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Approved Lore The Embers of the Ebon Tide

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  • Intent: After a rather productive week of class discussions, I am reflecting on the learnings of my witchcraft and magic anthropology course and creating a cool, neat, group of black magic women/witches/spies for the Commonwealth.
  • Image Credit: Midjourney/Photoshop edits by me.
  • Music: Odetta Hartman’s Widow’s Peak
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Feminist Afterlives of the Witch
  • Organization Name: Embers of the Ebon Tide
  • Classification:
    • Espionage Coven
    • Mystic Intelligence Network
    • Secret Society
  • Affiliation: Imperial Commonwealth of Dosuun
  • Organization Symbol: A dark crescent moon, with an aura, with an eye.
  • Description: "The tide moves unseen, reshaping the world without force. The ember smolders in the dark, and by the time they see the flame, it is too late."

    The Embers of the Ebon Tide are an all-female order of spies, assassins, and witches operating beyond the borders of the Commonwealth, serving as its unseen hand in the galaxy. Masters of espionage, subterfuge, psychological manipulation, and ritual magic, they erode threats before they rise, ensuring stability through fear, influence, and deception.

    Unlike conventional intelligence agencies, the Embers do not rely solely on technology, brute force, or direct military intervention—they use whispers, shadows, and fate itself as weapons. Their methods are as ancient as they are insidious, leveraging arcane rituals, mind control, and scrying to shape the tides of power in their favor.

    The Embers do not simply gather intelligence—they rewrite history, remove obstacles, and ensure that those who resist the Commonwealth's vision never see the light of another day. Their members work under deep cover, adopting false identities, infiltrating governments, corporations, and noble houses, and sabotaging enemies from within.

    Every Ember is bound by blood and oath, their loyalty absolute. To betray the sisterhood is to suffer a fate worse than death—their very existence is erased from memory, their soul claimed by the tide.

    Their legend persists in whispers—some believe them to be a forgotten Nightsister sect, others claim they are eldritch witches who emerged from the black waters of an unnamed moon. In truth, they are the Commonwealth’s deadliest secret, a myth to some, but a nightmare to those who stand in their way.
  • Headquarters: [Asusto/Sarafur]
    • Hidden Sanctuary of the Ebon Tide (Location Classified)
    • The headquarters of the Embers is a secretive, isolated stronghold, known only to its highest-ranking members.
    • Planet: A remote, uncharted world outside Commonwealth space, chosen for its secrecy and mystical properties.
    • Environment: A dark, mist-laden coastal region, where the tides move unpredictably and ancient ruins hint at lost civilizations. The sky is often covered in heavy clouds, allowing the moon to shine only in rare, significant moments.
  • Domain: The Embers of the Ebon Tide do not openly claim territory, but their influence spreads through the shadows in various regions across the galaxy. Their presence is felt rather than seen, operating as phantoms within foreign powers.
    • Primary Focus: Foreign Nations & Rival Powers
      • The Embers exist to infiltrate, manipulate, and control from within.
      • Their agents are embedded in governments, noble houses, crime syndicates, and military organizations.
        • Presence in the Commonwealth: Officially, they do not exist, and their activities are not openly acknowledged by the Commonwealth. The Grand Vizier and select intelligence leaders are aware of their work, occasionally providing information or targets but never direct oversight. Their influence within the Commonwealth itself is minimal, as their mission is focused on external threats.
        • Relationship with Local Populations: The Embers do not maintain a public face or interact directly with local communities. However, they often operate in disguise, blending into the societies they infiltrate. Some secretive covens, aristocratic circles, and underworld organizations may unknowingly serve as fronts for Ember operations.
  • Notable Assets: Include but are not limited to:
  • The Hidden Sanctuary (Primary Headquarters): A fortress cloaked in illusion and darkness, built within ancient ruins that predate the Embers themselves.
    • The sanctuary includes:
      • The Hall of Echoes – A vast underground chamber where divination rituals and intelligence briefings are conducted.
      • The Black Veil Chambers – An elaborate training facility where new recruits undergo their trials.
      • The Drowning Pool – A moonlit cavern used for the Veil Trials, where initiates must prove their worth.
      • The Library of the Tide – A vast, secret archive containing knowledge of political weaknesses, esoteric rituals, and forgotten lore.
  • Shadow Havens (Safehouses & Hidden Bases): The Embers maintain a network of hidden safehouses and boltholes throughout the galaxy. These locations are used for:
    • Sheltering agents in deep cover
    • Storing intelligence and artifacts
    • Performing covert rituals and assassinations
    • These havens are often hidden in plain sight, disguised as:
    • Private residences in noble estates
    • Backrooms of exclusive nightclubs or casinos
    • Ancient temples left abandoned to outsiders
    • Isolated monasteries where witches and mystics practice in secret
  • The Obsidian Mirror (Communications & Coordination Hub): A highly secure communications network used by the Embers to relay information without detection.
    • Encrypted Force-imbued devices (obsidian mirrors, black pearls, or enchanted rings) allow for silent, long-distance communication between high-ranking members.
    • These devices self-destruct if tampered with, ensuring the Embers’ secrets are never revealed.
  • The Black Tides (Naval & Transportation Assets): The Embers use stealth ships to transport operatives across the galaxy.
    • These vessels are small, untraceable, and designed for silent infiltration, appearing as harmless civilian craft when scanned.
    • Some high-ranking Embers have personalized vessels outfitted with cloaking technology and escape contingencies.
  • Hierarchy: The Embers of the Ebon Tide operate in a decentralized cell structure to prevent infiltration and ensure secrecy. The highest ranks know the most about the organization’s full scope, while lower members only know what they need to fulfill their missions.
    • The Veiled Matriarch – The undisputed leader of the Embers, holding absolute knowledge of their true numbers, missions, and goals. She is both a strategist and a seer, rarely seen but always aware.
    • The Silent Choir (Inner Circle) – A small group of elite witches and spies who act as the Matriarch’s hands and voice. They oversee individual cells and determine missions, often using prophetic visions, gathered intelligence, or strategic divination to guide their sisters.
    • Whispered Hands (Cell Leaders) – Each cell of operatives is led by a Whispered Hand, who acts as both a field commander and a mentor. They relay orders from the Choir and maintain operational secrecy within their group.
    • The Moonborn (Operatives) – The active members of the Embers, trained in espionage, manipulation, assassination, and mysticism. They operate alone or in small units, embedding themselves in foreign powers, manipulating leaders, or gathering intelligence.
    • Initiates (The Fading Tide) – New recruits undergoing trials to prove their worth. They must pass a series of tests, each one designed to break their old self and rebuild them into a sister of the Embers.
    • Within the Embers of the Ebon Tide, members are not just trained indiscriminately—they are shaped into specialists, each fulfilling a distinct role in the organization’s grand design. These four paths—Veilborn, Weavers, Nightshades, and Scryers—reflect both a member’s skills and their function within the Embers. While all members receive a foundation in espionage, manipulation, and mysticism, their chosen path dictates how they operate in the field, rise within the hierarchy, and serve the Matriarch’s will.
      • Types of Members: There are four paths, or member types for an Ember.
        • Veilborn – Skilled manipulators who use deception, seduction, and persuasion to achieve their goals.
        • Weavers – Witches who specialize in ritual magic, illusions, and mind control.
        • Nightshades – Assassins trained in poisons, stealth, and silent kills.
        • Scryers – Mystics who use the Force or arcane techniques to foresee dangers and locate hidden knowledge.
      • Each path has a structured role within the Embers, mirroring both a functional chain of command and an occult framework: Note and reminder, that the Embers have a decentralized command network therefore each path often operates on its own, yet the Embers’ decentralization can become centralized, answering the Veiled Matriarch’s call.
        • Veilborn – The Silver-Tongued Shadows
          • Role: Diplomats, infiltrators, spies, seducers, and political manipulators.
          • Symbol: A silver ring, often enchanted with a hidden compartment for poisons or micro-scrolls.
          • Motto: "A whisper can move mountains."
        • Function within the Hierarchy:
          • Veilborn are the most visible agents of the Embers, embedding themselves in foreign courts, crime syndicates, and power structures.
          • They befriend, seduce, or blackmail key figures, ensuring control without open conflict.
          • Some pose as courtesans, nobles, or diplomats, while others operate as mercenaries, merchants, or trusted advisors.
        • Command Structure:
          • Veiled Hands (Leaders) – Oversee long-term infiltration projects and ensure their subordinates remain undiscovered.
          • Echoes (Operatives) – Field agents conducting espionage, social manipulation, and recruitment.
          • Shades (Initiates) – Trainees undergoing their final deception trials before becoming full-fledged Veilborn.
        • How They Serve the Embers:
          • Turn powerful enemies into unwitting allies.
          • Ensure the right people rise to power—and the wrong ones fall.
          • Fabricate scandals, spread disinformation, and engineer political instability in enemy factions.
      • Weavers – The Witchborn Architects of Fate
        • Role: Ritualists, mind controllers, illusionists, and alchemists.
        • Symbol: A black thread wrapped around their wrist, woven with arcane glyphs.
        • Motto: "Reality is but a fragile tapestry, easily rewoven."
      • Function within the Hierarchy:
        • Weavers are the spiritual core of the Embers, acting as their seers, enforcers, and keepers of forbidden knowledge.
        • They specialize in ritual magic, mind control, hallucinations, and hexes.
        • Often stationed in sanctuaries or hidden temples, guiding missions through divination and spellwork.
      • Command Structure:
        • The Silent Choir (High Council) – Direct rituals, foresight operations, and occult experimentation.
        • Handmaidens of the Tide (Operatives) – Experts in hypnotism, scrying, and dream manipulation.
        • Tethers (Initiates) – Novices learning to reweave the minds of others and manipulate reality itself.
      • How They Serve the Embers:
        • Cloud the minds of enemies, making them pawns in the Embers' grand design.
        • Seal knowledge away or rewrite memories to protect secrets.
        • Conduct rites that predict enemy movements and expose vulnerabilities.
      • Nightshades – The Silent Killers of the Tide
        • Role: Assassins, poisoners, executioners, and saboteurs.
        • Symbol: A bone-white dagger carved from a drowned beast’s fang.
        • Motto: "All things die. I merely choose the when and how."
      • Function within the Hierarchy:
        • Nightshades are the Embers' blade, ensuring their will is carried out without hesitation or mercy.
        • Specialists in silent kills, poison, and surgical sabotage.
        • Often dispatched when subtlety has failed, and a message must be sent.
      • Command Structure:
        • The Unseen (Master Assassins) – Orchestrate high-profile assassinations and battlefield eliminations.
        • The Pale Hands (Field Agents) – Operate alone or in pairs, using a mix of stealth, toxin, and fear tactics.
        • Ashlings (Initiates) – Undergo lethal training in silent movement, toxin crafting, and shadow-walking.
      • How They Serve the Embers:
        • Eliminate key figures who resist control, ensuring silence through fear.
        • Use slow-acting poisons to make deaths appear natural or untraceable.
        • Destroy critical infrastructure when destabilization is necessary.
      • Scryers – The Moonlit Watchers
        • Role: Seers, diviners, Force-sensitive prophets, and trackers.
        • Symbol: A moonstone pendant, polished smooth by the tides.
        • Motto: "Nothing is hidden from the tide."
      • Function within the Hierarchy:
        • The Scryers are the Embers' eyes, ensuring no secret remains unseen and no threat moves unnoticed.
        • While Weavers manipulate the minds of the living, Scryers manipulate the flow of information and time.
        • They use scrying mirrors, dreamwalking, and Force-based precognition to uncover hidden dangers.
      • Command Structure:
        • The Tidewatchers (Masters of Foresight) – Oversee the gathering of intelligence through mystic means.
        • The Black Mirrors (Field Scryers) – Specialists in tracking, sensing deception, and reading the future.
        • Moonborn (Initiates) – Learn to listen to the echoes of fate and channel visions into strategic foresight.
      • How They Serve the Embers:
        • Foresee betrayals and enemy movements, ensuring the Embers never act blind.
        • Locate lost artifacts, hidden safehouses, and unseen threats.
        • Manipulate the dreams and subconscious thoughts of key figures, planting ideas or extracting secrets.
      • The Embers rarely send a single operative alone. Missions are carefully planned using a combination of strategic placement, mysticism, and subterfuge.
      • A typical operation might involve:
        • A Veilborn gaining the trust of a foreign ruler.
        • A Scryer foreseeing a moment of vulnerability or betrayal.
        • A Weaver implanting false memories or hallucinations.
        • A Nightshade delivering the final blow when the time is right.
      • Each specialist plays a role, ensuring that their target is controlled, weakened, or eliminated with precision.

      • Path Fluidity & Specialization: The four paths of the Embers ensure that every sister has a place, a purpose, and a mastery over a specific aspect of their shadowy mission. They are a force woven from deception, arcane knowledge, silence, and foresight, ensuring that no power in the galaxy remains beyond their reach.
      • All members begin as Initiates, receiving generalized training in espionage, mysticism, and survival. As they progress, they choose one of the four paths. However, some exceptional operatives master multiple disciplines, becoming true weapons of the Embers. The most feared members are those who can seamlessly blend paths:
        • A Veilborn Nightshade – A seductive assassin who manipulates her target before delivering death.
        • A Weaver Scryer – A seer who also controls the minds of those she touches, ensuring her visions shape reality.

  • Membership: [OOC: Please come speak with me, this particular group requires a bit more thought than some of the others I’ve created.]

    [IC - Below]

  • Small, highly selective, and secretive. Their numbers are unknown, even within the Commonwealth, but rumors suggest fewer than 200 exist at any given time.
    • Recruitment Process:
      • Selection: The Embers seek out individuals with rare potential—those with Force sensitivity, keen intellect, or natural gifts in deception, manipulation, or combat. Many come from orphaned backgrounds, failed noble houses, or abandoned Force sects.
      • The Veil Trials: Initiates undergo a grueling series of mental, physical, and mystical tests to prove their loyalty and ability. These trials include:
      • The Drowning – A symbolic near-death experience in a sensory deprivation chamber, where recruits must confront their greatest fears and sever ties to their old life.
      • The Moonlit Reflection – A divination trial where recruits must interpret cryptic visions, proving their ability to foresee and manipulate the flow of fate.
      • The Silent Betrayal – A psychological test where they must deceive or betray someone who trusts them to demonstrate their ability to manipulate and sacrifice for the greater cause.
      • The Black Oath – A final ritual where they swear eternal loyalty in blood, and a hex is placed upon them—should they ever betray the Embers, they will suffer a slow, agonizing demise.
  • Climate: [Internal Reputation]
    • Esoteric & Ritualistic: Every mission, decision, and action is dictated by a combination of strategy and mysticism. Divination, tarot-like readings, and blood rituals are often performed before major operations.
    • Sisterhood of Secrets: The Embers are deeply bonded but exist in a world where even their allies cannot be trusted. Loyalty to the cause comes before personal bonds.
    • A Life of Shadows: Members live in deep cover, often adopting multiple identities over their lifetime. Some may spend years embedded in foreign governments, whispering into the ears of rulers, waiting for the perfect moment to act.
    • Strict Discipline: Failure is not tolerated. If a sister compromises a mission, she may be abandoned or even killed by her own kind to protect the greater cause.
  • Reputation:
  • Outside the Commonwealth:
    • Feared and considered an urban legend. Many foreign rulers dismiss them as a myth, while others obsessively hunt for proof of their existence.
    • Intelligence agencies that suspect their presence call them “The Daughters of Ruin”, attributing unexplained coups, assassinations, and disappearances to their influence.
    • Some factions believe they are cursed witches, bringing misfortune wherever they go.
  • Within the Commonwealth:
    • Officially, they do not exist.
    • There is only one other official that is aware of them. She views them with respect and wariness, knowing their allegiance lies more with the Grand Vizier’s vision than any particular government.
  • Curios: Every member of the Embers carries a Curio, a physical token signifying their allegiance. These items are enchanted and used for identification among members:
    • A Midnight Pearl: A small, black pearl worn as a pendant or ring, said to absorb light. Given upon initiation.
    • Tattoos of the Ebon Tide:
      • A hidden black ink sigil placed somewhere on the body.
      • When exposed to moonlight or specific incantations, it reveals an iridescent glow.
    • The Whispering Dagger: A small, curved dagger imbued with an alchemical poison that induces hallucinations before death.
  • Rules: The Black Oath: "We are the tide that moves unseen, the ember that lingers after the flame." (Sworn in blood upon initiation.)
    • Deception is Mercy: Lies, manipulation, and betrayal are not sins—they are necessary tools for control.
    • The Mission Comes Before the Self: Personal desires, relationships, and emotions must be discarded if they interfere with the Embers’ goals.
    • No Shadow Stands Alone: A sister may live alone in the field, but she is never truly without her kin. The Embers watch over their own.
  • Goals: Include but are not limited to:
    • Infiltrate Foreign Powers: Establish agents in rival factions, noble courts, corporate boardrooms, and criminal syndicates. Gather intelligence, uncover weaknesses, and manipulate leadership.
    • Eliminate Threats to the Commonwealth: Assassinate dangerous figures, neutralize rising warlords, and dismantle opposition before it can become a problem.
    • Sabotage and Psychological Warfare: Create fear and paranoia among enemies. Engineer political instability to weaken potential threats.
    • Preserve the Commonwealth’s Secrets: Erase information that could compromise Commonwealth security. Silence those who become too curious.
    • Expand the Embers' Influence: Ensure that the Embers have a hand in every major galactic event—seen or unseen.
  • Rituals: Rituals of the Embers of the Ebon Tide: The Embers of the Ebon Tide blend espionage with mysticism, ensuring that their actions are guided by both strategy and the unseen forces they manipulate. Their rituals serve multiple purposes—indoctrination, binding oaths, divination, psychological reinforcement, and ensuring absolute secrecy. These ceremonies are conducted in deep seclusion, often under moonlight, mist, or tidal waters, emphasizing their connection to the unseen currents of fate.
    • The Veil Trials (Initiation Rituals): Purpose: To transform recruits into true Embers, breaking their ties to the past and reforging them into weapons of manipulation, deception, and secrecy.
      • The Drowning – A controlled near-death experience where initiates are submerged in a ritual pool, their lungs filled with an oxygenated liquid. This induces a hallucinogenic vision where they confront their past identity, fears, and weaknesses. They must willingly surrender their old self, emerging as someone new.
      • The Moonlit Reflection – A divination rite performed on the night of a new moon. Initiates gaze into a black mirror or tidal pool, where they receive a vision of their fate—a cryptic glimpse of what awaits them. If the reflection reveals only darkness, it is said the initiate is destined for greatness.
      • The Silent Betrayal – A test of deception and cold logic. Initiates are placed in a fabricated scenario where they must betray someone they trust. It may involve framing a fellow initiate, planting false information, or even poisoning an ally (usually with a non-lethal dose). If they hesitate, they fail.
      • The Black Oath – The final ritual of acceptance. The initiate carves their true name onto a piece of obsidian or black pearl, which is then cast into the Drowning Pool, symbolizing their past life sinking beneath the tide. A binding hex is placed upon them—if they ever betray the Embers, their body will wither, and their mind will unravel in agony.
    • The Ebon Veil (Oath of Secrecy): Purpose: To ensure that every member remains loyal and does not expose the Embers to the world. This ritual of silence is performed upon promotion to full operative status. The sister’s shadow is severed from her body in a mystical act, anchoring it to the Veiled Matriarch’s control. If she ever speaks forbidden knowledge, her own shadow will strangle her soul, driving her into madness or death. The severing of the shadow is metaphorical but also psychological—she feels different afterward, a permanent reminder that she no longer belongs to the mundane world.
    • The Whispered Tide (Divination & Prophecy): Purpose: Used to predict outcomes, uncover secrets, and determine the best course of action before undertaking a mission.
      • A high-ranking Weaver (mystic) performs the ritual, using either: Moon-water scrying – A bowl of black water reflecting the moon is disturbed, revealing glimpses of the future in its ripples.
      • Blood divination – A drop of the intended target’s blood is burned over obsidian to reveal hidden truths.
      • Echoed Whispers – A circle of sisters chant until the room fills with disembodied whispers, repeating fragments of distant conversations or future warnings.
      • Before a major mission, the Embers never act without consulting the tide—their metaphor for the shifting currents of fate and strategy.
    • The Black Veil (Final Death Rite): Purpose: To erase all traces of a fallen Ember, ensuring that no body, soul, or identity remains for enemies to exploit. If an Ember is killed, captured, or compromised, her sisters perform the Black Veil to erase her from existence.
      • This involves: Destroying all records of her identity. Retrieving or obliterating her body. Severing all ties to her former life. If necessary, they implant false memories in the minds of those who knew her, ensuring no one remembers her as she truly was.
    • The Moon’s Embrace (Sanctuary Ritual): Purpose: To mark safehouses and boltholes with a protective enchantment, making them invisible to outsiders. A Sister of the Veil inscribes sigils in blood, salt, and silver at the site.
      • The ritual ensures that: The location remains unnoticed by those who do not belong. It repels tracking and scrying attempts.The building whispers warnings to its inhabitants when danger approaches.
    • The Offering of Ash (Revenge & Retribution): Purpose: When an Ember is betrayed or slain, this ritual ensures their vengeance is carried out, even if it takes years. A black candle is lit in the Hall of Echoes, marked with the traitor’s or murderer’s name.
      • A lock of the fallen Ember’s hair or ashes is burned, binding their vengeance to the Embers’ collective will. The marked traitor is hunted relentlessly—sometimes killed outright, sometimes driven to madness through psychological torment.
  • Core Skillset:
    • Espionage – Stealth, hacking, disguise, and infiltration.
    • Seduction and Persuasion – Masters of influence and subtle manipulation.
    • Alchemy & Poisons – Experts in crafting deadly, untraceable substances.
    • Force Sorcery / Witchcraft – Utilize spells to obscure their presence, scry for information, or control the weak-willed.
    • Martial Arts & Concealed Weapons – While they avoid open combat, they can eliminate threats quickly if needed.
  • Legends of the Embers: Throughout the hidden history of the Embers, certain women have risen above their sisters, becoming legends whispered in both fear and reverence. Each of these figures embodies the pinnacle of their chosen path, shaping the Embers’ doctrine through their deeds, betrayals, and sacrifices.
    • Veilborn – The Silver-Tongued Shadows
      • Lady Aethra the Serpent (The Uncrowned Queen of Serenno)
      • "A throne is not always taken with blood. Sometimes, it is gifted to you by a man who swore he’d never kneel."
        • Born into obscurity, Aethra infiltrated the noble courts of Serenno, posing as a disgraced noblewoman.
        • Over twenty years, she manipulated bloodlines, sabotaged dynasties, and controlled trade guilds, until she effectively ruled the planet without ever holding a title.
        • Her greatest triumph was convincing a Dooku-descendant Duke to abdicate in favor of her chosen puppet, ensuring one of Serenno’s falls. She disappeared without a trace after her mission, some believing she faked her death and continues to pull strings from the shadows.
      • Legacy: Veilborn operatives study her methods, and her name is whispered among noble circles as a cautionary tale—never trust a woman with a kind smile and silver eyes.
    • Weavers – The Witchborn Architects of Fate
      • Mother Siva of the Blooded Moon (The Nightmare Weaver)
      • "You will see what I wish you to see, and in the end, you will be grateful for the madness I left you with."
        • A former Nightsister exile, Siva was one of the first Weavers to master dreamwalking and psychic invasion.
        • She destroyed an entire rebellion without killing a single soldier—instead, she poisoned their dreams with terror, breaking their wills.
        • The surviving soldiers were so haunted by their hallucinations that many took their own lives or refused to fight.
        • The Embers feared her methods were too extreme, and she was sealed away in a forgotten vault—but her whispers are still heard in the dreams of young initiates.
      • Legacy: Weaver initiates undergo the Trial of the Blooded Moon, where they enter a nightmare realm created by Siva’s lingering presence. Surviving with their mind intact proves they are ready to become full Weavers.
    • Nightshades – The Silent Killers of the Tide
      • Naeva the Pale Hand (The Blade That Ended a Dynasty)
      • "They say I ended a line that spanned a thousand years. I say they should have been more careful with their bloodline."
        • A legendary assassin, Naeva wiped out an entire noble family without ever being seen.
        • She poisoned the family’s heirloom wine, ensured the guards turned on one another, and lured the last survivor into a lover’s embrace—before slicing his throat.
        • By the time the Embers arrived, the dynasty had already ended itself, all by Naeva’s unseen hand.
        • She was never captured, never caught, and her true face remains a mystery.
      • Legacy: The Embers have a saying—"Drink carefully, love carefully, guard carefully, or Naeva may still be watching." Nightshades strive to emulate her ability to erase targets with surgical precision.
    • Scryers – The Moonlit Watchers
      • Yra the Dreamless (The Blind Seer Who Saw Everything)
      • "The stars may lie, but I do not. My visions are sharper than any blade."
        • Yra was born without eyes, yet saw more than any other Scryer.
        • Using a combination of Force-based scrying and blood divination, she uncovered a nation’s greatest traitors before they could act.
        • Her most famous prophecy prevented a catastrophic coup, revealing an enemy agent who had infiltrated a nation’s military for over a decade.
        • However, foreseeing betrayal does not prevent it—she was murdered in her sleep before she could reveal her next vision.
      • Legacy: To this day, the Embers fear what her final vision was, as her last words were, "A tide will rise, and the Embers will not burn forever." Her death remains unsolved.
Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro


The Embers of the Ebon Tide are an enigmatic sisterhood that has existed on the fringes of galactic society for centuries. Never rulers, never conquerors—always the unseen force that shapes history from the shadows. Blending espionage, assassination, manipulation, and mysticism, they have survived by remaining just outside the reach of empires, hegemonic institutions, and recorded history.

But survival is never guaranteed. On the brink of extinction, the Embers found an unexpected ally—Ivalyn Yvarro, Grand Vizier of the Commonwealth. Instead of bending them to her will, Ivalyn became one of them, reforging their ancient traditions in an unbreakable bond known as the Veiled Pact.

Origins: The Threefold Myth

The Embers’ true origins are deliberately obscured—even among their ranks, only whispers remain. Their past is told in three conflicting tales:

  • The Fallen Oracle’s Revenge – A seer, blinded and cast out for seeing too much, who returned from the abyss to forge a sisterhood of vengeance.
  • The Daughters of the Veiled Matron – Enslaved mystics who undermined their captors, toppling an empire without raising a single blade.
  • The Bargain of the Black Tide – Exiles, abandoned on a cursed world, who made a pact with something beyond mortal understanding.

Whether one, all, or none of these are true, the Embers do not care for truth—only power.

The Age of Shadows

For centuries, the Embers operated in the margins of history, never ruling, never named. They ensured wars ended before they began, kings fell before they became tyrants, and secrets remained secrets.

But as the galaxy modernized, surveillance, technology, and growing hegemony forced them into the darkest of corners. Their enemies hunted them, their influence waned, and soon they faced extinction.

The Veiled Pact: A New Fate

At the moment of their greatest decline, they encountered two women who would reshape their destiny:

  • Lady Taeli Raaf (Darth Arcanix) – A Sith Lady of cunning intellect, who saw the Embers not as relics but as a necessary force for the Commonwealth’s future.
  • Ivalyn Yvarro – A woman who should have died from an assassination attempt, only to emerge sharper, stronger, and utterly changed.

Taeli orchestrated a meeting between Ivalyn and the Embers, brokering a deal that could not be written—only sealed in fate.

The Ritual of the Veiled Pact

The Embers do not serve. They do not kneel. To stand among them, Ivalyn had to become one of them.

The Trial of the Drowning Moon

  • To join the Embers, Ivalyn underwent the most sacred and dangerous trial:
  • The Descent: Bound in black silk, she was submerged beneath a nameless black tide, where whispers from the past tested her mind.
  • The Offering: A sigil was etched into her flesh, a mark that would only reveal itself when the Embers called upon her.
  • The Rebirth: Given a black pearl infused with the last breath of the previous Grand Moff, her mother, she had to crush it and sever her ties to her old life—or be cast out.
  • She crushed it without hesitation. From that moment, she was not just the Grand Vizier—she was Ember-born.

The Modern Embers

With Ivalyn among them, the Embers shifted from an isolated force to an integral part of the Commonwealth’s unseen power.

How They Operate Today:

They do not officially exist.

They infiltrate foreign governments, noble houses, and criminal syndicates.

They preemptively neutralize threats before war is necessary.

They answer only to Ivalyn Yvarro—though Taeli Raaf’s hand is never far from their fate.

Yet, not all Embers agree with this new path. Some whisper that Ivalyn still thinks like a ruler, not a sister, and that their autonomy may have been the true price of survival.
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