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Approved NPC The Enmity Occult

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Caedyn Arenais


  • Intent: To provide the Silver Jedi Concord with a rival, anti-government and anti-force user activist movement.
  • Image Credit: Click here.
  • Role: Faction Opposition.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: The Silver Jedi Concord.
  • Unit Name: The Enmity Occult.
  • Affiliation: The Silver Jedi Concord.
  • Classification: Activist, Militia, Civilian.
  • Description: The Enmity Occult is a mostly civilian movement with some military veterans assisting in the training of activist militia group. Recruitment started out via the Holonet and the movement eventually grew to become more organized. The Militia within the Enmity Occult is the most aggressive form of the activist establishment, whereas other aspects involve protestors groups, and criminal "Hacktivists".
  • Unit Size: Large.
  • Unit Availability: Common.
  • Unit Experience: Recruit.
  • Equipment: Blasters, Standard Issue Armor, Civilian Grade Tech.
  • Combat Function: Guerilla Tactics, Public Riots, Active Protests, Holonet Hacking and Propaganda.
  • We, The People: The Enmity Occult is largely made up of civilian personnel making it difficult to identify members of this activist organization from any other ordinary civilian. Furthermore, they are able to travel via public transit without alerting the authorities, enabling them to be widespread across Silver space with no sure way of knowing just how many there are.
  • Freedom Fighters: The Enmity Occult are driven by the belief that they are fighting for a righteous cause, freeing the people from the shackles of government corruption and the oppression of Force Users, thus inspiring each other to push the limits beyond the law, as well as spreading propaganda for mass recruitment purposes.
  • The Average Joe: The Enmity Occult is largely made up of civilians with little or no military training leaving much to be desired in the way of combatant tactics and skilled warfare. Their technology and grade of weapons are significantly less than that of any trained military organization.
  • Non-Force Users: The Occult is strictly against the inclusion of Force Users within their ranks and therefore commonly resort to guerilla tactics and terrorist acts against Jedi establishments within Silver Space.

The Enmity Occult first took form as a public protest on Commenor outside of the Concord's House of Commons building, aggravated by the Concord's inability to provide an adequate defence against the Bryn'adul, and blaming the Silver Jedi Order for stone-walling any viable solution to strengthen the military powers capable of having avoided the recent loss of seven Silver Worlds, the Silver Jedi have become the target of public slander across the holonet while the Concord has seen regular protests become heated and often-times resulting in fighting with the local authorities trying to maintain order.
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