Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The end of a Chapter - The opening of Another


Amelia sat quietly on the veranda - perhaps for the last time - of the quiet home on Naboo that was tucked away in the farthest reaches of the Lake Country. Things had changed in the Confederacy, there had been a shakeup in its Political and Military Leadership, and some of the decisions that had been made, she could not fully support. As she looked at the piece of paper before her, a heavy sigh slipped from her lips as she steeled herself and nodded firmly. She knew what she had to do, and thus, she had resolved herself with a terrible strength to ensure that she would not look back upon this and view it as a mistake or misstep. No, it was something that had to be done, and she was sure that there were others within the Confederacy that felt the same way - for now, however, she would be content with putting word to paper and allowing her thoughts and views to be known.

She had served with distinction within the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specifically as first a High Marshal of the Capital Sector, and then as its Grand Marshal. However, the decision that had been made, the one that ultimately pushed her over the edge was what saw her now sitting quietly and penning her resignation. It was the appointment of the new Minister of War that she could not agree with, and it was his own actions, time and time again, that ultimately saw her come to the decision that she would not permit herself to be beholden to his authority in any capacity least it comes to her untimely end or sees his mistakes blamed as her own.

To: The Office of the Vicelord, Darth Metus
From: The residence of Amelia von Sorenn

It is with a clear conscience and an even heavier heart that sees me writing this letter to you on this day. I have endeavored to serve the Confederacy as best I can in my capacity as the Grand Marshal of Naval Command, and in the recent days, the shakeup that has come to both the Political and Military Leadership of the Confederacy has brought to light the simple fact, that I can no longer serve in this capacity in good conscience. I believe that the appointment of Kiff Brayde as the Minister of War is a gross misstep and a decision of incorrigible measure.

Thus, it is with a pained heart that I must tender my resignation, effective immediately, as the Grand Marshal of Naval Command.

I cannot, in any circumstances, with any clear conscience or conviction, serve under the authority of an individual that I believe to be unfit of the Office that he currently presides. I believe that he is incapable of maintaining the honor and prestige of the Office of the Minister of War - in part due to his multiple behavioral and command decisions, many of which, in my opinion, should have seen him severely disciplined and removed from the chain of command. It is clear, that whoever has decided to protect him and overlooked his continued blatant disregard has done so to the detriment of the Armed Forces of the Confederacy.

I would like to say that I wish him all the best and that I hope that I am wrong - however - Nor can I do that in any good conscience. As long as Kiff Brayde serves as the Minister of War, he will do so without me as the Grand Marshal of Naval Command. I will endeavor to continue to serve the Confederacy in my own capacity, as both the Inperantike of the Hellknights, and as a member of Lastwall and its efforts to secure the borders of the Confederacy along Wild Space.

May this letter find you in good health and higher spirits than it has found me, and that you accept this resignation without ill-thought or intent to its writer. I am sorry that this is how the Chapter must come to an end.

Always a servant to the Confederacy and yours to Command,

Amelia von Sorenn
Hellknight, Inperantike

Carefully the pen found its way to resting on the table before the woman, a heavy sigh slipping from her lips as it was finished. As she carefully folded the piece of paper and hid it away into an awaiting envelope, she thought back on the duration she had spent with the Armed Forces of the Confederacy. Now, though, it seemed that those times were at a close and this Chapter was finishing as she wrote the last lines. Still, another Chapter would open, and she remained forevermore dedicated to the defense of the Confederacy - she just could not do so with an individual that would likely see a great number of Confederate vessels turned into floating Frat-Houses and Bars, in charge of the Ministry of War. Though it would have been easier to have merely typed the message or sent a recorded video through the ether of the Holonet, she felt that such touch was less than what the Vicelord deserved.

As she carefully stood from her seat, letter in hand, she placed the item into the care of a waiting protocol droid. A silent nod, without any words exchanged, sent the droid waddling away to the waiting vehicle that would see it delivered from the far reaches of Lake Country to Anthem in Theed City. With a weight off of her shoulders, she took one last look at the small cottage she had acquired, the furniture draped in white coverings to protect the trappings of the house from dust. She was unsure of when she would return, though it was likely that she would be shying away from Naboo for some time now with this recent development.

Amelia stepped away from the veranda, slowly touring the small cottage she had come to enjoy during what little time she had to her own before slipping from its main entrance. A handful of droids saw to the final needs of the house, closing and locking it up as she nodded silently. With a final look, she slowly turned away from the home and disappeared into a waiting shuttle craft that would bear her towards an unknowable future...


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