Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Emerald Dragon

The comp panel chirped brightly in the otherwise silent cockpit. Most of the lights were off in the small interior of the shuttle - outside, a vortex of light spiraled away into infinity as the small transport plunged into the darkness of space. After a few minutes, the panel's chirping rose in speed to a steady rhythm; the nav-computer's alarm for an impending drop out of hyperspace. A shuffle of movement & sound, then -

A light in the cockpit flicked on and the door hissed open. Ivory stepped into the cockpit, looking as-if she'd just woken up. The woman was dressed more for an adventure or a safari than how she typically clothed herself - gone was the tank-top, high boots, and fur coat. Instead, she wore khaki-colored matching shirt and trousers with a sidearm attached to a belt, riding low on her right hip, and simple but sturdy combat boots. Her long black hair fell down her back like a cascade of black oil.

No sooner had she flicked off the nav-computer's alarm, then the shuttle dropped out of hyperspace with a flash of light through the front screen.

Ivory's violet eyes beheld a planet she'd never witnessed before. Lahos. A place she'd never visited in the past... and apparently, the home of an old friend.

She slid into the pilot's seat, disengaging the shuttle's auto-pilot and charting a course toward the planet. She flipped a few switches, running a scan through the ship's Nav-computer, identifying the city of Zehoniel. Her course plotted, she allowed the shift to take over navigation while she returned to the cabin to fix herself some breakfast.

As she sipped some coffee, alone with her thoughts, she remembered (so many years ago, it seemed), the last time she'd seen Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae ...

It felt like a life-time ago. Only a few months had passed since Ivory's mysterious return to Coruscant and its' criminal underbelly. For some time now, she'd been trying to get in touch with some of her old friends (Family, really), and had succeeded in some cases - but she'd heard rumors of Stardust's death and had at first been shaken.

Upon hearing more information, her emotional outburst was replaced with a strange wonder. Rumors abound that the Twi-lek once known as The Emerald Dragon had died, then was reborn. Ivory wasn't sure what to believe, but had ascertained where she might find her old friend. If Stardust was still alive, then Ivory hoped to find her.

She hoped that Star still remembered her.
The rumors were mostly contained by stardusts' cult, though you couldn't silence all whispers, as such those that knew stardust drifted in from time to time. Stardust had changed greatly after her revival no longer would she let anything hold her back from her goal after all if death couldn't hold her back then who hell could!

Within the palace stardust sat upon her throne as she looked over a data pad that contained a list of texts recovered by her cult, many would be catalogued by the cultists while those of great interests was sent to stardusts' main chamber to be personally read and then catalogued. A pair of Ascended sat at each side of her unmoving as they watched the throne room with great diligence and feverish loyalty to their goddess

Ivory would find that if she asked anyone where the dragon may be they'll say that the palace was the best spot to try and see her, though they warn that getting close now especially to the throne room was forbidden and would be met with harsh resistance from the cultists that worshipped her
"Attention, unknown vessel. You are being tracked; turn away or else you will be shot down." The voice barked over the intercom, and Ivory grinned.

The ground below her was rocky & barren - trees giving way to mountainous terrain which took some piloting skill and a careful eye to navigate. The air-traffic controller for Zahoniel was a male, his voice gruff and commanding. She had to give him credit.

"Attention, Zahoniel. My name is Ivory Stroud, ship ID 15390-Zeta Talo. Please inform your your Goddess an old friend is coming to visit."

A pause, then: "Attention, Zeta Talo. You do not have permission to land. Turn away immediately, or we will open fire."

In response, Ivory reached out and flicked a switch - transmitting a data packet across the open comm channel. The packet contained a simple photograph: one taken of Ivory & Star together, years ago. It was a gamble...

She was close, rising through a change in elevation. The ground below took on a noticably darker hue; volcanic rock and charred remains of trees barely visible were whipping by at speed below her. The pause continued for a few heartbeats later, and The Donna could imagine what must be happening behind the scenes.

The gamble paid off.

"Attention Zeta Talo. You have been given permission to land by The Lady herself. You will reduce speed and enter our airspace. Prepare to be greeted by an Escort."

Smugly, Ivory sat back on her chair and complied, reducing her speed and maintaining her current course.

The escort was on her within a few minutes, and they guided her into the volcanic city Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae called her home.
A elder flame hurried through the palace towards the dining area, there star was sat as she ate, coming in rather abruptly the elder flame stopped and stood straight as star put down her food and stared the man down

speak, otherwise you'll answer to the ascended as to why my privacy and meal was disturbed

Came the annoyed voice of stardust, the ascended nearby hissing a warning as the elder flame bowed and spoke

your highness, a ship is on approach wishing to see you, they've sent this data packet

The man held up the holo of the picture, star immediately recognized the face and her posture changed from disbelief to collecting herself and moving her head to the ascended

go with him, meet this woman and escort her to the palace, if its truely who she is then she is a friend

The ascended bowed their heads and hissed out as the elder flame quickly led them away, alone truely now she let a breath our once the door closed and looked to her food as she took one more bite and stood wiping her mouth before looking to a droid

distribute this, cant let it go to waste

With that she walked back to her throne room, taking a seat upon her throne in a relaxed position as she stared the entrance of the room down and awaited the arrival of Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
The shuttle touched down on a lone landing pad, and as Ivory disembarked, she noticed her escorts (two starfighters) had remained close by, circling the space-port area of Zahoniel. The sound of their engines reached her ears; a sharp piercing whine that rose & fell with their distance. She closed the ramp and door of her ship, locking it, then walked away from it without paying attention to the ships which were most-certainly awaiting orders to destroy her.

She was met at the bottom of the ramp to the landing pad by two men & a woman, all three wearing the ceremonial robes of a religious order. They greeted her politely, and Ivory noticed one of the men eyeing the blaster on her hip... but they did not request she remove it.

Interesting, she thought.

Then, the three bade her follow them to the palace.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Palace doors swung wide. Ivory entered, flanked on either side and to the rear by the three member's of Star's Order... though they hadn't said much on their short travels. Ivory assumed she'd hear everything from her old friend and lover.

The entry hall was... immense. "Impressive" didn't do it justice. The stone walls and pillars were beautiful in their craftsmanship, and the heat from the outside cooled somewhat now that they were inside. Ivory could not contain herself.. her eyes grew wide as she looked about the palace before her eyes settled on the lone being sitting in the throne at the very end. The woman's emerald green skin was unmistakable.

A wide grin crept over Ivory's lips, finding she was unable to check it. As the group approached, she noticed the trio which had escorted her inside seemed to be averting their eyes from the Twi'lek seated above them. Ivory kept her head high. Star would know her well enough to know Ivory didn't cow to anyone.

They stopped at the foot of the throne, directly in front of the steps, and Ivory grinned up at Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae .

The look in her violet eyes said everything, but she didn't speak - knowing this FIre Goddess held more power here than she.
The doors swung open, star sat still relaxed unlike most who would sit tall and all that fancy stuff it was obvious star was rather different...then again wasn't she always? Sweeping her gaze across the room they came to settle on those wide eyes of ivory admiring the throne room, star had to admit when she came to this planet and the palace was made she never intended for it to be a place for a cult but hey life threw curveballs at you.

In any case as the four approached her eyes stayed on ivory, the woman looked as amazing as the day star last saw her which the force way to long! A smile formed at her lips seeing ivory standing tall and proud while her followers looked away which to be honest star was getting used to that still but however with a flick of her hand she sent them away and left the throne room empty except for the two of them

you better have a good reason to have suddenly disappeared like you did

Came the voice of stardust which didnt sound a day older since the last they saw one another, stardust stood and began descending down the steps towering over ivory as she stared her down before she hugged her tight and let a breath out

by the force your real and alive, i... I wasnt quite sure if it truely was you to be honest ivory
Ivory embraced her friend and former lover, lips tenderly touching Stardust's collarbone as she felt the woman let out a breath. They stood there a momentin silence until Ivory finally spoke:

"I'm sorry."

She leaned back, holding Star at arms' length, admiring her emerald skin. The Twi'lek woman had barely aged a day.

"Everything collapsed, Star.. overnight. Within days, our businesses across the Galaxy were being raided. Those that wouldn't turn against us died fighting or disappeared... Property, resources, millions of credits' worth confiscated, stolen, or destroyed."

Ivory shook her head sadly. "They came for me and the Capos without warning. The Jedi threw me in a dark hole... A backwater prison with no bars, and only my thoughts to keep me company. It took years, but.. I'm back."

She smiled. It was clear that she'd aged somewhat since Star had seen her last - grown older and wiser, but the confidence, cleverness, and vibrancy Ivory had been infamous for still remained.

"I came for you... As soon as I heard you were here... But, this place. And the stories I heard."

"I heard... You died."

The magnificence of this palace was grander than anything Ivory had imagined. Even at their most powerful, The Family could never have imagined a place as beautiful or as strong, as permanent, as the home Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae had made for herself.

"Please, tell me everything."
Star swallowed her emotions, though to this woman they broke through as she blinked and wiped some tears from her eyes as she inhaled deeply and then let a shaky breath out

no I'm sorry, I should've stayed till the end...but I was a coward and ended up fleeing like some others did...had I known they had you and had i known where I'd of risked everything

Star placed a hand around ivory and started leading her away from the throne room and heading back towards the dining area

mmm yes well

Stardust was trying to find a way to explain it easily yet couldn't quite figure it or, she tapped the side of her thigh and then huffed

let's start with me dying, yes I died, I genuinely died and I went to the netherworld!

She said and then held her arms out as she turned to her saying it rather excitedly

I died on panatha defending my family actually from crusaders, I...absorbed to much power and well I incinerated myself

She motioned to a chair at the small table in the dining room before she motioned. android over

finest meats, wine, and breads

Finally star took a seat across from ivory and cleared her throat as she cupped her hands together and placed them on the table

anyways, it apparently grew some of the locals to me they began worshipping me, they ended up finding my research on immortality and sorta finished it

She held up a hand with a onyx ring upon it

however it wasnt complete and I'm left with a sort of curse, without his voidstone ring I burn everything around me, i cannot control my own body temp. This is a double edge sword but when the rings on I'm powerless and well just normal stardust

To demonstrate she removed her ring, the air grew warm around her and her presence in the force soared to new heights before she quickly put it on the srea around he smoking slightly
Ivory followed the beautiful Twi'lek through her palace, still admiring the granduer and scope of the great stone monolith. She listened intently... giving Star a wordless expression of surprise at her admission that she'd perished protecting her loved ones. This meant a lot to Ivory; something she, herself, might do. But she doubted she'd have similar luck returning from the grave.

The idea of the Netherworld had always fascinated her... stories abound, but never had Ivory actually met someone who could claim they'd visited this Other World and returned. She took a seat, and couldn't help the rumble in her stomach at the mention of food and wine. She hadn't eaten much during her trip, and the idea of dining in such lovely environs captivated her. She gazed at Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae intently, affection in her eyes, looking from the woman to the ring she indicated on her finger.

As Stardust removed the ring, Ivory couldn't help but recoil slightly at the sudden and intense rising of the temperature in the room. Up until that moment, it had been mostly comfortable inside - but the sudden display of power was a surprise. Her mouth stood agape as Star replaced the ring and the temperature diminished.

"Star..." She said, leaning back in her chair, "That's... if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'd call it impossible."

"I think I remember you discussing your research into Immortality... How to harness The Soul. I remember you were working with The Sith, using some of their research for your own... but, this doesn't seem like Sith Magick."

Concern crept over her furrowed brow as she leaned in again. The droid Stardust had sent away for a meal was returning.

"What... did your people do? How did they finish your research? They don't seem..." Ivory caught herself with a chuckle, but continued anyway, "All that alchemically inclined?"
There was a chuckle from stardust, looking towards the droid as it entered and began setting the table with a small lunch as stardust took a depe breath and nodded her head at ivory

these ones? Their mere embers, those that have barely joined, they dont k ow the art of fire the craft the salvation that fire may bring...the destruction and death and the life itll bring

She sat back and looked to some of the bread as she ripped a piece off and held it up

cooked over lava vents, very toasty and crunchy, among g the best I've had. Meats are the same to this city utilizes the lava flows to their advantage

Taking a bite she gave a smile and then cleared her throat as she swallowed and sat up

excuse me getting distracted, but let's see....

Stardust began to think about it, she was still piecing everything together, looking away again she then looked into ivorys eyes

let's eat yes? I've something to show you that will partial epxlain everything...something only those I truely trust can see
these ones? Their mere embers, those that have barely joined, they dont k ow the art of fire the craft the salvation that fire may bring...the destruction and death and the life itll bring

Ivory thought for a moment as Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae briefly explained. She found it interesting that Star seemed to have grown more philosophical... Perhaps the Twi'lek woman's brush with death had changed her more than it had first appeared. Clearly, with her newfound power, she'd grown and changed... but Ivory was intrigued. It made her want to understand more about the Cult - it's purpose as well as Stardust's plans for the future.

Ivory glanced down at the food, which looked delicious yet simple. She smiled, glancing up at the Lady of Zahoniel. "I've never eaten food cooked over lava before." The idea made her laugh quietly. The two locked eyes and Ivory found herself smiling again. She nodded at her companion's suggestion that they eat.

Ivory dug into the meal with gusto. There was fresh fruit, roughly cut chunks of meat which were absolutely delicious, bread which had a crunchy outside but a soft & steamy center, fresh-drawn butter, a carafe of wine (chilled, which was greatly appreciated), and slices of sharp-flavored cheese which Ivory had never tasted before. She savored every bite.

It didn't take them long to finish, and Ivory helped herself to another glass of wine... casually popping tiny berries into her mouth and combining the juice with the wine. She was feeling relaxed, fed, and content.

But she had grown even more curious as-to what Star had to show her.

"I'm ready when you are." She said with a suggestive grin on her pretty lips.
funny enough, neither have I before I was gifted this town byt the planets mmmm... the planets lord

Truely this town was a amazing gift stardust was making well use of, it suited her style and the people here had been well in taking stardust as the ruler of it. Even after death many here had refused to belive it, and once her cultist came and brought her back...

Blinking a bit she gave a smile to ivory, watching her eat

truthfully neither did I till I came here, leaves a certain taste I've not been able to place but the food here is fantastic and the fact they utilize the lava vents and flows for their uses without rerouting most is ingenious

As ivory finished eating stardust signaled a droid to start cleaning up, standing she took a big breath and motioned ivory to follow beside her

always ready for a gem like you, but thatll come later

she teased with a laugh, walking down the hallway she took a turn left to a guarded door, looking between the two guards she nodded her head to allow ivory to pass with her, the door opened to a dug out tunnel heading deeper underground. Along all sides it was only rock with a few lights placed to mark the way down while the temp grew cooler until they passed a small lava flow that moved undisturbed but that to passed leaving just the lights guiding them. They traveled for maybe 20 minutes or so before they came to a massive airlock with two ascended guarding the door vigilantly, they spotted ivory and gave a warning hiss but was quickly silenced by a harsh hiss from stared reaffirmed by a glare to stay in line. They returned back to the position as one pressed a button to open the door, stepping inside the doors closed and the air cycled getting cold down to a shivering 20 degrees while stardust removed her ring and let her now natural heat flow through and raise the air around her to a comfy 60. The Ford opened to a massive chamber devoid of anything that could easily burn with furnishing made of rock, however without the middle sat a brazier with a fire of green burning bright and beyond that a cyrotube with someone in it, stardust moved closer to the tube as she looked it over and then turned to motion to the brazier

the very flame you see here is part of it soul, this is my way back from the nether a beacon to guide me...and here

She brushed the front of the tube off showing just who was inside it

There was a emerald colored twilek, the same features of stardust and everything

If one was quick they could very well realize it WAS stardust within the tube, or to be exact a clone

is me, or what will be me upon death
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always ready for a gem like you, but thatll come later
Ivory grinned, feeling warmth spread through her core. It was nice to see Star hadn't lost her ability to sweet talk. She followed behind Zahoniel's Lady and Goddess, content after the small meal. Curiousity and wonder grew as she passed the guards, traveling deeper underground.

The walk took some time, and Ivory wondered how deep below they'd gone. The temperature gradually lessened... before heating for a brief moment as they passed a lava flow beneath them. The air smelled of sulfur and heat and the dim glow from the molten rock added an ethereal atmosphere. Ivory took a peek, pausing for a moment to watch the slowly-moving flow as it wound its way through the natural channel carved over what had likely been centuries.

"This place is incredible." She said as the two walked side-by-side. "Has anyone explored how far down the lava flows go? Is it everywhere through the region, or only localized to the city?"

The massive airlock door came into sight and Ivory walked beside Star. The two had walked in silence, sharing brief moments of conversation as Ivory had asked "burning" questions.

The sudden hostile reaction of the two guards had little effect. The woman watched them cautiously, unphased by their expression of anger. They were silenced quickly by her guide and their Master. Ivory entered the airlock - shivering after a moment as the air grew incredibly cold; a stark contrast the warmer climes outside. She watched curiously as Stardust removed her ring... The temperature evened out, rising comfortably. It'd be good to have Stardust around if they ever traveled to a winter planet, Ivory thought. "Let it never be said you've a cold heart." Ivory joked, flashing a wink.

The doors opened and Ivory found herself in a massive room. She followed, an expression of wonder on her face as she witnessed the bright green fire dancing joyously in the brazier at the center of the room... Then, the Cryotube beyond.

Ivory approached, standing at Stardust's side - turning to look at the brazier as her companion explained its' purpose. Then, regarding the silent, frozen form of the clone within the Cryotube.

"This... Is... Incredible." She muttered under her breath, reaching out and touching the side of the tank with her fingertips.

"I... don't understand. If you die, your spirit will return here?" Ivory turned toward Star, confusion written in her features.

"How is that possible?"

"Will you still... have your powers...? Or, will you be... normal, again?"

A million questions burned in her mind, but Ivory gave Stardust time to answer. The information obviously came as a shock - Ivory had never seen cloning technology in use; she understood its' principles, but always imagined it was more of a Medical thing... not a Spiritual one.
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

this brazier is essentially part of me now, my soul is drawn to it, the nether cannot trap me now I will be able to come back before it can use its DIRTY CLAWS to take me back!

There was a bout if anger in her voice, her body tensed, heat rose before it calmed down as she closed her eyes and let some steam out

as such, my soul is now full of power this husk, this force less body before us will be full of power when my soul enters it...but the curse shall follow it...I cannot escape it.

She turned away and looked over the floor, various symbols drawn upon it but some of the symbols were broken or burnt away, stardust had troubled look on her face

but I've a problem ivory, those who revived me are dead, they did everything correct to bring me back but forgot to consider what the nether would do. When I came back I was in a state of pure bloodlust! I killed them all without so much a thought, after was over their acolytes found me...they didnt know how their masters had revived me it was well I must complete their work

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