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Approved NPC The Evocati Legions

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The Evocati Legions



  • Unit Name: Evocati Legion | Evocati Legionary
  • Affiliation: Darth Callidus, Sith Order
  • Classification: Infantry
  • Description: The Evocati Legion was created by Darth Callidus to help cement her rule over the world of Denab, and to begin the process of expanding her influence. Equipped with all black armor with red markings, each legionary is different than the man next to him as they each decorate their armor as they see fit. Red cloaks are worn in ceremonial roles and discarded when the legionaries go into battle. The first generation of soldiers are drawn from volunteers across Denab, while future legionaries are grown in rapid cloning vats.
  • Unit Size: Large
  • Unit Availability: Common
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: The Evocati Legion are a shock assault infantry force first and foremost. They will deploy in rapid assault ships to move in and engage enemy ground units in open combat. They will continuously push forward, no matter the losses taken, and secure objectives to be fortified and reinforced. They are the main line of any military offense undertaken by Darth Callidus, and form the bulk of her occupation forces.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A
  • Heavy Armor: The Evocati Legions are equipped with heavy armor reinforced with blaster resistant material, allowing legionaries to wade into incoming enemy fire with a reasonable expectation of shrugging it off.
  • Adaptation: The Evocati Legions are equipped with multiple weapons, each one meant for a different purpose. They are able to fight enemy forces at medium, short and close quarters with efficiency.
  • Unimaginative: Given the flash cloning and training legionaries undergo, most soldiers lack a sense of imagination when it comes to their orders, and will follow them to the letter, whether such actions lead to their deaths.
  • Support: Evocati Legions are made up entirely of infantry units. Their flash training focuses on infantry tactics and equipment, and given their narrow mindset, they are unable to properly learn to operate advanced machinery of vehicles. They must rely on other units to engage enemy heavy vehicles or aircraft.
The method in which Darth Callidus came to rule over Denab was hardly peaceful. Pitting two warring factions against one another and rising to the top above a mountain of the dead and betrayed, there were many who wished to see Callidus toppled from her elevated position. Assassination attempts, terroristic attacks and continued, low level insurrection elements plagued Denab and Darth Callidus, and she determined that a new approach was needed.

Drafting the first volunteers for the Evocati Legion from the loyal populace of Denab, Callidus set in motion a project to secure cloning equipment for mass production of future soldiers, set the Denab Royal Engineering company to creating their armor, and secured equipment from across Sith Order space for their use.

The first Evocati Legionaries proved highly effective at hunting down the last remnants of Denab's resistance forces. As more legionaries entered service, the iron grip Callidus sought to extend across Denab began to tighten, and within the first few weeks, the Evocati Legions are locked down control of Denab for their mistress. Now, they have begun to see deployment to other worlds across and near Sith space, each deployment intended to further the goals of Darth Callidus.

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Darth Callidus Darth Callidus

This is a great submission. There are two things I would ask so we can get this approved.

1. EQUIPMENT: Could you list the weapons by their name. Marking what is primary or secondary is okay, but it since NPC units are often used in PvP settings it is good for the writers in the thread to understand clearly what the load out is.

2. PRIMARY WEAPON: Your primary weapon is a submission affiliated to the Sith Empire. There are two issues there. The Sith Order is not the Same as the Sith Empire. Second the affiliation link in the submission you provided is broken. You will need to swap out the weapon or gain permission from the original submission author of the weapon.

Let me know once you have that done and I will get this taken care of for you.
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