Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Enemy of My Enemy

The forests of Ruusan were usually quiet, well at least while Kaidan was around, but sounds, weather or anything that was happening around him was unimportant for him, Ruusan is where he decided to set up a base and mine for Iridium, it is also the place where he heard the Jedi used to have a Temple, if that is true then it should be a neutral ground for what he intended.

He wanted to meet with the jedi leaders, which is why he sent an encrypted message to them, to [member="Corvus Raaf"] specifically, it was rather dubious and he expected her to not come alone, the only named that was given to her was that of "Overlord" for in his eyes, she needed not to know more, not yet at least.
Jedi were far more peaceful than him, yet many times he would be seen as a jedi because of his calm nature, dark or light, it didn't matter now, all he saw was the enemy, the sith.

Kaidan's ship arrived on the planet and landed rather quietly, not too far from the meeting point, he just got on the ground and walked to it as if he would be a fool that didn't took any precaution, or was he? Only he knows if there is any plan B if this meeting turns into a war.
At the meeting point Kaidan stood straight with his hands at the back, his helm protecting his face from the eyes of the others.

Ruusan, despite its meagre size, had become a world of major importance to both the Galactic Republic and the One Sith. Strategically located on the edges of the Inner Rim, it also stood at what most considered the border between the Republic's dangerous frontier and its safe and secure Core. Ruusan was a symbol. Now, as it was all those years ago, conquering it represented the inevitable advance of the One Sith and their conquest of the Galactic Republic; liberating it would be emblematic of the Jedi’s ability to drive the invaders away and protect the Republic's citizens. The result then was an endless cycle of battles, with neither side willing to admit defeat.

It was an era of history that Corvus loved more than any other. If history taught you anything it is that it tends to repeat itself.

The planet had been laid to waste more than once and having led the Jedi in reclaiming the lands only a short while ago, Corvus knew that the recent battles meant they’d lost it again. The One Sith war machine would be marching here soon. It was inevitable.

But for today she was here for a different but related reason. A Jedi named Kaidan had sent her an encrypted message. She took Raven and headed for the coordinates given. She was honest and sometimes naïve. So she headed straight for the rendezvous site. A figure was already there, so she landed and quickly disembarked.

She was dressed in her standard Jedi robes and she took no special precautions. Instead she relied on something she had done since she was four. The Force. If there was something she needed to be aware of, the Force would tell her. It always did.

So she strode to where the Jedi was standing and bowed. Smiling she said, “I am Corvus. You must be Kaidan.”

[member="Kaidan Hawk"]
Kaidan moved his right hand to his heart and bowed respectfuly in front of the jedi master "You need not to bow master jedi, although an Overlord of the spectres, I deserve none of your respect." He was honest and said it straight, she probably didn't know who he was supposed to be an alliance can't be formed on lies, he had to tell her the truth, the whole truth "Not always have I been like this, there was a time when these hands took the lives of many, there was a time when I would have despised your presence, but that person exists no more, not even in name." He took a deep Breath and continued "I won't lie, I am not sith, I am not jedi, they call me "imperial knight" yet there are so many things I do not share with them, I do not know what I am neither who, so I chosed to be what the galaxy needs me to be, a spectre, one that intends to offer you his aid in the battles to come if you accept." He said then waited for an answer, his man were loyal to him, they respected him, they loved him, trusted him, yet he was alone, always alone in search of answers never showing the others the turmoil in his soul.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="stardust"]
Corvus half-smiled. “I bow through choice, not because I have to. There is a difference. And I’m not even sure it’s a subtle one. Everyone deserves my respect. For to decide someone does not is to put myself above them. And that would never do.”

And she listened. “You may be surprised to learn that what is most important to me is good. Good over evil. I will not for one moment suggest that I, as a Jedi, would permit my actions to waver even one degree from the Code, I do not expect every other individual to be the same. We form many alliances with those that would not necessarily join our Order. But that does not mark us or them as better than the other. Different yes, but the similarities are more important. We fight evil.”

“The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend — but it is a good place to start. I suspect your group believes it is doing the right thing. And that is always a point from which we can start to talk.”

[member="Kaidan Hawk"]
He was surprised, Kaidan didn't thought he would hear such wise words, even from one who is in the council "That we do... Master jedi"
He begun, "Lord Argalus is long dead as much as I am concerned, there is only Kaidan Hawk now. We do not share the code but we share the goal, I think we both agree the sith are a force to be reckoned, one that must be stopped. I promise you that my men will never hurt an innocent intentionally and I will never use such methods even if that means capturing a sith." He was honest, aware of not, he wanted to redeem himself.. to be a good man, but not with the sith, that much was clear. "I will offer aid in any battle the jedi order will need help aswell as informations about the enemy, as to why would I be so willing to help... I can't say much, but I can say our resources are far from limited and my men cannot break to the enemy. I trust you understand the secrecy, it is hard to trust in times such as these but I do hope for aid from your part aswell. Since some of your jedi are part of the spectres already, an alliance would allow our members to have a free passing among us I hope." He gave no names though, he knew they wouldn't be punished, but he wouldn't do that without their accord.

"Sooner or later, the sith will have their secrets revealed and if they will be mine, they will also be yours. What do you say, master jedi?" He asked stretching his right hand forward, many would probably think he's a fool for what he does, but Kaidan seemed confident, he seemed to know what he's doing and is probably right, he has nothing to loose from trusting the jedi, nor his spectres, whatever would happen, there will always be an Overlord be it Kaidan or another, there will always be the spectres.

[member="stardust"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled. “See if you can see yourself to calling me Corvus? Is that OK? It feels a lot more natural for me, believe me.”

But she listened to her companion’s thoughts with interest. “I concur. The Sith will always be a force to be reckoned with and the One Sith are, in my opinion, only going to be beaten if they beat themselves.”

“Unless we act coherently. And that also means on many fronts — but in a controlled way. The New Jedi Order had success recently when the One Sith attacked a Republic world, they raided Coruscant.”

“Those are tactics where the juggernaut can be attacked. Head on is of limited effect. But coordinated strikes, to ensure they can’t focus in every direction at once. That may well prove the key.”

“So an alliance sounds entirely plausible. And with the Galactic Republic too. Not just the Order. But that is outside of my jurisdiction. You’d need to speak to the Senate on that one.”

“And forgive my ignorance. Tell me more about the spectres.”

[member="Kaidan Hawk"]
"Then it's settled." Kaidan started with a smile, it couldn't be seen beneath that mask though, "War is won not by the greatest warrior but by the smartest, Ma-... Corvus. If we colaborate we can defeat this foes as our ancestors did before us." The sith were though, he knew it, but so was he, even if it looked different, that was still an imperial knight armor, he was still a bladesman and those gloves of his were still made of cortosis, he would not abandon this fight, nor his commanders. "As for the spectres... I could say we also got our own code, one that my men respect and follow, they are not machines, but orders are usually followed and battles fought until the end, those who do not however... well they aren't spectres. As our name suggests, we prefer stealth, caution, precision, in short, organised operations instead of rushing into battle blindly. As for leadership, If I die, another will take my place, if he dies, another will take his place, no matter what, there will be an overlord and there will be the spectres. They are not all commandos but they are all willing and loyal, sometimes that is all I need." It went better than he expected, so Kaidan could not complain about anything. An alliance with the Republic was also welcomed.
Corvus smiled. A soft and friendly affair. “I’m never sure wars are ever won. The price of victory is invariably too great. But I understand your sentiment.”

“An alliance is a sensible approach, but rest assured the ends do not justify the means. Should allying with you ever jeopardise our principles, then we would need to reconsider. Yes we have allied with Dark Jedi in the past. And we shall again. But only if their intentions are true. If you can maintain that, then we shall work well together.”

“Your Order sounds much like our Shadows. Stealth is their preferred weapon. And at times they sail close to the Code — but they never cross it. So, is there anything else you need from me?”

[member="Kaidan Hawk"]

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