Entar and their ability to build structures only with their manipulation of fire.
    • Fire Infusion: Fytars are able to infuse their fire energy into objects to defend or offensively use tactics to survive.
    • Ash Manipulation: Fytars are able to use already burned remnants to dampen other creatures efforts to use fire or heat related abilities against them.
  • Force powers: Force Sense

  • Immune to Fire | Heat: The Ember Knights are Fytars, thus they are immune to many forms of extreme heat.
  • Hard and Fast: This unit is led by Vivi Irius and their core operation is to dropship fast and hit the opposition hard. While this is direct combat in a fierce manner, stealth isn’t needed for these specialized Knights.
  • Flying: All Novatar fly, their weightless energy based bodies allow them to utilize pulsars around their magnetar heart to hover, levitate and fly in any capacity. This makes it difficult to keep them grounded if needed.
  • Elite Combatants: The Ember Knights are incredibly well versed in combat making them precise and dangerous as a small unit of Force Sensitives. Their unpredictable style of fighting tends to wear down enemy forces in time.

  • Force Nullification Tactics: Anything like Voidstones and Yslamir
  • Water Prone: Ember Knights rely on their ability to spread fire and flames across landscapes of the places they are dispatched. Large portions of water that can hold against the fires could prevent the Ember Knights from being as effective. Also, direct contact with water may cause lag time between manipulation of the Fytars Natural talents.
  • Ion and Emp Strategies: Many of the tools Ember Knights use have a very low resistance to Ion and Emp applications. On top of this, Emps can disrupt pulsars for a short length of time for a Novatar making them incredibly dangerous for a Fytar donning the Ember Knight armor.

The origination of the Ember Knights was a long and arduous path for Vivi Irius. While he had garnered knowledge from his parents in their effort to perform the sacred ritual of Eta’Al, Vivi began to question the true balance of the galaxy in his own ways. With his mind developing conceived notions of complacency with his own kind, he began to beg the question… Why?

Vivi Irius knew that Novatar like him, being a Fytar, was destined for war. With his capabilities and destructive power in Pyrokinetics it was fate that brought him into the world with a burning desire to correct the corrosion of the galaxy…to burn it away and start anew. He began to develop a mindset of disgust with the infestation of other beings outside his own kind. While this may have been the case, he did not consider himself better than them, but rather, that other populaces in the galaxy were a problem. That the balance was no more.

So, Vivi questioned the status quo, asking the Entar and other Galatars to provide reasons behind the blind path before them. He soon found that the infestation had reached his own species and decided to no longer seek guidance in how to live a life as a Fytar from those that knew nothing of sacrifice and war.

Pressing forward, he refused to seek other guidance from others like the Kytars who fought alongside his own. Still, his stubborn approach and thoughts began to take root and before long other Fytars began to question the same things he had.
Vivi felt he had no purpose and in turn, inspired close Fytars on the battlefield to consider other options. In the end, these loyal Fytars to Vivi followed his sentiments and the creation of a crusade across the stars had begun.

In the early stages of their movement Vivi Irius tested these Fytar warriors making sure that they were at optimal capacity to perform dangerous missions and eliminate the opposition with fierce trials. This timed rite of passage for new recruits was extremely dangerous and tedious to come out of alive. Vivi Irius himself performed the same trials to prove to them he was willing to sacrifice his own life to keep the unit strong. The weak couldn’t lead them, someone with a stern look and take on the galaxy would be necessary in the future.

After proving themselves and Vivi proving it to himself, they successfully began to burn worlds in the extragalactic space. Vivi Irius could feel the shift in the balance, but only small tinges of corrections could be felt in the force. He knew this mission to correct all balance with his loyalist would become a lifelong journey.

Years following, the unit became known as the Ember Knights. A name given to them in light of the fading species they left behind. While separate from their own kind most of the time, they would come to realize unity and survival were most important with given threats in the galaxy bigger than them.

Last edited:
The Burning Star
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan I have added Novatar link to the primary source Section for ease of access. Updated Div that I forgot and the first mention of Novatar and Fytar are hyperlinked to the Novatar species as well. Let me know if this is sufficient.
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