Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fallen | Servant, Explorer, Guard, Monster.

General Information
Name: The Fallen
Aliases: Xeaniri (Sky Dancer)
Age: 300
Species: Fosh-S'kytri Hybrid
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Dark
Location of Birth: Unknown Regions
Faction: N/A
Rank: N/A


Height: 5'9
Weight: One Hundred and Forty Pounds
Physical Build: Lithe
Eye Color: Pale Yellow
Skin/Feather Color: Varies Depending on Mood

Psychological Information
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship Status: N/A
Morale: Unshakable
Mental Health: Servile

Strengths & Weaknesses
The Dark Holds
Sorcery and Alchemy can sometimes lose touch with reality and the Fallen is no exception to this. Thanks to the countless hours of shaping and experimentation that led to the Fallen's conception, the heart of darkness keeps ticking until the end of time and will slowly regenerate accumulated wounds with each passing beat. This however does not make the Fallen invincible, it will still die if given enough flak or exposed to it's ultimate weakness...
The Light Separates
Dark Side tampering and hands built the Fallen, it would be only fitting that the Light Side would swallow and destroy it. Light Side force powers will no doubt cause severe harm to the creature of darkness, concentrated Force Light will quite literally tear the alchemical bonds holding the Fallen apart, and so would be the end.
The Eyes that See, The Wings that take Flight
With the shaping and modifications to the once two separate individuals that now share the form of one, the Fallen shares traits of both species involved in its conception alongside specific alterations wished by its creators. Wings that allows the Fallen to take flight into the skies, eyes that allow perfect vision even at such high altitudes, talons for feet, a razor sharp beak and an overall physique that utilizes speed and agility rather than strength; the Fallen is exemplary at the roles that its creators wished for it to undertake.
Set in Stone
Being extremely capable in the roles that its creators wished for it to undertake, this too acts as a double edged sword; with such a shaped creation in such a specific way and purpose, it is highly unlikely that it will be able to adapt to undertake tasks that do not fit its purpose. It will never be capable of performing actions that favor strength over agility or anything that goes against the original will of its creators. Things can be shaped and changed, teachings can be given for it to understand new skills or talents; having it carry them out and try and shake the servile mentality that has been drilled into it since conception is a whole other challenge entirely.
Servile until the End
Mentally, the Fallen is not an individual, it is not it's own person with its own identity and thoughts. Instead, the drilling and shaping into a servant to its master has suppressed and outright eradicated any sense of identity. It lives to serve and will do so until its master lies dead or it dies in its service. Though where one might drop the whip, another will always pick it up. Being a creature of the Dark Side, binding the Fallen to one's will is always a possibility.

Still able to utilize its hands to hold and interact with objects, the Fallen usually carries some form of weapon with it depending on the situation that it finds in. Typically for passive situation or certain combat situations it carries a Vibrospear, allowing it to utilize its agility and capacity of flight to close distance and enter melee range to deliver a decisive, brutal blow. Typically however, for its typical approach to combat, it will utilize hit and run tactics using a variety of blasters to engage enemies at a long range capacity. It is incapable of utilizing heavy weapons, however, thanks to its lack of the strength required to handle and operate these weapons effectively.
Forged from basic materials, thanks to a lack of access to unique materials and no real requirement to fit the Fallen with such things, the Fallen is equipped with a typical armor set that acts as light armor and lack of restrictiveness regarding movement. This armor will typically be able to stop several blaster bolts before becoming compromised. After all, the agility and sheer rapidness of the Fallen's movements should be enough to duck and weave through enemy fire or move out of the way of threats, at least in theory.

Force Abilities

Extra Information
Backstory: Deep within the Unknown Regions of space, around Four Hundred years ago, a master of the Dark stood alone against the Galaxy. His vision, his will was his own, something that his peers in the Dark arts were wary of, his lust for power was simply too great and his means to obtain it? He would stop at nothing, morals were pushed aside. To all, he was insane, yet another who fell to the clutches of the Dark Side of the Force and was consumed by his ambitions and his desires. Four Hundred years ago, the master of the Dark was hunted down and thus fled to the Unknown Regions of Space. His pursuers lost his trail, allowing him to slink into the shadows and focus on bringing his plans to fruition. So his so called 'comrades' in the Dark Side of the Force wished him dead too? No matter, they wouldn't find him and if they did, he would be ready for them.
The Dark Master was one within the arts of Sorcery and Alchemy and so his time was spent experimenting and shaping his destiny with the knowledge that he had been given throughout his lifetime. Not alone on his vessel, his crew became the very clay that he used to shape his dreams. Crewmen, soldiers and everything else under his command became twisted under his molding hands; they were no longer people, they were resources in his eyes, the very materials that he used to shape his new 'crew', his new power-base of twisted abominations and unending servitude. A zealous horde of creatures to ensure his vessel would always operate, always be ready... Though the true capability in combat was an unproven theory, though this went completely over the Master's mind, a significant oversight to his vision. Though every day that passed, the more his delusions got the better of him.
The Master required a personal servant amid the mindless monstrosities that littered his ship. A scout, a guard, a servant but still ultimately servile towards him and only him. It became his new goal as his mind fractured more and more, one that he would put his entire life into, and then some. It took hundreds of years, the life force of his entire ship becoming the gateway to extra life, feeding and powering himself to continue and live on to continue his life's work, the countless hours of shaping, sorcery, alchemy, the sheer level of care put into a singular being. Experiments tried and failed again and again yet this did not sway his ambitions. With what little he had left, he would ultimately bring two beings together; a Fosh and a S'kytri, perhaps the only two followers he had left under his service that he had left as their own beings thanks to their potentials with the force as his apprentices. Binding the two together through alchemical bonds, the unholy union of both races created a creature made from the darkest of hearts.
The Fallen was conceived, the mastercraft of a mad man. The horrors of the whole process still raging through its mind. It had to be made servile quickly, lest it would tear its creator apart, limb from limb in its confusion and rage. Two beings had become one, an identity conflicted and unsure, its body different, it was a nightmare that it wouldn't simply be able to wake itself from.
And so it was, the Master was cruel with his teachings but through the cruelty and the strife that the Fallen was put through, a new identity was formed; a servile attitude installed upon the Master's new subject. Once there was no threat of it turning upon his master, he trained it with the talents he wished for it to be capable of, what his hands had molded over countless years of work to perfect. The Master now had his perfect companion, having given all to craft it. After all was said and done, it was only the Master and the Fallen who remained on the ship as it drifted through the Unknown Regions. Rumors of the ship still carry weight, all these years later; a ghost ship of the damned, once home to a Master of the Dark who wished for nothing but the entire Galaxy to kneel at his feet, an army of chattering teeth and hungry eyes to enforce his rule.
Ship: N/A.
Kills: N/A

Notable Relations
Darth Metus - Master


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