Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Empire Needs You!

So I suppose with the Imperial Remnant becoming active again and summarily being attacked by the Sith on their own turf, come on guys dammit the lease only had three weeks left you could have waited, its time to start doing active recruitment threads! And we want you!

What is the Imperial Remnant? (Name Up For Debate)

The Imperial Remnant is a collection of characters working to reestablish a strictly Imperial Faction. Sure right now there is an Imperial Sub Group within the Sith, and ya know what they do have fun too before my next comment sounds too much like I dislike them, however, they are Imperials who work for the Sith. The Imperial Remnant is a group looking to be an Imperial Faction for Imperial characters. We're looking for TIE Pilots, Stormtrooper, Star Destroyer Captains, Moffs, and Imperial Knights. We're looking to be the faction that hell, guns down rebels wherever they pop up, not out of sadism, and especially not for chaos, but for Order. A Lawful Evil group dedicated to doing whatever is necessary to maintain order and enforce Imperial decree, much like the later Empire's after Palpatine's death, and sliding more to Lawful Neutral when you take the Fel Empire into account.

So what do we want?

We want you in the Imperial Navy!


Shooting down rebels and putting the enemies of the Empire in their place!


What do we want?

We want you at the head of an AT-AT or AT-ST, or even our modern technology, demolishing the strongholds of rogue warlords who think their petty squabbles mean more than the strength and unity of the Empire!


What do we want?

We want you in the Stormtrooper Corp! We want you to strike down the enemies of the Empire, to put fear in those who threaten the harmony of Order. We want you on the battlefield in the thick of fire and to overcome it!






The Attention Seeker
Alva Calvarona said:
So I suppose with the Imperial Remnant becoming active again and summarily being attacked by the Sith on their own turf,

Alva Calvarona said:
they are Imperials who work for the Sith.
Am I the only one confused by these contradicting statements? And I thought the sith already had a navy and army within the one sith ranks. Why is there a separate faction?

I was talking about the Imperial Subgroup within the Sith there. The Sith Inquisition. Was I not clear enough? If I wasn't lemme know which part of the sentence fouled you up and I can try and fix it so I don't confused anyone else too. Thanks for letting me know!


I have to be honest. I've sat on those pictures for months and I still have half a dozen more I could use.


Yes we are, we were before and still are. Its just the Sith like to take everyone.



First thing we learned in Kindergarten dangit!


As of now, it would be NPCs, although Alva herself knows some force abilities and I believe Sai Fel is an Imperial Knight.
She's working to restore the Empire. Several smaller groups are working to do the same thing. There is a sect inside of the One Sith that are rebellious and seek to restore the Empire and break away from the Sith. There is a sect within the One Sith that is loyal to them. There is the Imperial Remnant, fighting to hold it's own through the inactivity and then there is another group attempting to unite ALL of the Imperial Factions in a campaign that just recently started.

Seems like everyone is on board with wanting an Imperial faction but no one can decide how to unite the four.

No problem, sorry for the confusion before!

[member="Julius Octavian"]

The answer is muffins.

The deliver method is the issue. . . .

[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Oh Wraith? You mean the name or a fighter type?


Because we can certainly name a squadron in the 181st wing Wraith, or give them Wraith fighters.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

We have a 401k, life insurance, medical agreements, eye care, and housing leases. . . .dental is included but we have co-pay concerns we will occasionally bring to you.

[member="Solan Charr"]

no. . . .

[member="Captain Larraq"]

*Gives a signing bonus*

Sounds good. Has me excited with anticipation!

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Sure thing, the 181st is exactly that, but again a whole fighter wing. I'm hoping we could develop several, and find us some cool names for them too.


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