Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
Tarkin Memorial Conference Center
Main Conference Room
The room was still, silent, save for the inhaling and exhaling of the guards stationed near the doors. Much of the Conference Center was filled with tension, as a multitude of guards patrolled the corridors within and the grounds without. Seat in a large chair in the main conference room, Tasgetius waited with peaked fingers pressed together. His chin resting against his out stretched thumbs as he kept his eyes closed. Taking in a deep breath he felt a small sting, wincing slightly from the memory of the still healing wound that was in his side. The damn thing hadn't closed up entirely yet, and he was putting himself in a position of danger with what he was about to suggest to those that he had hoped would attend.
The Galaxy was ever changing, and soon it would lose two of the more powerful governmental entities that held the Southern reaches of the Outer Rim Territories in check. It was clear that the moment that they were no more, the One Sith, the Republic, the Techno Union, you name it, they would be making a push to gather and secure more territory. Even if he had no need to worry about those, there were still plenty more in the means of danger and salivating beasts at home in the Terminus System. Mercenary Fleets, if left unchecked could just as easily bring about the end of his plans before they could be put into play.
For him the days of the Knights of Kal'Shebbol were over. They had their peak long ago, and after they hobbled on into the Omega Protectorate, they slowly slipped away as their members found their own ways in the Galaxy. His vision though was focused on securing the Southern reaches of the Outer Rim Territories, and the memories of an old Order did not serve him. Those memories though were still there, there in the metal hand that rest against his graying beard as he sighed.
Slowing opening his eyes, he looked about the room, the chairs still empty as he looked to the guards, two standing at each door. They weren't just for his own security, they were for those whom he hoped would arrive, and in the event that they did, he was sure they would have their own security. More than anything it was to deal with a memory from the past, as not all of the Summits on Eriadu were peaceful or even came to a conclusion.
[member="Ashin Varanin"]
[member="William Kerkov"]