Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Starship The Exchange

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Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Very High
Width: High
Height: Large
Size: Humongous



  • Length: 100km
  • Width: 100km
  • Height: 100km


  • Docking Bays
  • Life Support
  • Traffic Control
  • Offices
  • Market
  • Shops
  • Warehouses
  • Hydroponics


  • Hypergate


  • Storage:
    • The vast majority of the station is taken up with an incredible amount of warehouse space, allowing for the transhipping of goods or their storage for extended periods of time. There are coolers, freezers, secure storage and plain warehouses allowing for the storage of any goods that you might want.
  • The Mall:
    • The centre of the station contains a mall with stalls which can be rented by small shops, larger shops can be found on higher levels, as well as offices for corporations that wish to set up shop in the Exchange. A variety of hotels and recreation areas can also be found in the central hub.


  • Defenceless:
    • The Exchange is equipped with no weapons, only shields, tractor beams and point defenses, meaning that if a pirate or offensive army were to find it the station would be unable to defend itself.


The idea of a trade port is nothing new, every planet, every culture had one, a place where trade was paramount above all, where business could thrive.
The Exchange is just that, a trade port, far away from the control of politics and galactic upheaval, where traders can safely transfer and store goods, where shops can sell and casino’s entice customers...for a price.
It’s a gigantic station, built and operated by Locke and Key Mechanics, a galactic name in business and innovation as part of an initiative to boost trade and prosperity across the galaxy. With access limited to the hypergates, the traders were guaranteed a free market away from governmental taxation, of course, any goods that were traded on the station were still subject to customs and duties when they left and proceeded to market, however it was now easy for a trader on Corellia to purchase stock from a Fondorian factory and hold it in the exchange ready to be transhipped all over the galaxy.
While the station isn’t built with the most cutting edge technology and materials, that isn’t what was needed here. The Exchange was built to survive and to not break down, with redundant systems and the common technology that was prevalent throughout the galaxy. That way, it didn’t matter what happened, what disasters occured, repairing the station and keeping it operational to facilitate galactic trade.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a space station for a project
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/a
Permissions: N/a

Technical Information

Affiliation: Locke and Key Mechanics
Model: The Exchange
Starship Class: Other
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel. Transparisteel, Other standard Materials
Armaments: None
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 500
Optimal Crew: 5000
Passenger Capacity: 20000
Cargo Capacity: Extreme
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
John Locke John Locke

  • The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
  • And it is just a request, would you be so nice to add this to the template too? It is not part of the pre-made fields but with these it is easier to imagine the dimensions ofthe Exchange.
    • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: Differs based on manufacturer and affiliation. See Factory Rules.)
    • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: Differs based on manufacturer and affiliation. See Factory Rules.)
    • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: Differs based on manufacturer and affiliation. See Factory Rules.)
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