Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The End of the Beginning (Kwenn Station)

At the far reach of galactic civilization stood Kwenn station, the gateway to the lawless expanse of the Outer Rim. Beyond here were nothing but petty warlords and decrepit refueling stations. Not that Kwenn was much better.

Dal sat in the cantina, sipping on his drink. It had an acrid tang to it. It was the bantha blaster, right? No that was two drinks ago. What was he drinking now? Shit. He couldn't remember. Didn't matter, really. Artas said he almost had enough cash for the repairs. Something about a pugilist bout for money. Leave it to the pureblood to be the only sensible one.

Sighing and swaying gently on his chair with the rhythm of the buzz, Dal looked up at the holofeed. Something about mass revolutions across the galaxy. Uprisings. Fallen governments. He took a sip, felt the fire run down the back of his throat. That was all a long way from here.


Blasterfire. Close. Right outside. Dal struggled to keep his vision focused as he stared toward the door. What the hell was going on out there? Had Moksh killed somebody again?

Artas Tel Alam | Cambyses Cambyses | Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam
Clunk, Clunk, Clunk THWIP.

The door would slide open to reveal a rather tall, helmeted individual. Covered head to toe in clothing or some form of armor, he stood there with a blaster in his left hand with the blasters end still smoking from apparently firing it. Giving a sigh as it was not a voice modulated mask, the helmeted man threw the blaster gently to the side., clattering with a rather dull rattling series of clunks. Moving forward, the man walked with a bit of authority, going towards the bar as the masks eyeholes peered directly at the nearest bartender.

"And here I thought we were supposed to be the civilized ones. Ale that is blue, the bottle."

It was an odd request but it was meant to be as such. Over a thousand years of different tastes, only one kind seemed to keep him coming back for more. Standing rather quietly as the holofeed kept going, there was almost a hidden smile inside the mask as he tilted back, speaking out loud.

"This...this is what I remembered. The days lost, the days gone...the galaxy in turmoil...why yes, the age of discovery once more...don't you agree? The timing is just...right."

The helmeted man turned to finally glance at the patron nearby known as Captain Love Captain Love , the left hand on the counter with his right towards the hip. Every word seemed to have a bit of weight, every bit seemed to be...considered. The mans mind was even a bit of an open book if one peered into it, though the words seemed rather unusual. Some form of...incantation in Sith?
Captain Love Captain Love | Lord Ki Lord Ki

In the middle of that out came Iren Tel Alam from the refresher.

He was studying a spider perching on the palm of his hand. At least until he noticed the silence. For a moment Iren assumed it was because of him, because that's usually how it went after he found a new pet for himself. Looking up, slightly apologetic, he noticed Moksh Tel Alam Moksh Tel Alam had slinksed off to somewhere, Dal was even more shit-faced than usual and the other patrons of the bar were staring at some new fellow.

Tall, helmet, tattered cloak.

Iren sighed.

This was starting to feel like the beginning of a pulp movie.

"Making new friends, Dal?" Asking carelessly as he plopped down on the chair next to his brother. He put the spider carefully on the table and gave its legs a gentle teasing bap.

"Did my brother annoy you, dear Lord? If so I do so apologize, he is sloshed drunk if you hadn't noticed. He can't be held liable for his actions."

Liable or not, Iren was keeping an eye on any signs that this was about to turn into a mess.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto had found himself on the outskirts of the galaxy once again, searching for the accursed ship he had sent into space four millennia ago. had he more time before being thrown in carbonite freezing, maybe he would have second-guessed the brilliance of his idea of filling an ancient warship full of droids and throwing it into the void of space to look for his home planet

Blaster fire drew his attention. It wasn't uncommon to hear on an underworld station, but it was an excellent place to begin his journey while his ship was refueling. He had time to kill before he began his voyage again, and who knows, perhaps he may be able to pick up a few new crewmembers along the way. Walking into the bar, he would stand in the doorway for a moment, the Kiev'arian standing tall at seven foot eight, adorned in a set of Beskar'gam with what looked to be the Remains of a broadsword on his hip. Accompanied by two soldiers adorned in LO-56A armor

With a small flash of blue rolling over his eyes, he used his force sight to help him see in the bar making his way towards the bar " so what's good to drink in a place like this?"
Darth Reficite was by now far more than used to the staring, though the idea of being outnumbered never truly...felt bad in his circumstances. Seeing a person come out of the refresher, his helmet gave no facial expressions except a curious tilt, glancing slowly around the bar as he realized how quiet it was now, save of the holofeed playing in the background. What surprised him...was the words that came out of the new comers mouth, one particular word he had now heard in over a thousand years now, addressed directly towards him.


"I have not heard that one word addressed to me in so long that I forgot what it felt like. No, your brother did not annoy me...the person outside did, your brother is a fine man from the few moments I have...seen him. Please, allow me to thank even the simplest of compliments, perhaps a drink from this...establishment or even perhaps something only the dead wo-"

The door would slide back open as the masked ones senses went wild. Turning rather quickly as his neck almost made a sickening crack sound, he stared directly towards the strange, dragon like creature from across the bar. The eyes behind the mask would almost turn to silts, staring darkly into the other person with his own head lifted up. This one...this one had lived for a long time, a soul that was...valuable. Pondering on this, he had lost all train of thought...all the while, not bothering to cover his signature.

The dragon like creature could see his force signature, the color even alright....a deep crimson red ebbed around his whole body, the helmet he wore a swirling mass of string like colors, mimicking blue to white, then to a slight red. It was only after a few seconds, could one figure that these were the souls of those he had killed, has harvested that were now trapped with him. The count may not be done but perhaps half a dozen currently reside in this strange helmet.

A blue bottle of ale was placed on the counter, the right hand of his slowly moving to grab it as his senses felt bludgeonedbut also finally falling towards that trap. The hunger...the hunger of getting something so valuable.

Laphisto Laphisto Cambyses Cambyses Captain Love Captain Love


“You would not believe what has happened out there…” The Chiss started as he entered the Cantina. He carefully sidestepped around the large reptile and his entourage, before looking across those present in the Cantina. “Never mind.” Kera said when his eye fell on Lord Ki Lord Ki . “It was him. He knows exactly what happened out there.” He said pointing at the helmeted Sith.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
He would let out a small chuckle, grabbing a drink the bartender had offered him. Sniffing at the beverage, he would pay no mind to those that were around him, the two soldiers that had accompanied him into the bar letting the A.A.S.H hold their weapons at the ready while they were free to do other things, with at least one having their weapon in hands at all times. one of the soldiers was sporting a Light Machinegun esk weapon while the other held a standard Rifle.

Laphisto noticed the mans force alignment but didn't pay much mind to it; the most curious aspect of the masked individual was the souls that dangled around the mask, or at the very least, he assumed they were souls by the way they lit up, and swirled around. Leaning forwards against the counter, he would perk once more, turning lightly to look at the newest addition to the crowd, a Chiss male causing him to raise a brow. The man almost reminded him of his apprentice, though again, when you are blind as blind can be, everyone looks like the same blurry figure.

Kera Lord Ki Lord Ki Captain Love Captain Love Cambyses Cambyses
While the other individual was starting to get closer, he thought wisely to not go after the dragon like creature. There was more souls to find...but perhaps some time, it be wiser to acquire after the fact...another time. Though the words coming out of the Chiss from the doorway, pointing directly at the helmeted Sith. Breathing in, he let the breath out as it was strangely amplified with a very calm voice.

"I would lower that finger before it is found elsewhere in the bar. That fellow outside attempted to pull a blaster towards my side for some loose credits...I instead insisted that his life was so meaningless, he should donate something very rare to me. He obliged...and he died. I got what I skin intact...and his life now given new purpose."

It was bluntly explained but also cryptic, a small wicked smile was under the helmet but he spoke no further for now.

Kera Laphisto Laphisto Cambyses Cambyses Captain Love Captain Love


“That’s not what I saw.” Kera started. “Who do you think your fooling? The first words out of your mouth were literally a threat?” The Chiss strode over to the bar and ordered waved down the bartender to order a drink. “Look, I don’t really care about the cold blooded murder, but don’t lie about it.” He turned to face the helmeted individual. “It’s unbecoming of you.”
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
being seated near the two men he would half chuckle swirling his glass and shaking his head softly " life and death, the natural order of the galaxy, we all have our own fates, when and where we die is but the natural order of things " with a small shrug the Kiev'arian would half chuckle taking a drink of his beverage and letting his eyes glance from one man then to the other

the two soldiers accompanying him remained in a relaxed position one even taking the time to help himself to a beverage, removing his helmet and setting it to the side

" some would say the force has already predetermined our beginning and ending if you believe in such things" with a small shrug he would turn his gaze back towards his beverage eyes glancing to his communicator on occasion

Kera Lord Ki Lord Ki
"What you saw was a foolish man trying to hold me up. A foolish man that got his blaster into my hand, got shot and saw his own life taken into new purpose. As this one had said, Life and Death, the natural order and how when death occurs, new life begins. I have explored that nearly my entire life, I have found answers that most would find accursed, blasphemy and heretical. But let me be clear when I mention all the events that occurred..."

The helmeted Sith finally turned to look with his blackened eye sockets directly at the Chiss, waiting just a few short pause moments before speaking again.

"I don't have much if any reason to lie...witnesses saw it and I can get the prime example of a witness in...ten minutes."

Laphisto Laphisto Kera

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