Dungeon Master
Calico had missed her so very much. It was a dull ache in the back of his mind; always there, and not always welcome. His time in the Protectorate had caused nothing but grief. His service to the 'fellow man'--mongrels, using his kin as body shields against the Confederacy-- had amounted to nothing more than a fancy title. A title he did not need, nor did he want. Life was losing its purpose--except for the messages Zandra would send him. He couldn't always reply, but he often found himself reading them over in the dead of night.
The former Commando was not afraid to show his emotions. It was something his father, and his brother--the manda rest his soul-- had taught him. It was a sign of strength to let one's feelings be known. A sign of courage, and a show of humility. It humbled him; made him a better man and a better father. Now, his sons were grown. Many had passed on long before they deserved, and those that survived kept in close contact. While he showed his love for his sons, he hadn't shown it for Zandra. Not truly, and was it really love? The Echani haunted him, that much he knew.
His death had been a faked rather well. A border skirmish between the two nations resulted in his shuttle venting into space. What wasn't noticed, was the Belbulab leaving the ship's hangers in its dying moments. Calico had taken to the stars, and sent out a message for the woman who had become much a centerpoint in his life.
"Disregard whatever you hear. I survived, and I'd rather that stay quiet. Where are you, I want to see you, please?" It was a simple message, but it said what needed to be said.
The former Commando was not afraid to show his emotions. It was something his father, and his brother--the manda rest his soul-- had taught him. It was a sign of strength to let one's feelings be known. A sign of courage, and a show of humility. It humbled him; made him a better man and a better father. Now, his sons were grown. Many had passed on long before they deserved, and those that survived kept in close contact. While he showed his love for his sons, he hadn't shown it for Zandra. Not truly, and was it really love? The Echani haunted him, that much he knew.
His death had been a faked rather well. A border skirmish between the two nations resulted in his shuttle venting into space. What wasn't noticed, was the Belbulab leaving the ship's hangers in its dying moments. Calico had taken to the stars, and sent out a message for the woman who had become much a centerpoint in his life.
"Disregard whatever you hear. I survived, and I'd rather that stay quiet. Where are you, I want to see you, please?" It was a simple message, but it said what needed to be said.