Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The ending of an Era The turning of a page

It was a dark and stormy night on Kashyyk, Nova had very recently found that she was very force sensitive and she decided to go in search of training. As she arrived at the very large Jedi Temple she was escorted in and shown to a room, she was told she would meet her Master the next morning, Nova thought this may be a very good change for her, tho the weather said otherwise

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic woke up early next morning, he had been informed that there was a new Padawan looking for a Master. Somehow, he had ended being the one chosen for the role, stretching out Yuroic heard the bad weather outside. He remembered his first day as a Padawan, he was blown away by the whole Temple and Jedi Order. He decided to wear something less traditional Jedi robes and his casual street wear. Jeans, shirt and a hooded jacket with a leather jacket over the top. Strapped to his holster were his two Lightsabers and a simple small blaster. This was all part of his plan, he wanted to show this new Padawan what a Jedi looks like in the Galaxy. They were no longer traditionalist with robes and unable to change their ways.

Walking through the halls, he passed the many Jedi on their way around, back in his early training, being around so many new people terrified him and he was unable to work. He entered the room and saw the red haired girl waiting for him. Coughing gently, "Hey, I'm Yuroic Xeraic, Knight that works with the Silver Jedi Order. I am to be your new Master." He said in a warm tone.

[member="Nova Finley"]
Nova would hear the thunder and the wind whipped rain, she had always loved storms. As she looked into her mirror she would fix her hair pulling it back hald up and half down. She wasnt your typical jedi that thought emotions were the key to the darkside, she believed that emotions were the key to unlocking ones true potential. As her master entered the room she would blush, he was so cute but she wasnt going to let on just yet. "Hello I am Nova"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
He noticed her quick blush as he entered, he never thought much of it past beyond nerves. His aura was emitting a calm sensation for her and himself. "So, I'm a mixture of Lightsaber combat and using the Force. I will teach you all I know and there will be lessons held by other Masters that you may attend and I fully recommend looking into the archives and deciding what you wish to learn." He took a seat as he settled down and looked at her.

"So, what skills do you have in and outside the Force? Just want to get an understanding of who you are?" Yuroic was happy to share parts of his story with her. Some parts were too dark to be shared with any person. Even those he was much closer with.

[member="Nova Finley"]
"In the force I have no skills whatsoever, however outside of the force I am a pretty good shot with a blaster, I am a decent hand to hand combant and my piloting skills are pretty good." She said smiling at him

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Nodding, she came from a similar line like himself, late to the Order but plenty of skills outside of the Force. Standing, he wandered over to a weapons cache and grabbed a training saber. "This will be your weapon for now, treat it well and it will serve you in kind. This is a temporary weapon till you reach a skill suitable for a Lightsaber." Yuroic commented, his Master did the same with him as he crossed his arms and looked her over.

"Training is not going to be easy and you will pushed to your limits and beyond." Yuroic commented as he observed his new Padawan. "I can teach you survival skills and some other practical things I learned before being a Force User and since then. Anything you wish to ask me?" He was committed to being open and allowing his Padawans a chance to speak to him.

[member="Nova Finley"]
"I would love to learn the survival skills" She said taking the training saber gingerly from his hand. She knew she shouldnt but she couldnt stop herself from being mesmerised by her masters roguish attractiveness. "I have no questions master"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Jumping to his feet, he smiled to her. "Great, well lets kick things off with some combat training, see how well you can use that saber for now." Yuroic picked up another training saber before removing his two jackets, his shirt was white and tight to his well formed body, his robotic arm silver shone whenever the lightning cracked. Part of his regretted wearing jeans to fight in but he'd been in enough real life fights to know how to cope with wearing them. His style wasn't that flambouyant of Ataru, though he occasionally would borrow a move or two thanks to the openness of Niman.

Placing his sabers aside, he activated the training saber and smirked, he remembered the days he run off fighting for the Silver Jedi with nothing but this type of weapon. He was so fresh that most opponents would mock him openly during combat. However, he was dangerous back then due to stubborn attitude and his inability to stick to one form, now he was dangerous thanks to over a decade of determined training and a stubborn attitude that never faded. This wasn't going to be one sided however, he decided to be one the defensive to gauge her ability with a weapon like this.

"Come at me, don't worry, these sabers aren't lethal." Yuroic stated as he moved to a Soresu stance, traditionally defensive stance.

[member="Nova Finley"]
Nova would quickly ignite her saber, she had never trained with these weapons before but she knew enough of the tactics of hand to hand combat that she knew to keep tension in her abs and her hips, she would keep tension there as her red hair was illuminated with every flash of lightning. She would rush towards him, bringing her saber up making sure to keep her guard up while doing it. She would bring it down and assuming it hit his she would then wait for his move, if not she would withdraw getting her thoughts

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic watched as the young woman steeled herself for the fight. She then rushed towards him and showed him exactly where she was aiming to strike at him. Ducking, Yuroic sidestepped the entire move and ended up in a perfect position to strike from behind. "Be aware not to show your attack until you are ready to strike. Be aware that moving in close leaves a chance to dodge and counter easily. This is very different to hand to hand combat were getting in close is an advantage, being in close is a risk must be calculated one." He stepped away, making some room between them. "Being aggressive is good as well, I will teach you Shii-Cho, Djem So and a little Soresu, these will demonstrate some of the variety each form has. Shii-Cho is basic and a form all Padawans will master, Djem So is a common form and favoured by most Sith and Soresu is a form based on defense."

He then gestured for her to attack again.

[member="Nova Finley"]
Nova would spin as her attack missed completely, she would listen to every word her master said. She would then very calculated begin to circle the center of the room with him. She would then just as quickly as before but without moving as close or raising her saber attack him, she would go for a low swipe using her small stature to her advantage not letting her guard down

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic waited as she moved in close, this time she had been more careful, hiding her low attack till late. He smiled, she was a fast learner which was good. He blocked the attack and twirled his blade to be striking straight at her chest in response. "Your enemies will be aggressive most likely. Few Sith have the patience to master Soresu, so their attacks will be aggressive and attacking you hard and fast. You must be able to block and dodge all attacks that come your way, quick on your feet as well as able to strike hard in response. Niman offers you the chance to be both aggressive and defensive for when the situation calls for either but it takes much longer to learn as you have to be good in all forms to master what Niman teaches."

He ran at her then jumped over her head and landed behind her, gracefully on his feet as he struck at her back. "Now try to block my oncoming attacks, I will be setting the pace now." He spoke with a warning tone that this was not going to be easy. He held his saber, waiting for her to defend herself as he planned his attacks in his mind.

[member="Nova Finley"]
The short redhead would listen as her master continued to teach her, she was grateful for him agreeing to take her on as his padawan learner. She was very interested in Niman for it seemed a very balanced way to go about saber dueling. She believed that this style would be good for her, she was very light on her feet and very flexible.

As her master jumped over her she would turn and just as he hit the floor she would be already facing him. She would ready her guard, she would bring her saber up ready

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
She was guarded up, Yuroic anticipated this, rushing forward at her. Before he reached Nova, Yuroic used the Force and sent up sand to hit her in the eye, with that distraction, he went with a low sweep of her legs and then slamming the training saber down towards her. It was not exactly fair tactics but these were tactics that one must always be aware of when out in combat. The environment was not only an ally but it was a weakness if your opponent knew how to use it just as well. He paused to take in what she would do next, relaxing himself into a strong guarded position.

"Beware of the environment, an opponent can use the Force to utilise it against you while you are struggling with nature, they have the chance to go in for the kill. Never allow an opponent to gain the upper hand, be prepared to think outside the box, that is the best way to fight."

[member="Nova Finley"]
Nova didnt see this tactic coming but she knew that he might try something dirty, so she would very quickly lower her guard to where she assumed he would go for. She had managed to block it to just a glancing blow on her leg. She would quickly make herself ready again, she already got the sand out of her eyes.

She would then make herself steady then she would move in on him, she was prepared to use a technique she had learned in hand to hand combat but she figured it would translate well. This technique was a series of full body strikes to find weak points in the opponents guard

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Yuroic was surprised she handled his attacks well, but there was always room for improvement. She started her aggressive attacks on him, something he had predicted, going back to Soresu he blocked and defended himself with the ease of a man who was a decade long practitioner. Using the Force again, he pulled her leg towards him as she stepped in closer, tripping her without having to move in close. Throwing his robotic arm, he would do this in real combat as well, his arm was made from metal that resisted Lightsaber damage so it often put his opponent on the backfoot.

"Be wary of opponents having limbs that are not flesh and bone. Some opponents have been in combat longer than us and have suffered due to this." Yuroic stated, his focus still in the combat but he briefly remembered his battle on Mirial. That fight had opened up the realisation of the dangers in cyborgs.

[member="Nova Finley"]
Nova was not ready for either of these attacks, she would find herself on her back staring up at the ceiling. As the arm hit her she decided to just stay down for now, she had lost easily. Her world was spinning

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Taking her hand, he lifted her onto her feet and offered her a smile. "Don't feel disheartened, I could never beat my Master in combat either during my early years. For now, lets cool down and do some meditation to relax and allow us both to connect to the Force on a natural level." He used the Force to dim the lighting to allow the current mood to set in. There was always a unique feeling when one connection to the Force.

"Take a seat, make sure you are comfortable as we begin, this will be a gentle and peaceful introduction to the Force. Many people use the Force in aggressive and destructive manners, however, the Force is neither destructive or passive. The Force is just around, it is how one utilises it that determines how it acts. Today will be peaceful levitating and connecting with the Force. So relax your mind, let your mind sense the Force that is all around you."

[member="Nova Finley"]
Nova would blush as she was helped up, she would try to suppress said blush, for it was against the Jedi code. That wouldnt stop the feelings from being there. Nova would Then smile and as the lights dimmed she would take a seat, she would cross her legs getting very comfortable. She didnt really know much about the force except that it flowed through and around everything and everyone "I am ready master"

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

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